Azealia Banks On ‘Ebro In The Morning’

Banks Rants.
Azealia Banks logged off Twitter and made her debut yesterday on Ebro In The Morning. She touched on a variety of topics including cultural appropriation, Iggy Azalea, and T.I. This morning, Iggy responded to Banks’ claims via Twitter:
Special msg for banks: There are many black artists succeeding in all genres. The reason you haven’t is because of your piss poor attitude. Your inability to be responsible for your own mistakes, bullying others, the inability to be humble or have self control. It’s YOU! you created your own unfortunate situation by being a bigot and don’t have the mental capacity to realize yet. Probably never will. Now! rant, Make it racial! make it political! Make it whatever but I guarantee it won’t make you likable & THATS why ur crying on the radio. Enjoy continuing to bang your head against that metaphoric brick wall & Savor this attention. I’m the only way you get ANY. You’re poisonous and I feel genuinely sorry for you because it’s obvious at this point you are a MISERABLE, angry human being. Regards!
white girl destroyed her. no need for tip or em to respond.
Iggy this you?
A pro-black artist with an annoying Dominican accent? Seems legit.
She’s from Washington Heights (large Dominican population) and was raised with Dominican caretakers but her “Dominican accent” discredits her message? You niggas….smh
Shout out to B.DOT for that ETHER of a disclaimer on the bottom…we gotta stop blaming “the system” for everything. Look within and see what you’re doing wrong becuase your colleagues are surparssing you and they aren’t complaining.
I kinda surprised a man would go that hard (pause) in a message to a female but maybe she said some fucked up shit about him before idk. Now people aint got to like her, thats cool and people aint gotta like her music either and people can even say her attitude is fucked up and she’s a horrible person yada yada yada… HOWEVER there is a point here that she and Ebro were discussing. Now if people wanna dumb down the conversation thats fine but there is one here and when Banks says there are certain aspects of the entertainment business where a fuck you message is purposely sent out to black people, thats what I caught on to (along with some other things). Now as far as Hip Hop goes, we can get into some racial shit but how many white rappers are in Hip Hop that black people have not attacked for the most part? So imo its been made clear that whites have been accepted into Hip Hop during every era of the culture BUT Its interesting how Hip Hop is used by white people and what used to be looked down upon now they all running to be a part of as well as a bunch of other things but I’ll leave it at that…. It would also be interesting to hear a form of music that white people made up themselves instead of always piggy backing off something that black people had to build up, pioneered and made a dynamic artform first… Again you aint gotta like Azealia Banks, I for one have never heard her music not once but the subject matter of whats being discussed and the emotion behind it, meaning why would she be crying in the first place? Is this just an issue isolated to her and her career or is there is bigger perspective here? Is the question but I’ll leave it at that.
That was a quote from Iggy not B. Dot.
Ok word. Im just saying though. Now people gonna make it about Azealia because they don’t wanna discuss the larger issue because when it gets down to the baseline its gonna be obvious that if black people feel a certain way about Hip Hop culture? Its very substantial reasons why. This music is mostly about black people, made by black people, pioneered artistically by black people, innovated by black people, kept fueled consistently by the creativity and output of black people, culturally expanded by the works and lifestyle of black people… I mean I could go on and its not to say white people shouldn’t rap because if a white boy/girl wants to rap then go ahead, I don’t give a fuck but when it turns disrespectful towards black people? As far as this music industry and this entertainment business goes and the messaging involved? Then yeah its a little upsetting.
Stream her album, it’s not Hip Hop, but the concept or combination of things she did on it was surprising. She has talent. JMO!
She’s just sooo passionate about hip-hop that more than half of her discography sounds like gay (literally) dance music from the 90s. She didn’t even like rap music until she was in her late teens… Now she’s the sentinel for the culture, lol.
A self righteous black woman that has white European women features and makes music weird dance music for white people overseas.
How can music sound gay? Like there were a chorus of men moaning in unison? And how does she have white European features, you mean weave which was done by ancient Egyptians? Skin-tone blacker than the seed in a blackberry pie? You niggas gotta stop talking out of your asses
Um she likes women and men. Why can’t she make dance music?
