New Music: John Legend x Common “Glory”
December 4, 2014 @ 3:25 PM EST

Glory, Glory.
John Legend has been to the mountain top. And for the soundtrack to the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. inspired film Selma, he and Common offer hope in the wake of the recent injustices. Selma arrives in theaters Christmas Day.
You’re right…we need to type in CAPS. That will do the trick…
Sorry my dude…you misunderstood me. I was agreeing that this song was “ineffective”. Then I gazed upon your inspirational use of all caps on this blog site and…and…it inspired me to make some change. Caps…that is how we bring change to the world…Thanks Mac.
Your opinion is ignorant.
Don’t hate on my facts!!!
Change is not always seen with the physical eye because the unseen is the law of this physical dimension just like the subconscious controls a person more then the conscious mind. These kinda songs have an inner effect on people which later plays itself out in the realm of our physical bodies. I wanna say go grab a gun and retaliate on the next officer you see but our collective power has to be on the side of righteousness at all times because again, just because you cant see changes happening does not mean its not happening.
Once…just once, I would like to watch a pro-African American film that is based in the 21st century. Enough of these stories we have heard time and time again. That’s not going to move Blacks, as a people, forward. We need more stories and films about what Black individual and communities are doing NOW in this current era and how we can continue to affect change through these more CURRENT examples and institutions.
In the words of M. Diesel, “Don’t hate on my opinion”.
Not to knock your comment but when the make movies about the future, that helps us see a current state in another context. So when they make movies about the past and also now that we have 20/20 hindsight, we can see things clearly. Also its an opportunity to take your kids and show them visually what happened. They do make movies about more current events such as the killing of Oscar Grant which as also caught on tape but I don’t think an individual such as MLK as stepped up in this current era now. Thats probably going to occur within the next few years.
I feel it my G, but the fact of the matter is MLK is dead. Oscar Grant was a story that needed to be told, but again, dead. I just feel that we should look to create and support black heroes that are still alive so our kids can see that Black heroes are not a thing of the past and still exist today outside of film, music and athletics. All I’m saying is give us, and kids heroes to follow today (metaphorically and literally via twitter or FaceBook) in order for us to move forward. To give an example, maybe a film on Russell Simmons as he transitioned OUT of music, or Steve Stout or Kevin Lieles for familiar names and for more less familiar Neil Tyson or Randall Kennedy.
These times have to produce a hero though and if that has not happened then it just has not. I’m not sure if one can rise up either because this is also an era where black people attack other black people. In MLK’s time black people didn’t just look for ways to be crabs against him, they stood with him. I don’t know if black people will stand behind the ideas of one man today. You have somebody like Barack Obama who has risen from our village as a people and its black people that also participate in attacking him. No matter what you believe politically, he should be respected as a man first and foremost and black people wont even stand with him when an issue comes up. We have to be comfortable with not having any heros because we shouldn’t need a leader to tell us what we should and should not being doing. We’ve had a very long list of heros already. Its time to stop trying to look for another MLK and just live out what he said.
I know im late but the way you handled alot of these hecklers with facts and levelheadedness I truly applaud you Marty. Im convinced the Internet has become a place for bigots and people who are blind to truth to harvest more lies even when its in plain sight.
would like to know how Malcolm X has caused a lot of these problems? You are talking about a man who wanted the same thing MLK wanted. The distinct difference is that Malcolm X didn’t have a sit and take it mentality in fighting for the fundamental rights he believed he had as an American. when fighting for freedom and rights, a group can be justified for violence, which Malcolm X never was a part of or organized. Malcolm’s view was that if his people were being murdered and oppressed, they had the right to fight back. This is something that I can’t condemn, because when white Americans were being murdered and oppressed they were called revolutionaries and not instigators.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
that your opinion.
Malcolm X is one of our heros. Darren Wilson is yours. Malcolm would want nothing to do with you. Malcolm would have said Mike Brown had the right to try and defend himself and live vs an officer who fired 12 outta 13 bullets from his gun at him while he was unarmed and running… You appalled the murder to the point of saying Darren Wilson is a hero and should be given a medal. Even his police from other departments in Missouri feel like Wilson was over aggressive and feel like he is more murderer then hero. You also feel the killing of Eric Garner is a good thing, and completely justified and necessary. Malcolm would have said a person such as yourself should die and burn in hell.
