XXL ‘G-Unit Reunion’ Documentary
October 23, 2014 @ 4:58 PM EDT

50’s come along way from his grandmother’s basement. In this clip, The Unit give a tour of his Connecticut compound.
Coinciding with the release of their final XXL cover, the mag rounded up Fif, Banks, Yayo, Buck, and Kidd Kidd for a round table discussion. In the first part of their 40 minute conversation, the group discuss their break-up, reunion, fans, and more. $400,000 to make Buck’s case go away? Damn!
they needa put out a hit record…asap
they got dope records. don’t know why DJs aint playing them
cuz a lotta pple hate fifty n the g unit movement,,
yeah they trying to blackball the unit, he too grimy and real they dont want him in the game.
they all wanna hold hands and sing kumbaya by the fire with skirts on.
The actual DJs aren’t playing them because the actual songs are actually trashy.
WHAT THE HELL DO U KNOW? the music is out stupid they not playing it bcuz its wack
oy vey, this troll again, so anytime soon are ya gnna stop looking up my posts all over the internet?
stalker your infatuated with me smh
G-Unit is on life life support
MMG Already dead.
RapRadar has official changed to RossHaters.com
lol i didn’t say anything about MMG. its crazy how one cant be mentioned without the other.
strangely enough i like shit like this…the behind the scene shit.
All that rocking shit…lmao. 50 a fool.
As much dissing/beef that has been spewed between all of them (particularly Young Buck) this all seems a little fraudulent. People get on Game for being bipolar and shit but I really think Fif is just as bad. One minute your recording conversations of your loyal foot soldier opening up to you on some personal shit and putting it out on the radio, next your bringing him back into the fold. Then he goes off on Banks and Yayo about getting their own and how their leeches, then he goes solo and realizes he can’t sell on his own, smh. Everything just seems so ass backward with this situation.
Nah game has been officially declared bi-polar.
Fif should to the way he bounces back n forth off beefs as as well
It may look like fif is being bi-polar but its really because niggas around him are being bi-polar. Like he said about the game, 50 was giving the game songs from his album but yet the game was listening to jimmy henchmen more.
Damn, talk about the wrong person to listen to.
Y’all Game and Rozay fans be hating, got damn y’all muhfuckaz really hate 50 lol
I can understand Banks and Yayo coming back into the mix because that was the core, but BUCK?? How many mixtape projects has he released dissing the Fif? Money changes morals fa’real man, and Buck jumping back on the G-Unit bandwagon proves it.
All y’all niggaz do is hate,muhfuckaz don’t wanna listen and watch the video interview, naw y’all niggaz wanna comment hating shit on some niggaz you’ll never say that shit to,stop typing hating shit and try to get some pussy
If spotting n pointing out a fake ass nigga who goes back on everything they stood for and promoted in the public eye makes you a hater then I’d hate to think what to call niggaz that support these type of ppl.
Fuck u and gunit!!! Cheerleader ass bama
..we don’t respect yo feelings now move along
Aye pussy fuck you,yo mama if that bitch dead I hope it was a horrific death and bitch if you got kids,son or daughter I hope they get molested and end up dying from leukemia
im not @greenbergs i dont play that ish homie u sound like a hurt side bitch
You faggot bitch made ass nigga go kill yo self Fuckgurl
i will slap the rust off ya top lip bama ass…i HATE u internet emotional ass gangstas smh
Fuckgurl you a Ho and you kno it,I’m laughing at your pussy ass lol, bitch nigga you been on this G Unit post the last 2 days which means you have no life bitch nigga,no pussy getting ass coward,tuff typing ass thug
I see bitch ass niggaz like you on every G Unit Post trolling on some fuck nigga shit,all y’all no pussy getting ass niggaz do is ccomment hating shit about some niggaz you’ll never see nor talk shit to,you a get yo pussy kicked in if I ever see you
im not hard to find just ask pussy ass @greenbergs but the train or bus dont come my way broke ass cheerleader getting emotional over another dudes $
Bitch ass nigga you the one that’s emotional like a scorn bitter bitch.You been trolling acting tuff on this G Unit Post the last 2 days bitch,nigga you a Ho.You caught in yo feeling’s,weak ass nigga with free WiFi lol,lil nigga I’ll kick yo pussy in. Ol tuff ass nigga on his laptop/phone gangster on them keys nigga
im done u just ethered yourself smh
Get yo bitch ass on…you just obsessed G Unit with yo lame ass
Nigga you a Ho fo real, get off The Unit dick bitch,you sound hurt pussy .50 embarrassed yo favorite rapper bitch,you on a G Unit post lame.