So u niggas consign Bobby Shmurda and Trinidad but wanna stand for shit all of a sudden. Black PPL are hypocrites. All the trash black music that’s out. Iggy is terrible. Granted but there’s black ppl who are just as horrible
Thank you.
You think “Black People” is some catch-all which is part of the problem. Black people are as diverse as the ocean, and people like you who want to label us all only like broad brushes & surface views.
Saying Black people are not a monolithic group is a very black thing to say…
Saying black people are a monolithic group is a very idiotic thing to say. Saying any “color” of people is an undifferentiated mass is a very idiotic thing to say.
I inadvertently wrote “Saying Black people are a NOT monolithic group is a very Black thing to say”.
What I really meant was “Saying Black people are a monolithic group is a very Black thing to say”. Of course, no one race or ethnic group cannot be lumped together. At the same time I also meant to poke at ourselves.
I edited it and took out the NOT. No DISS. I’m Black myself.
Thanks for replying!
We slayed Trinidad and Keef until the labels kicked them to the curb! What are you ppl talking about? I think the Hip-Hop community has been very open with voicing our opinion on horrible talent-lacking rappers. #Word2James
Special msg for banks: There are many black artists succeeding in all genres. The reason you haven’t is because of your piss poor attitude. Your inability to be responsible for your own mistakes, bullying others, the inability to be humble or have self control. It’s YOU! you created your own unfortunate situation by being a bigot and don’t have the mental capacity to realize yet. Probably never will. Now! rant, Make it racial! make it political! Make it whatever but I guarantee it won’t make you likable & THATS why ur crying on the radio. Enjoy continuing to bang your head against that metaphoric brick wall & Savor this attention. I’m the only way you get ANY. You’re poisonous and I feel genuinely sorry for you because it’s obvious at this point you are a MISERABLE, angry human being. Regards!
…………CHECKMATE!!!! HA!!!!
Fuck UR opinion…and U… u copied that from iggy….fukin loser
Again fuk UR opinion
she had a good album (for what she does), i know people like to shit on her, but she just fails to get her point across correctly. her passion level is on kanye + a million tho lol, its appreciated
She’s young. When she said her age I thought oooh! So the industry has been dogging this girl out for 5 years .. like when she was a knuckleheaded teenager. She’s young and unfiltered. She’s passionate like Kanye but he’s a man.
Her album was good tho! Ditto!
It’s hard to really give what she says much weight because she’s discredited herself with some bad decisions. At least this shit was entertaining lol
this interview was incredible.
incredibly pretentious.
To be fair I can understand why she would be pissed at iggy, for the azealia name thing first of all cos I remember being confused wen iggy came out. She is young and frustrated man and honestly more talented than iggy. She is clearly heated up about black culture and iggy’s place in it, and again I can understand that. It’s tough, the world is cruel. And her points regarding racial misappropriation are honestly -at least, considerable.
And honestly tho yall at rr dont support this woman, never post her music, album and shit. Correct me if im wrong. But if its controversy or an opportunity to bash her u post it.
cuz she sucks….212 is the only joint she released that was moderately good…or worthy of posting on rap if
Taste is subjective, her album has basically the same Metacritic score as J Cole’s.
lol thanks for clarifying that, thats why i dont like j coles album either lmao..
then you’re in the minority when it comes to qualifying what’s “moderately good”, thanks for clarifying
The people should be allowed to decide. I prefer her music to iggyz personally. I alao think she is more talented that keef makonnen and gucci, gucci interestingly gets posts here and he is behind bars.
but they all are better than her, she’s ugly she doesnt even make good music she obtains good beats from diplo and other euro producers, as much as she wants to appeal the american public she wont be able to with her wack ass attitude and forgettable music..
let’s all focus on the music
She slayed Jim Jones on “Succubi” but y’all didn’t post that. I love how she plays on CeCe Peniston House sound on “1991” too. She has some great songs but maybe you didn’t take the time to look at the lyrics to see she slays people. Like the previous person said, the fans should determine who you post not you’re own personal bias. We only care about good music. Please compare (song by song) Azealia Banks new “BWET” and Iggy “Miami Vice” .. GO!
i’d rather not listen to either lmao…”how bout nooo”, i heard that succubi bullshit attempt to diss jim jones and it was actually unlistenable to me..its all good you probably work for Azealia or someshit since shes so big over social media and shit..