How was this “VASTLY” excessive force? You obviously have never really seen vastly excessive force in any way. Garner was an enormous man, fighting off the police. Just let him go? And they were racist?? How, for Pete’s sake? The only hatefullness, the only thing cold is the real racism and hate from folks like you and most of those “protesters”.
It was vastly excessive force because you can see it with your own damn eyes. Now unless your blind or have some kinda mental problem you can clearly see the man was choked out and killed. Garner was not fighting off any police cause the shit is on video for the fucking world to see and you saw no punches thrown and Garner never used his size and strength against these officers which is way he was face down on the ground two seconds after being attacked. I didnt say anything about racism, you did. I said it was a murder.
Nothing turns deadly if you just act reasonablyYou have an unreasonable fear of the police. I bet I know who you
Thats false and clearly the video shows that Mr Garner being choked to death isnt reasonable.
whatever you dumb.
My common sense begins at the peak of your intelligence. You got more whites out here then black people protesting against two murders that clearly were unnecessary. You watched the 2nd murder happened with your own eyes but somehow you still wanna show just how stupid you really are. No need to continue to show me because I know it at this point. Id expect that from a devil and since thats who’s dick you like to suck so hard then thats also what you are.
The white man is a devil , marty you so fuckin racist I’d like to know what did the white man did to you?
I didnt say white man, I said YOU. Now the term “the white man is the devil” comes from a time in history where black people looked at white people as devils for a reason. Now if you ever read a history book that reason would become clear. I do not think all white people are devils but do I think alot of them are? YES and guess what, do I think some black people are devils? YES and here’s why. When I say “devil” in regards to someone such as yourself, I’m talking about the nature of a person. You feel like Mike Brown and Eric Garner deserved to die and their murders were justified. You did not see what happened in the first incident but because of your own nature you have assumed the side of the killer without even seeing the murder. In Mr. Garner’s case you also feel the man deserved to die and his killing was justified and you dont hold the officers who killed him responsible even after you watched the killing on video. THAT is a “devils” nature and mentality. You don’t value life so much so that when a life is taken you form your conclusions without using any sense at all and that is also what “devils” do. Black people are not the racists. White people are (not all but many) and there’s a few centuries of history to back up that claim and there is present day situations that also back up that claim. Now “IF” I was saying ALL white people are devils (which I did not)? Then I would have overwhelming evidence that the nature of white people does line up with the devils. Its a level of sense that I use that puts value on human life, even towards SOME white people that would allow me to use enough common sense to know that if I don’t know a particular white person then I cant assume their a devil right out that gate. YOU lack such common sense and value for life and the nature of your comments are evil and line up with a devils mentality. Now to what extent your devilness is idk but I said YOU are a devil and thats exactly what you are. A person with evilness embedded in their nature. Now of course you will say hey you dont know me blah blah blah… Your comments have already show us who you are.
Black people have valid and good reasons to hate whites. Thats not racist at all, thats reactionary emotion that makes sense considering the history involved including the present day reality.
and again, Malcolm woulda told a piece of shit like you to eat a dick and die.
Smh stop it marty being racist is not cool.
Thats something you need to tell yourself not me.
Common sounds like those high school history teachers with an outdated flow and “gee dad stop embarrassing us” cadence trying to educate the black kids in his school because he wants to inspire them to go to collage like he did. In reality he’s showing them what a lame look like and they will sell more crack to their mothers and fathers and kill more of their brothers as a result. Thank you Common.
If Common is a lame for wanting kids to be educated compared to kids that sell crack to their own mothers then I would tell the kids its better to be lame like Common then.
No he’s not lame for wanting kids to be educated, he’s just the wrong person to be delivering that message and is in fact having the opposite effect on kids because kids see him as some old lame history teacher (which was the point of my original comment, which if you had better reading skills would have understood). Thank you for coming out though.
Why is he the wrong person to deliver the message. He’s a black man who came up out the struggle isn’t he? If kids see him as a lame I would say during the course of Common’s career he has made more money then every hustler on your block that you look up to and he aint gotta risk his freedom to get money and he aint gotta kill other black people to get money so who’s the lame? He aint gotta front like he’s a gangsta when he’s something much greater, a man. These other niggas you listening to aint no real hustlers and they not gangstas cause they only kill other black kids, they never kill any police or any other gang members of other races so who’s the lame? I would say its the kids that are lames because you have a set way of thinking thats based on destruction and bullshit and since you don’t value life or education then they really the lames. Not Common