T.I. Gets Key To City Of Jackson, MS
September 25, 2014 @ 9:06 AM EDT

King To The City.
T.I. was honored with the key to the City of Jackson, Mississippi yesterday. During his stay, he visited various schools and spoke on his criminal past and avoiding mistakes. Above is footage T.I. accepting the honor from the city’s mayor Tony Yarber. Photos courtesy of Exclusive Access.
Key to the city….to a felon??? Guess anything’s possible…shrug. Congrats tho.
Damn… he’s that short?
who remembers the song by Snow ‘Informer’. if this not some informant ass ishyt i don’t know what is. this dude crooked as st. ides. kinda nonsense is this? you got military issue guns, numerous gun and drug charges. talk a man down from jumping suicide……key to the city?
Nigga wtf this got to do wIth being an informant? You don’t snitch and get the key to the city.
most ppl snitch and get witness protection, thats if you’re not a celebrity that can be positioned to forward a governmental program. witness the pawns in the game. you give the key to the city to who? corroborators of your state agenda
Lmao take off the tinfoil hat my nigga. You sound as crazy as you look
Niggas dress code be looking like cartoon characters.
jacktown LOVES tip. #fact
I like his new entourage. Got father Alijah Mohammed in the background there on some Nation of Islam shit.
T.I stands for “Total Information”.
This snitch ass, corny dressed, Iggy Azealia tail hanger irritates me to no end.
His music fell off years ago. He had the nerve to ‘co-operate’ then turn around and drop Alpha Mega for the same thing. Someone needs to do a song called 404-577-TIPS.
That’s not even why I dislike him. It’s because his music sucks donkey balls yet he walks around as if he is honestly the king of the south. That snitch ain’t even the prince.
Officer Harris looks rather comfortable around his partners eh?….. Look at the smile on this snitch ass nigga…. Ha!
The hate is real tuck ya tails in ladies and tip never makes garbage music u niggas is butt hurt
dope. http://alltheparticulars.blogspot.com/
404 577 TIPS.
Everytime I see this nigga that’s all I’ma write.
Wow all of you have no life .. all of you are leeches to other peoples hapieness all of you fgts watch the court case and my god how long ago was that. Get money freaking hashtaggers