Oh u “Fancy” right? Lol!
is she talking in a spanish accent? hypocrite much?
B Dot what’s not to like from this interview? this is exactly what i want musicians and artists to be like. have you ever summed up a kanye interview by calling it “pretentious”?
i’m not stanning for this azealia chick, i know nothing about her music. i just don’t understand how anyone (particularly someone in the media) could have anything to say about this interview that isn’t overwhelmingly positive
give me more azealia banks interviews and give them to me now
Bruh the min she said that her and her home girl was ready to jump T.I was when I lost all respect for her.
right! I rather artist be real and unfiltered than fake. People are tired of that crap. This is why Eminem made it and we love him. He told the truth. He gave us himself!
Seriously! What has this chick even done?
$10 million + in overseas touring .. just in 2014 (tax free). I’d say she’s winning! She’s young! Think about how unfiltered you were at 23. Come on ! As she gets wiser she’ll understand how to address situations.
BUT… EBRO and the crew brought up Iggy and TI not Banks. Let’s get to the music.
she’s so dumb – crocodile tears when albums fail huh
Rapradar and those on the site who miss the truth in this young woman’s message will find themselves on the wrong side of history. She has many faults but so much of what she has said is the gospel truth. A lot of cooning and appropriating is going out there that this site co-signs. They will say that they don’t censor, that they just reflect the public. But we all know that’s a cop out. If the public finds lynching fun that will be Rapradar’s next bandwagon right? But we don’t come here for integrity, we just come for timely content, right?
lmao what? she only made herself seem like a low class sore loser..
Shut the fuck up lame it’s not for you and your kind to understand. This is real shit you’ve been to dumbdowned to understand u asshat.
did this nigga just call me an asshat?? ok bruh you win…
Yo whatsup with this rant? Is that Bdor or ye
it was a quote from iggys twitter champ, learn to read
Butch…thank you for checking me. I see that now. I was 100% confused earlier and about to stop reading this site. I couldn’t understand why a writer would ever do that, especially since her interview is really substantive.
since Iggy wrote that though, it actually makes that rant much more interesting because she doesn’t seem to have any sensitivity towards the broader political observation Banks is making.
A beautiful, self-aware, Melanoid Woman= Dangerous to Society…Love her passion
beautiful is not the word that comes to mind looking at those screenshots above
It’s possible that you hate black women.
She’s right in the grand scheme of things. I understand where she is coming from.
What grand scheme of things? lol dumb dumb. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Iggy bodied banks.
Racists dumb brod! And I love blk women but not Lauren hills like this dumb brod
It’s only 3 really successful white rappers out now & only a hand full that has had that much success overall. 95% of the successful rappers producers & ceo’s or people of color. Fuck a grammy at the sametime it’s only been 2 white rappers that have won that aoty award. Macklemore basically won because of the gay agenda & em is just that dude. To keep it real I think em will win this year iggy is a hit singles rapper. She will win a lot awards for fancy & black widow. Fuck what this bitch talking bout her music is for hipsters & most of her fans or white people. You can’t be pro black & mostly have a white fan base london england love this hoe but she gets no play in harlem. This bitch is talented & like I some of her songs but she will never gain world wide appeal & acceptance because of her attitude.
At the end of the day she really doesn’t have to justify her pro blackness after she made these comments about black art because if people question her blackness all she has to do is point out the skin she was born in. All black artists fan base is mostly white because there’s a hundred million white people buying music in America and Europe and also the culture “creators” in music aint the majority “consumers” of what they themselves create and embody.
I guess but black people look to those black artist for hope
Then you should be able to see where she’s coming from in this interview in regards to Hip Hop.
I agree with 98% of what you’re saying. Quit playing the blame game and just a make a fucking hit.
I don’t think what she saying is about hit making. I get that people can bring the topic back to music and her personal career but alot of what she was saying aint really about her music personally.
