New Video: Maino x O Wave “Militant”
November 27, 2014 @ 3:27 PM EST

Safety Off.
Maino gathers his troops and preps them for whatever that comes their way in his new music video. The track is off his new release King Of Brooklyn 2 which is now available on iTunes.
does he knows what militant means it is aggressive behavior yes but with a political cause not killing your own kind he should have titled this song black on black crime
Gay ass cowboy stop hating
Maino should take that silly fuckin crown of his head, the king of Brooklyn he’s definitely not.
Wtf u know about Brooklyn bama? Oh I thought so
I fuck more bitches in Brooklyn than you esco.
that’s not my area but I know u fronting bama u don’t be in brooklyn
WHAT I’m from Harlem N.Y.nigga.
U ain’t been in harlem in 20 yrz bama
Stfu esco.
The truth hurts bama
Nigga stfu what truth?
Be nice gizmo
not bad.
Not sure bout this, Maino hasnt had a hit in quite some time, seems like he trying just about anything.