lol your a cheerleader homie living in the past take your ass to queens with ya gunit shirt and sneakers on and see how stupid u look the movement is dead…its 2014 and that new video is wack with them cheap ass suits on kidd kidd was the worst lmao
It’s funny how all y’all bitch ass niggas who be hating on G Unit actually watch all they videos and interviews.I bet any amount of money that you follow 50,Banks,Buck,Yayo and Kidd Kidd on Twitter and Instagram. Nigga you a bitter scorn bitch.they must’ve ran some bitch you was in love with. Maybe yo mama got ran by The Unit
Fif stay desperate to keep a legitimate buzz these days fa’real.
you are the biggest bitch i seen on rap radar to date
How many? I stopped paying attention….was he really going in, in direct disses like game did? Personal Shit ad everything?.
Yes he directly dissed Fif and had a number of tracks getting on him. He even came out with a track with Game dissin’ Fif so yea Buck ain’t got no ground to stand up and talk about “loyalty”. Loyalty comes at a price for Buck, that’s why I can respect Game a whole lot more than Buck at this point.
The thing he was backed into a corner. But at the end of the day if they can let by gone be just that who are we to criticize! Banks never dissed Buck either by the way.
Game is clinically bi-polar bro. His doctors released a statement with his prognoisis
Fuk u talking bout confused nigga…game is clinically bipolar
Isn’t XXL going off the racks? If I remember they went head to head against The Source during that episode of bad blood. XXL benefitted a lot from that era. Wonder how much money is changing hands for this promotion. Hope it’s more cost effective than radio.
Always entertaining nothing was bigger than g-unit for 3 solid years, they had the hits, the street hits, the albums, mixtapes, shoe, everything on lock. They still got quality but those 3 years is a once in a life time feeling that will never be repeated by anyone.
True statement.
Exactly,only Death Row can be mentioned or even accomplished success on a high level making street music along with commercial success
Dipset rocafella and mmg too and oh how could i forget wu tang or the Queens bridge movement.
I agree. The energy surrounding the music was palpable.
PALPABLE though bdot? oh ok u went to college if i had 5$ i send it to u
B.Dot you going to post that Year of the Wolf debuted at the top of the Hip Hop/R&B charts?
True but it’s possible it could be repeated and topped. Like the Jordan theory. There will be someone better 1 day. That’s how life works
FIF, Banks, Kidd Kidd, Yayo, Buck are nice. There is no ego clashing like (meek & wale) on the Unit. Theses guys know what type of music we want to hear. Not that bullshit MMG & YMCMB the gig is up homie.
The gig is up for who??? Drake, Wayne & Nicki are still going platinum as for MMG if you left your house once in a while niggas still bumpin Meek, Ross & Wale + Fat Trel etc.
Couple people may still be bumpin 50 but ain’t no one really paying attention to the rest of these guys outside the blogs.
Where is that album the Unit were gon’ release in September?
How is Stalley set to outsell 50? STALLEY!! LOOOL
Stop lying to yourself just so you can feel better about yourself cos Ross is still a power house hahahaha
Yeah Nicki ain’t going platinum anymore and neither is wayne.
That dumb Anaconda shit just went plaitnum so sit down bro
I thinks he means album wise. Singles sell now because of YouTube views, and other social media outlets. The RIAA changed the rules, a couple years back.
True but I think albums its very safe to say Drake and Nicki have been outselling all the competition the past few years anyway. Do your Googles people
Drake has no doubt. But Nicki has to outsell iggy, who has the highest selling hiphop album this year. Don’t like her, but those are the facts .
