Iggy Azalea On ‘Saturday Night Live’
October 26, 2014 @ 10:28 AM EDT

Iggy Pop.
Iggy Azaela made her musical debut last night on Saturday Night Live. First, she performed “Fancy” and was joined by Rita Ora for “Black Widow”. Later on she returned for her single “Beg For It”. That chorus? Please, make it stop it.
Is “Beg For It” the Fancy remix featuring Rebecca Black?
Ha I thought the same thing.
I’m sick of hearing about this bitch!!
Not willing to sell her soul like nikki
she gets 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 :-(‘s for this bullmalarky!!!
lmao at the guy dancers faces in the screen shot #constipation
you have females in the video, but yet you paying attention to the dudes, based on your discus name and everything ive seen you post, i’d say your a closet faggot who has yet to get laid in college in suny fredonia..near buffalo, take that ny giants logo off your shit you phony bandwagon fan faggot, gyro stand ass nigga
Oh ok what do we have here my son the stalker..I’m your dad boy remember that stay in your place…and don’t knock when u come in tonight go straight to the basement and get on the laptop me and your mommy let u borrow..I’ll be bizzy drilling mommys face…and don’t try to sneak that tranny girlfriend of yours in again or I’ll kick both ya asses this time
ok ok, listen brozay you really needa change that name though, like it aint a good look for you bruh bruh, you seem like a weirdo, enjoy college man like tf? you aint getting bitches, u got a disease? like wtf is wrong witchu acting like im the stalker, u know initially what you was doing and your seriously going to catch a beatdown once u finally give me that dorm address..or the place in york you be at cuz u aint from ny u fraud..u from pa…
my family is big duffus im all over in the summers dont try to label me a fraud i am who i say i am..i see your really investigating me smh thats a true stalker …ill be ready the day you try to roll on me dude…i said 1 thing about your boo dirty fn rosenberg now your stalking and trolling me
if your gonna troll, do it better, if your going to make up shit, again do it better, fucking clown ass dude yo u really need some pussy or something…i dont know wtf is up witchu.
ok here we go let me xplain since u have a bad memory…i made a comment about rosenberg weeks ago and you got your panties all in a bunch and attacked me…i apologized and you keep talking shit so i have to continually ether you son itds for your own good i cant beleive i raised a bama smh
u fucking lying gyro stand u commented on my comment on forbez dvd and have yet to stop bothering me..im fucking smoking a spliff which you should fucking lame..
your a rosenberg groupie son im embarrased for you
andddd even if that was true, which is not i think hes corny and a suburban faggot like urself..your my groupie, bitch..feel sorry for you fr fr..
woww jew boy u sold rosenberg out smh…i got u shook lol
hey lamby go get some pussy u need it…
You lucky fuck boi this war machine fag saved you I’ll roast him for awhile bye bagel breath!!! BTW I still may kick ya face in later homo
wtf are you even saying, stfu go kill yourself before i do the job for you..
die pussy!!!
im gonna be at stage 48 on the 29th fag in ny if u want your teeth knocked out homo just let me know
post a picture of yourself so im not aimlessly wandering, lmao u a fuckboy hop off my dick i doubt u gnna b anywhere, u wont even give ur dorm address..
its a run ya jewels show pussy i doubt you know about real hiphop this aint ya soulja boy or yung thug stuff you be upvoting
lol, again just lying out your ass making up more bullshit, you really are a fucking herby brown..
its becoming hard to take u serious bruh i dnt even wanna argue anymore bruh you are clearly a loser..
by the way you do know that el p is jewish right? fucking loser
yeah nuttn like ya fake kosher ass hes nice on the mic
lmao what a fucking phony you are…god damn man go kill yourself
ill hit u up fag boi u prob scared of times square so bring ya big brother fonzie with you and ralph mouth ill smack all 3 of you up
lmao you are a straight up loser, gave u my info, yet you still wont give me yours, im done with you bro you a clown..
i gps’d ur block fool i can come thru mayberry anytime i see old ladies planting flowers no machete action smh
Plz feel free to show up and get cut.