She’s speakiing from an underachiever’s POV. This chick has been on all sorts of platforms and no universally accepted music to show for it.
Successful white rappers are a minority. Let’s not act like this chick is rapping like Foxy or Kim in ’96. Her music is sloppy retreads of Crystal Waters and CeCe Peniston. Instead of complaining, put some numbers on the board first.
I mean, thats cool and all. We can say she’s an underachiever or a not poppin or whatever but she still has a point though.
No she doesn’t have a point it’s to many successful black entrepreneurs in hip hop to worry about iggy azalia so called stealing the culture. This bitch actually said if iggy wins a grammy black kids will some how feel less important & white kids will feel empowered. So she basically saying white kids should not feel like they can became successful in hip-hop so put iggy in the pop category so white kids won’t get any bright ideas that shit sounds petty & kinda racist. Until we see 100 iggys & 100 macklemores & eminens & their all dominating the hip-hop r&b & pop charts all over the radio stations hip-hop sites & blogs making all the money & selling all the records she needs to shut the fuck up. Nobody is even talking about her music and that’s not good she is nothing more than lord jamar in a skirt.
You don’t wanna get the point to what she said. Again, the conversation was not just about her music career or Iggy’s music career so once you factor in the WHOLE discussion you’ll see that it was not just about her songs and Iggy’s songs. There was multiple points here, you just choose to ignore them.
Lord Jamar also has a point with many of his statements, people just don’t wanna accept them. People dont need to see a 100 Iggy’s in order to comment about the one and again, the conversation goes beyond Iggy.
This shit goes beyond white rappers… There is a whole system in play from the music industry to the media to politics etc… These white rappers play a small position on the side of an assault against black people that they didn’t even sign up for but it is what it is. Now black people have enough common sense to make a distinction between a racist and a non racist white person, however this Hip Hop shit will be respected by white rappers and thats just point blank period and when shots are taken at black people and black culture? Then of course reactions will be aimed back at whoever sent those shots and the overall white rappers who participate with certain elements of this business. I know these two females have there own issues with each other but aside from that, there is a cultural cold war going on outside of Hip Hop culture so of course that is gonna find its way into Hip Hop because Hip Hop is just the voice of what goes on beyond the music. Now if whites are offended? Idk what to tell you cause black people have been feeling offended for generations now.
[ (Spongebob Narrator voice)10 Years later ] We might see 100 fucking Macklemore and Iggy’s dominating the Hip-Hop category just like we see the majority of Rock and Jazz (Urban musical movements) being dominated. It’s kinda funny you compare Azalea Banks to Lord Jamar (Peace to the God) for she is only foreshadowing for future endeavors. Black Artist have found different outlets to thrive and uplift the culture when they felt it being exploited. I haven’t heard many of her tracks but the ones that i’ve heard sound like a futuristic genre thats gonna be the standard in a couple years. Not saying it’s the best of music, but it sounds like the futuristic radio right now.
Rock was a niche genre before elvis made it mainstream & jazz has always been niche it was easy to whitewash these genres. Hip-hop is too deeply rooted in urban culture plus the forefathers & the history is well documented no way will hip-hop ever be whitewashed. We are simply to paranoid understandably so but hip-hop ain’t going no where. Iggy is basically a alien on the planet hip-hop right now we have to get use to her. The Eminens & the Macklemores have & will always exist but they come once in ever blue moon. If hip-hop ever gets whitewashed the black man might as well & most likely will be extinct.
Hip-Hop is just as easy to white wash as it was with Jazz and Rock. Ain’t shit change about America but the time. The white man controls the radio waves the only difference is that we have the internet now to slow down the process
Idk if i agree with your comment though I’d like to believe it. Have you turned on VH1 Soul lately? They’re playing some non-Soulful R&B (idk the genre) but basically taking the soul out of it so it’s easier to recreate the sound .. so Grammy’s can keep popping up w new categories (ie Urban Cont R&B). Same with rap. These cats will create sub genres and make it hard for us to even find out an artist has new music. Banks dropped her album with no promo and though Billboard and others give it great reviews cats like RR still sh%^ on her. Instead of talking about the music they just talk about how they don’t like her personality. You don’t have to!