Kendrick outsold Nicki
You named one person well done. lol hate when people do that when I was generalising clearly!
Soulja boy had a song go platinum doesn’t mean he’s a platinum artist. That shit was because she damn near made a porn video but ain’t nobody buying that fucking that album when it drops just like they didn’t buy her last album.
Nah son, Soulja Boy is a platinum artist! His album went platinum. Soulja Boy did what Rick Ross could never achieve!!!!!!!!!!
Once again you from England… Ain’t nobody bumping no MMG or nicki or Wayne… In two years it will catch on in England… Gunit is like any other legendary label past there prime…. Making music for core fans not fair weather niggas.
Thanks for checking out my site bruh.
Nah you don’t remember telling rap radar that?
This dude really from England though? The way He talks made it sound like he was from Miami.
I am from Miami. Born in Club LIV
I’m from the states and i wanna know who the fuck is bumping g-unit more than mmg i could careless for mmg but you sound delusional
@Get NoPussy Fuckgurl why I’m not surprise yo #MMGDeepthroatingAss is on this post hating on #GUnit
get off my dick you bitch ass nigga
@Get NoPussy you kno you a Ho ass nigga, I’ll beat the shit outta you faggot
Didn’t say more…saying that Rich Gang, durk, d Kennedy, young thug, yg, nipsey, rj, etc
Niggas listen to MMG but it’s not a majority… Most niggas in LA play shit that come from they own hood or city. Now I don’t know what suburb niggas like tyga listen too. Or niggas that wear Walmart shirts. I’m only speaking on people that can actually stand out.
i literally know no niggas from the suburbs that listen to mmg they usually the ones shittin on it, which leads me to believe its a lot of suburban ass niggas on rap radar
mylo ur a dumbass stan. if nobody bumping mmg or nicki n wayne. wat the fuck are they listening to?? please dont say gunit animal ambition sold 99k cooies till this day. whos hot right now???
I don’t talk to cowards… 10-8-14 you coward bitch… U will be ignored from here on out
aint no niggas bumpin Wale, just females
Its still getting bumped bruh
I started dying when Fif was tryna explain the whole “big homie” vs “BIG big homie” thing
Who can fuck with this group right here nobody.
This nigga stuck in 03 when they highlight of his day wasn’t talking shit online
how they stuck in 03 when everything the dropped lately sound update explain that nigga?
yeah !
50 has the most stupid fans. Ever. One minute they side with 50 for clowning Banks, Yayo, and Buck the next it’s all Kumbaya he brings them back. What a bunch of dummies! Smh.
Shut yo pussy ass up Fuckgurl, only bitch niggaz find time to hate on niggaz they don’t even know
@G-Unit Fans R Stupid…what the fuck,bitch nigga you created a Disqus account to get attention from niggaz, no homo
You don’t have to create a Disqus account to comment here. I bet you didn’t know that because you’re a dummie.
50 and g unit are played out. It’s done, son!
Look pussy you on a G Unit post hating hahahahahahaaaaaaa you don’t even realize you a bitch ass nigga, that shit a fucked up disease to be a bitch nigga,all you #GameCumSwallowers do is hate get a life you no pussy getting coconfused faggot
Once more, you’ve proved that G Unit Fans R indeed a bunch of MORONS. Furthermore, you personally, sir, have a very poor vocabulary. Get an education, poor child. I feel sorry for you. I hope you have a solid excuse for the miserable education you received.
50 Cent and G Unit have flopped really hard. 2014 is looking bad for your favorite rapper and his crew.
You faggot ass nigga with a opinion who only express himself becuz he gotta laptop or phone to type hating shit about somebody he don’t even kno, just kno you a Bitch, pussy I’m well educated and I’ll fuck yo ho ass up if I was to ever see you.You safe behind that keyboard pussy feel free to expressyo self lame lol
What is your highest degree? Did you learn English as a foreign language or are you really American?
Lil boy with free WiFi, I bet you been molested and yo mama didn’t believe you.Fuckgurl!! I can’t help but laugh at yo lame ass.G Unit got yo ass moist again #Pause #NoHomo
Do people still say No Homo? You need to laugh to keep from crying. Your favorite rapper is on life support.
