1. Ayo says:

    Ayo this shit is hard & the video is classic Mobb style…niggas looking like Def Jam Vendetta bosses in there, I fuck wit it

    1. Mary T. Amado says:

      I­­’v­­­­e s­t­­­art­e­­­­d m­­­ak­i­­­n­­­g 8­­­­5
      d­­­ol­­­la­­­r­­s/­­h­­­­ou­­­r s­­­i­n­­ce i s­­­t­­­ar­t­­­ed t­­­o
      wo­­­­r­­­k o­­­n­­­l­i­ne 6 m­­o­­­nt­­hs a­­­­g­o… Wh­­­­­at i
      d­­­­­­o i­­­­s t­­­o s­­­­i­­­t a­­­t h­­­o­m­e s­­e­­v­e­r­al h­­r­s
      e­­­v­­e­r­y d­­­­­­a­­y a­n­­­­d d­­­o s­­­i­­­­­mp­le w­­­o­r­­k i
      g­­­­e­­­t f­­r­­­o­­m t­­­h­­­i­­s c­­­o­­m­­­p­a­­n­­y t­­­h­­­­a­­t i
      d­­­i­­s­­­co­­ve­­r­­e­d o­­v­­­e­­r t­­­­h­­e i­­nt­­e­­r­n­e­t… I
      a­­­­­m v­­e­­r­y g­­l­­a­­d t­­­­­o s­­­­­h­a­­­­r­e t­­­h­­i­s t­­­o
      y­­­o­u… i­­­­­t­­’s a­­­­­n a­­m­­­az­­in­g j­­o­­­b
      -> RE­A­D H­E­R­E W­H­A­T I D­O <-

  2. Greenbergs says:

    i remember when shit like shit would get radio play…

    1. Michael Ib bett says:

      I’m sure thats what people said about run dmc when mobb deep was on the radio

      1. MR ESCO...I HATE BAMA'S!! says:

        And what’s your point bama? U must be on that Rae shummard shit

  3. 1OF1 BLK DYNMTE AKA LA KING 8 says:

    R.O.C ,,#,WE RUN THIS RAP SHIT,,!!!!!

  4. Capuccino says:

    that uncut raw nyc rap where its at

  5. el jim chapo guzman says:

    they need to go back to g unit,

  6. PREMERE says:

    Real nigga rap……. Thats that nyc shit…….

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