Also, we do have Hip-Hop history documented well but people don’t respect the culture. You see what Iggy did to Q-Tip on Twitter? Disrespectful but RR is *kissing* the fake bum still. Y’all not for the Rap culture. If so please stop posting Iggy and put Snow tha Product, Siya, and Azealia Banks up too. They have dope music! Let’s get some variety.
Lol daa daa dee daa dee dow!!! that exactly what that bitch sound like.
You’re a purebred idiot to compare her music to Crystal Waters though. Like…purebred. We already know you RR cats don’t like her you used to clown her openly so don’t try to stand on principle now, just call it what it is, you don’t like her & want to stand with a culture vulture over validating an intelligent black woman’s perspective.
Wait so J.Cole and Ashley Banks both have the same marketing plan? Blame the white man.
J cole about to sell more records than anybody Fuck he mad for lol….
that his label had to purchase 75 % of them to actually boost sales and make it look like people are puchasing his album..
thats your assumptions boy
na thats facts…kid
Yo you gotta get your creamed panties out of here. Cheer leading for any nigga with an anti-Azealia comment WE GET IT YOU DON’T LIKE HER….WAY TO EXHIBIT PARTISAN JOURNALISM smfh
Nah that was most definitely a FATALITY on TIP
The T.I. imitation on TIP at 18:28 put the nails in the coffin! I was dying.
Wtf bobby shmurda have to do with this lame? Bobby had a hard little song that people fucked with and he came from the streets people were happy see him get a shot. You lame fucks from the outside prob don’t get it bc you grew up squares but that’s unfortunate what happened to him. Racist ass America want to see him locked up forever for carrying guns when he live in the crazy ghettos that they created.
i’ve never heard one of her songs before today but i’m going to have to start listening after that TI shit…absolute comedy gold. somebody needs to give this girl a TV show
Her T.I. impression was LIFE
I really don’t understand the “HATE” rap radar throws at this woman, for being self couscous and having her own opinion, I swear I could list a million other artist that have voiced their opinions and haven’t gotten the flack for it, Its like just because she’s a relative unknown her opinions aren’t valid?, Well clearly the girls got something if she still 3 years later has remained the topic of discussion.. like she said you pick what you want from her, this is a music blog, the only thing I’d like to see is album post, not this. Where’s the “Broke with Expensive Taste” Review from b dot ?, Oh but wasn’t it him that said last year he would never comment or make any other post about her on rap radar?, oh …
if you’re more known for your disses and twitter rants than your music it’s time to reevaluate your career path
Pick and pull right B.Dot, doesn’t matter if she has a point or not.
If you’re a hypocritical coward who hates women, supports all the morally base artists & movements of our culture & you consistently write Rap Radar posts with grammatical & spelling errors despite calling yourself a “journalist” it’s time to reevaluate your career path
Oh shit! Lol
Does she have the right message? Yes
Is she the wrong messenger? Yes
Hip Hop is a very very young art form.. anything could happen. It was less than a year ago when I sat in a theater and watched a slanted retelling of James Brown’s story produced by the same guy who stole his style.. (Mick Jagger) I’m not a blame whitey fan, I live on the beach with all white people.. But yes, complete genres of music have been stripped away from us.
Rock and Jazz were black.. R&B is already in the dirt.. So yes she’s crazy I feel it, but don’t act like it doesn’t happen.
i agree with that. Who could’ve given this message and it would be accepted? Macklemore? Not a black person. You see what they did to M.J. (They don’t really care about us)
She right but she mentally weak as hell. Her statement would be 100% more respectable if she could hold her self together. How was JCole’s verse not even mentioned? There talking about the same thing
“from police murders, to macklemore and igloo australia…. They are even trying to tear down our father figure BILL COSBY” – Azaelia Banks, Dec 4 2014
Action Bronson just stepped up for team whitey to destroy for this chick on twitter. She needs to fall back she can’t win.
bruh listen i never gave a fuck about azealea banks music( i dunno if i spelled it right fuck it who cares) but this bitch sounds salty and also niggas need to stop acting like white people run hip hop ok yeah i guess the white influence is strong with certain artists but its not their fault they winning hip hop is mostly a black genre just look at what j cole and kendrick lamar is doing right now
I feel her! She’s gotta point! Iggy is a hoe tryin to be blk…bitch whiter then Casper!