What?? Do ppl still say No Homo?? You a fag for real bitch.Get yo moist ass on Fuckgurl this my last reply you just proved to me you a fag,I knew something was wrong with you by yo replies # NoHomo
All y’all lame ass niggaz do is want attention from somebody.I kno you don’t get no pussy just a confused lil boy with free WiFi,
You get so much pussy that you spend most of time commenting on Rap Radar. Congratulations!!!
Back to the topic, Animal Ambition and Beauty are the biggest flops if the year. Heck, Fif put F in FLOP.
Fuckgurl you obsessed with 50,I kno you just stating facts and Rozay or Game is your favorite rapper and you have free WiFi to express your feelings without you get your brains stomped loose for talking shit,I understand pussy ass niggaz like you
Bitch-ass nigga, ho-ass nigga, lame-ass nigga, pussy-ass nigga, faggot-ass nigga, no homo.
Can you make a sentence without the above-mentioned nouns? You can’t, can you? If you’re going to diss someone at least come up with more vicious terms, sweetheart. You said you’re well-educated but your vocabulary seems to be very limited.
G-Unit Fans R Stupid!
G Unit is Legendary rather you MMG dick sucking ass GUnot Game stans like it or not…7 Platinum albums (The Game not included) made well over a 100 million dollars, most known most loved and toured worldwide.The most hated Rap Label surpassing Death Row.50 built a G Unit brand and marketed that shit like no other. MMG don’t even come close to The Unit.Not 1Platinum Artist on they roster
He treats these niggas like their his lil sons …. Banks is the only nigga that seem like he aint rolling with the sucka shit! … Kid Kid just happy to be there … I feel em! 50 got a lil ego even tho he has some points but he a lil ego maniac IMO! lol
Why do y’all bitch ass niggaz even bother to comment,oh damn I forgot y’all bitch ass niggaz
Good Lookin!
This shit is fuckin entertaining, Gz! The UNIT is LEGENDARY. All I gotta say.
Can’t wait for all the parts to be released. QUEEN$. #TIMELESS
Lol these niggas trying everything in their power to sell a couple more albums for their flop ass EP!!! Can somebody please tell me how you gonna push back a 6 track EP, when you said you’ve done over 40 songs? Lol wait & wasn’t SKI suppose to come out last month? Smh niggas said they independent so they can drop music whenever they want, but they still pushing back albums & EPs smh
Oooooooooh you really obsessed with these niggaz #NoHomo Got Damn!! Nigga you wrote a whole paragraph hating on these niggaz hahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!
That Nigga went on a Steven A. Smith type of rant. The hate in his heart is real. Pray for that Nigga.
LMFAO word. http://www.theincrediblecreation.com/
Hahaha don’t be mad cause I’m saying the truth! These niggas just pushed back a 6 track EP how fucking sad is that? Smh
The only thing funny is how mad you get when a nigga spit the truth about your little boy band crush! Holla at me when Animal Ambition reaches 200k or when their EP reach 50k hahahahaha
this boy band shit is wack. they can’t sell records on there own so they have to team up again like its 03..except noone cares. these niggas careers going backwards
Lol you Bitch Ass Niggaz are mad!! Got Damn it’s like the bitch come outta y’all niggaz,where the fuck did y’all pops go wrong with y’all bitch ass niggaz, y’all pussy ass niggaz sound like ex girlfriends and shit #BitterSourMuhfuckaz lol
Preach!!! These niggas still think it’s 03 smh lol
50 Cent and G Unit have so many FLOPS I lost account. They have 2 more flop albums in store.
This dumb Nigga said “lost account”. The hate is so strong it has this Nigga writing in a 2nd grade level.