Lmao cut?! U running around with ur mom’s butter knives u insecure bitxh!!!
I’ll Holla at yu fuck boi and I’m gonna post the ass kicking in wshh and forbez ur a fuck boi
Both of you Corny ass fags need to stfu. 2 dudes arguing over nothing in the comments section? Foh find a life then kill your self clowns
Stfu bama u took time to read it…mind yours b4 I ether yo ass next fuck boi
So stalking some nerd on the Internet and using his name is ether? Oh god please don’t ether me . fucking 12 year old virgins doe bahahah go play in traffic Lil boy. This nigga said “I bet u never “dated” a black girl” corny ass hahaha
I Will Kick Ur Teeth Out For U Fuck boi…where u located??
awww somebody mad? hahaha Im done. Just wanted to make sure you knew how fucking GAY you look to the rest of the site. Find some fat bitch or guy and lose your virginity to. Then you might have something better to do then to stalk some nerd in the comments section. SInce we know that wont happen you might as well head to Baltimore and catch a Bullethole.
U want attention fag..now u got it
Lmaooo you proved my point dumbass. Unlike you I have a life so I’m not on here much. You will have to find some other nuts to hug while I’m gone. Sorry pussy
Die fag choke on a dick
Yo mama shoulda spit u out on that filthy mattress she was hoeing on…I hate bamas like u
same for u faggot ill be in ny on the 29th i could stomp ur face in also
Bitch made bama…I’ll slap the plaque off ya teeth u don’t know me
B more is full of dope fiends and fags i bet your both
just stay off the net hymie
once you give me your dorm address closet homo..
and did u say puffing on a spliff?…woww what a wannabe i bet you dont talk like that in person i bet you havent even dated a black girl b4
thats a really good one..im not like you brozay
again u keep avoiding that dorm address…or the other one doesnt matter to me..
you cruisin for a bruisin boy just wait!!!!
like what type of normal person even says that, u sound like a weirdo even in the way u type, either way bro you really ether yourself in every comment you write, since my name is in it…lmao like u are a legit fucking clown…go get laid or study for your midterms gyro stand..
Best new artist best performance this bitch is going for it all, she can’t be stop, she’s a human wrecking machine I love this bitch.
Who was the chick signing on the Beg For It? She looked awkward as hell
I think snoop and artist like nicki minaj sending shots at her cuz they know the powers that be are forcing iggy on to people.don’t be surprised when she start winning all the female hip hop awards even from dudes too
my stepmother recently got an awesome month old Chevrolet Express Cargo Diesel by working from a home computer. see post …….>> -> BEAT THE RECESSION!! <-
You guys know Iggy is going to takeover on some Eminem type shit right? T.I. doesn’t give a fuck because he’s cashing out from it. Fuck this world man. Nothing is pure. Nothing is aunthentic. Shit just makes you sad if you really think about the BS that’s gone in history and that STILL goes on today. Uncle Toms, Coons, Slave Mentality, people still exist and have major effects on the culture. Good luck Nicki.
“Only good music is going to last, all that other bullshit is HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW”
lol you dudes really think iggy is gonna be around to stay…naw this is just her “lil run” for right now.
Iggy isn’t going to last any longer than Nicky Minaj. You can never even try to put her in the same league as Eminem. Hell, I don’t think she’ll even reach Nicky at the peak of her fame some two years ago.
I love when B.Dot has too post some shit he doesn’t like lmfao it’s hilarious, I hate that fucking chorus too
zzzzzzzzzzzzz http://toomanyfuckinrappers.tumblr.com/
You mean to tell me there is not one black girl living in America who is smart has style and has the talent to be a star in music…
Instead you give us this and get mad at us for not accepting it…..I’m not hating but if she is so great why can’t she be great and just be simply white like em he was white through and through even when he was with a group of NIGGSS he was the white guy!
whats white music please explain it to me???
Country Music!!!!!
and black people dont listen to country music or make country music??
what’s white music please explain it to me???
were you born racist??? who taught you your ignorance.
Ok so I guess I’m the slow kid in class but please name a genre of music that was not originally created by black folks? I’ll wait…