J.Cole and Azealia Banks interview of the year.
This year I’ll prolly go to the awards dappered down
Watch Iggy win a Grammy as I try to crack a smile- J.Cole
J.Cole is himself White… Well, half-White. So…
It’s true, Jazz is mostly white but ultimately good music is what matters. Basketball was invented by a White man but it’s a predominantly Black sport now, and I don’t remember hearing/seeing White complain about it.
Let’s just enjoy good music!
She has some valid points, remember what J Cole said about the Jazz artists on itunes right now are all white.
She had some valid points. She ethered ti tho. N he deserved it.
She should listen to ebro tho, she doesn’t listen.
She should listen to herself. If Ebro and the rest want to tap-dance that doesn’t make it right. Maybe A Banks wouldn’t live with herself if she was anything but true. Be you ma! All these ppl talking about listen have no mind of their own. What she could do is learn how to address the situaion with wisdom but that will come with age. Speak your mind but do it the right way
At the end of the say I keep on saying if black people really wanted to keep hip-hop “black” then the support system should be there, don’t get mad at a system who is supposed to make money of the people with the largest paying demographic which has always been white people, Iggy got successful because she had a “PAYING” demographic, if black people wanted to support conscious artist should have paid to see them win. As far as Azalea Banks if concerned, she may say all this shit to rally up black people and may have some valid points but at the end look at her music and career highlights; Her music is a mix between hip-hop, house, garage -Black people in america wouldn’t fuck with, and techno (an art-form which for the longest has been considered white)…. already her black audience ratio is low. Another thing is her fucking attitude, if you are known more for your bullshit than your music, that’s not the system’s fault, that’s your fault. Because at end of the day bloggers and various media are gonna do what they need to do to get hits but if you are an asshole more than a musician, then life’s gonna be a lil hard for you.
True, she really does not listen, ebros advice was valid, if she keeps all that vent of twitter and translate the frustration to the music she would be betterfoff because most people know her for twitter rants not music, she is the one deflecting the attention from her music to her attitude. And i honestly think she has more talent as far as rapping goes, than iggy.
I don’t think she cared to listen. Azealia seemed very intelligent but when you talk to young people about certain issues going on around our country, they are angry. They don’t understand all the hate because many of them don’t see bad in any color they see bad in individuals. Young ppl are protesting all over. Why should they hold their tongue? They are the future! They don’t want your racism. They respect culture! They respect individualism. They respect freedom of speech (if we even really have it).
I understand, but we as young people can learn how to Chanel frustration more effectively by listening to those who have been the before us.
why even give this complete struggle artist any attention, let her career die, shes just looking for any beef these days
Who remembers that interview where she brags about how many middle aged white
men she fucked as a teen. This girl is messed up and doesn’t care about
black men except for how they may serve her.
Bdot ur the pretentious one nigga u faggot I saw u gave this no talent ho rookie of the year fuck u ur site and ur views cause ur the coon and the reason black artists have been being raped for a very long time I have officially stopped fucking with this site pussy ass coon btw she right on in this interview and we need more black artist speaking up about racist institutions like the Grammys who gave Macklemore the best rap album
Her overbite has its own agent! Mad ugly yo. And who the fuck is she anyway?!
And why in the fuck does she have a Spanish accent?
fuck RR!! Love to call speaking the truth “ranting”.
Actually there are artists who complained about Iggy…J cole…he’s the most successful rapper this year, come on RR!!!! Stop selling our music out!!!!!!!
So this bitch said she was ready to jump T.I…
This is that bitch that will get dragged and call the cops for the shit she started.
Now she out here talking to niggas like Action Bronson crazy like he won’t slap the adobo smell out her hair.
Bitch u are a woman, act like one and stop talking to man like life can’t happen to u..
Ironically Azealia Banks’ music sounds more techno/dance/edm than Iggy Azealia’s. Therefore, her music is more likely to appeal to Caucasians than typical African people.