*lost count* Clearly a typo, chill out. Oh, thanks for reading!
thats not a typo lol
you meant to say “writing on a second grade level” right?
you lost account? hahaha you dumb cunt.
how can you guys even respect 50??? he shitted on all of gunit till he realizes he couldnt get a buzz without em. he even planned fake beefs for his return at summerjam how fake is that. buck n yayo are dickriders and broke. lloyd banks was the only one to really let 50 know wassup
so important! smh .. shout out to V.Satten & XXL bruh http://alltheparticulars.blogspot.com/
Stru g g g g g le Unit
Banks tho >>>>>>>>
Fuck the rest
Dope interview. This kinda stuff is so interesting. It’d be cool if they put more of it into their music like in ‘Changes’.
Its funny how G Unit fans get emo when others speak truth G Unit fans call them haters but the same G Unit fans will get on an MMG or Game post and hate. Truth is G Unit is only relevant on blogs but do their real fans who go hard for them buy their shit? No! If that was the case AA would have sold way more. 50 brought back G Unit for a buzz because AA flopped and then the EP flopped (and the EP had good songs on it) G Unit fans stop coming up with excuses. Buck, Banks and Yayo are desperate because without 50 they would have no career. They have no integrity either after 50 shitted on all of them thats why no one is supporting the reunion except the dilusional fans who dont even buy their shit!
Seriously why do you comment on shit that you dont like? go comment on shit that you do like…you just wanna be a Lame and continue these corny ass arguments bacc and forth the shit is retarded…
Truth hurts doesnt GTFOH…..And if you read my comment instead of picking the negative excerpts to read you would have noticed i said I like the EP.
you speak no truth you speak hate…and no it does not hurt you fuggin dweeb its a comment its not the end of the world that you are a hater who dedicates time to talk shit about niggz…no im not gonna read a paragraph of you crying about g-unit fans…You need to get a better hobby…this hating shit aint healthy…
But your bitch ass responded but it doesnt matter about my opinion right? Is fif paying your bills ok then shut the fuck up. You talk about hate but im pretty sure you have hated on “relevant” artist on this site so my opinion is my opinion bitch boy! Im done talking!!!
I dont hate unlike lame niggz if i dont like something im not going in a thread about it to comment on something i dont like…unlike fugg niggz such as yourself…and i only pointed out how silly that is in hopes of you not repeating the silly shit…but i can see you are a dicchead that enjoys doing shit like this so carry on fugg nigg…
Damn bitch ass nigga you just go troll this G Unit post
if the truth hurts then you shall be in pain..chuck d
that pic is ass though lol look like some ol heads at a bbq posing
i wonder how many times 50 gonna say aggressive content in this video
zero times fuckboy, HAHAH
Oh did u check for me Mr bently? Ol side ho ass servant
Shit has 100 plus comments but has the 4th slots…thats not a conspiracy?
That’s real shit tho,50 recorded a track with UGK in 98′ about some Pimp shit,then Jay ended up dropping “Big Pimpin ” in 99′
Banks is the protégé…truer words.. I listened to F.N.O on repeat for months. Banks is too ill!
Buck seem like he can get annoying to be around after a while
You can pose a question specifically for someone else nd 50 still gon try nd answer it
Classic interview from The Unit.Real Niggas clash sometimes but it’s good to see them all getting along. G Unit is Legendary
It’s good to see the Unit just cooling. You don’t really ever see them vibe out to music or get excited over their own rhymes. It shows a level fo passion for the music that is refreshing.
Buck is a wild ass nigga. I fuck with him.
Ain’t nobody buying Street King Immortals right now. G-unit album is the only decision.
I feel like these niggas can’t sneeze without asking 50 for permission..
It aint a G-unit reunion without Game! Dont give a fuck what anybody says!!
This what “new and old” groups should be about!!!! #L.O.E.
I wish Jay would bring the R.O.C. back and Cam bring back DIPSET…..Shout out to Big L. (D.I.T.C.) the only group that’s standing tall right now is D-Block these niggas never broke up…. shout out to Jada-Styles-Lou…….that article was well done XXL….I’m going to cop it! #changeforhunnid
I want a G-Unit reality show fo real son! Like right now! after Power it’s on Fif’ !
Yayo went in on that record
Dam I remember having the CD booklet with every G unit radio and money in the bank with the slip covers…..Back when you chose just one album that you were gonna rock with the whole day.