Even though I’m not an Iggy Azealia’s fan but I must admit her album does sound more Hip-Hop than Azealia Banks’ ” Broke with Expensive Taste” project.
Ranting isn’t going to help, Banks needs to keep honing her craft and strategize to make her music more accessible.
OK. Having taken a few days to understand this situation:
She’s passionate. Cool. She cares. Cool. She is talking about very sensible things and I absolutely share her sentiments re: IGGY, T.I, and the sooner both aren’t relevant the better for me.
Azaelia, you RAP, but your sound ISN’T Hip Hop! FACT. So, when you fly off to Switzerland, or England etc, and make euro pop rap, to try to get with those Euro cats (who aren’t black and are known to be more racist than white Americans), don’t forget that the streets is watching. We agree with you but we won’t get double played by you.
Sooo I’m tying this post together with the TI response, Q-Tip, and whoever….Me personally I don’t like Iggy’s music..I feel her bars are mediocre, her deliver is mediocre, lyrical depth is below average, and her music overall being authentic I’m not going to comment. I do applaud TIP for making a boatload of money off of her. He took a mediocre white girl from Australia and transcended her to a superstar in
an overnight scenario. However, she is just lame and she is not hip hop. Not too say that alot of these new artist are Hip hop but honestly the success she is having is honestly damaging the culture more than it is already fucked up. I’m not a professor for hip hop but to me this culture has always had a feeling of being rebellious, unorthodox, and speaking up for yourself in a offensive manner. Hip hop is not classy….it may have some degree of classiness too it but overall it’s rude and offensive. Niggaz beef in our culture whether it’s on the internet, through records, or in the streets however..I say that to say this when Iggy saw this interview along with the comments that this chick has been getting at her with for a minute now she needed to react stronger. This aint the time to be classy now if you a hip hop artist her attitude to her shoulda been FUCK YA!! Not these pathetic PR written responses that niggaz can see right through. Do something pop off like a real women who spitting like she from memphis but u handle beef like you from London…When Lil Kim came at Nicki (Greatest Female Rapper Ever) although Lil Kim is a legend and actually has clout she was like Fuck Her and put it in her music. THATS WHAT HIP HOP IS WE DON’T STAND FOR THE HATERZ WE ADDRESS THEM AND STAND OWN OUR TWO FEET…WE DONT HAVE TIP ACT LIKE AL SHARPTON OR JESSE JACKSON EVERYTIME PPL COME 4 U…HE SAVED HER AGAIN BUT IT’S PATHETIC NOW…IF TI GOTTA COME TO UR DEFENSE ERRYTIME HOW U EARN GRAMMY????? DA FUCK????
I have a new found respect for Azealia Banks. I think she is very genuine and she speaking on some seriously real topics. For that reason, I am going on Amazon Digital and buy her album. I don’t really dig the dance music and I may never listen to it more than once, but I am going to give her my $10 bucks out of respect to her crusade to bring issues of black art and culture to the forefront.
Great interview! RapRadar you missed her message. I am not even a fan of hers and I appreciate her honesty on issues that are not being addressed. Either a person of European decent wrote the above response, or a person of African decent that doesn’t know their history. America is run by our colonizers the brainwashing goes deep. Look at interviews from David Banner on Sway in the morning or J Cole on the Angie Martinez show and maybe you will understand…
It is agreeable that she did use the race card
That note is exactly how I feel about her. I won’t even give her music another chance because of her attitude. She is so full of herself, and confident in what she says. At least she fights for her opinion I guess, but I just can’t deal with her. I gave her a chance just watching this interview and I was right with the assumption I made. We just need to understand, it is NOT always about race. Sometimes it is the way you behave as an individual.
After watching the interview several times, I want Nicki and Azealia to squash their beef (if any..since A Banks was certainly promoting PinkPrint on Twitter) and do the hottest track ever. Kill what anyone else has to say. Unite
I FUCKING HATE THIS BITCH!!!!!!! I have to put it here since the news about what she said about kendrick isn’t a post yet, but jeezus someone shit this dumb bitch up!!!!