Shooting At Chris Brown Show In San Jose
January 11, 2015 @ 1:47 PM EST

Shots Fired.
Chris Brown found himself in the middle of drama once again. During his performance last night at the Fiesta nightclub for 106 KMEL’s Capricorn Bash, shots rang out injuring 5 partygoers. Luckily, there were no casualties and Breezy was unharmed. No motive was reported, but a few individuals were detained.
Chris brown the new Pac. Thuglife. Trouble just follows that nigga. But I never seen so many thots running for their lives
More like the new bobby brown
Shut the fuck up you fuckin rat
You talkin to yourself nigga?
Don’t make that comparison ever again, okay?
Lls can’t believe u just called this nigga Tupac
5 people get shot and a mainstream website makes it a joke trying to be cool and clever saying “shots fired”. Big homie is an idiot.
stop the whining bama…u fags complain about every thing shm
How was stating the obvious “shots fired” construed as making a joke? Isn’t that what just occurred? How else would you rather he to state it? “Multiple people shot at Chris Brown concert?” or “Shots rang out at another Chris Brown concert” or what about “Chris Brown makes a joke about violence seconds before shots rang out leaving multiple people shot?”…
It wasn’t just stating the fact and you know this. Shots fired is a hiphop euphemism
I understand what you are trying to get at but I believe you are just being hypersensitive to the comment. Shots fired is a euphemism for someone saying a scathing comment about another individual… more like a verbal assault. When you are addressing a shooting incident the term shots fired should be taken in the literal form.
He didn’t mean it In the literal form though, he meant it the way you explained it and to be clever and cool about People getting shot. And I probably am being hypersensitive, it doesn’t actually bother me though, I just think hes dumb, but you know how he was saying it.
look how many kooks are just standing there holding their phones trying to get a shaky low quality video of chris brown in a loud ass club
1st off RNB has become more thuggish than Hip Hop nowadays smh. Dude was actually laughing and hyping it up til them shots rang off. Look at his face then. No telling how much violence Chris Brown has seen during his career however when that bodyguard protected him from getting hurt made me shake my head cuz entertainers are immune to real life. They reach a level and other ppl drama becomes their entertainment.
these bamas gonna need bullet proof glass soon to perform smh…and what is he doin in that low budget ass speak easy performing anyway fools walking around with guns drunk off cheap ass malt liquor looking for a fool to look wrong so he can bust a cap in somebody…breezy should fire his booking agent asap
imma be drunk off that cheap ass malt liquor on wednesday night when i send you home crying with 2 black eyes
no worries here bama…i can hold my own and the bruhs got my back…don’t think you running up on a sucker homie it aint going down like that
what bruhs? 5/6 of your facebook friends are female
Shit corny, don’t even look like no R&B show, and in case Chris forgot, he is a fuckin singer. This nigga just standing there like a rapper with a thousand niggas on stage, where’s the dancing and backup singers? Y’know, the shit we used to see you do before you got insecure about something. Beating up Rihanna & throwing bottles at Drake got you on some gangster shit? Fuck Chris Brown and every other R&B nigga who helped destroy R&B music…
Chris Brown once said he is harder than these rap guys.SMH
cool off sweetie and go put on some john legend all emotional and shit you fkn gay cowboy!!
how you call a nigga sweetie and then gay in the same post? you the gay one.
damn bama u stalking my comments …u fkn gay cowboy!!
You’re commenting at the top of the post you punk bitch, go play with your 8 Facebook friends
wipe ya mouth bama…stay off my comments
Why don’t you go upstairs and check on your bagel bites you piss poor troll.
LAME!! now move on bama im done with u
How bout does Giants
idk about those giants, didn’t see em in the post season like those gay cowboys.
Dumb ass
Says “I’m done with you”… keeps posting.
Calls men “sweetie”… then accuses them of being gay.
Bro you’re a homophobe because you’re scared of yourself.
Stay off my comments u fkn gay cowboy. ..stalking ain’t a good look bama
Relax dude…it’s a club appearance not a concert..why tf wud he need dancers n shit
my .other makes $70 an hour on the laptop . She has been out of work for 5 months but last month her income was $20608 just working on the laptop for a few hours. read more;.Relax…
Exactly, dude sounds like a woman
Man his face went from oh word these niggas are getting down to oh shit oh shit oh shit…is that how Piru bloods condone themselves when that gangster shit Pop off….man these are mere entertainers looking for dumb asses to glorify their unworthy asses!
what you expect this nigga to stand around and get shot and you talking bout people being mere entertainers looking for dumb asses to worship them when your ass is STILL aspiring to do the same damn thing
Amen. And as a guy who was a bouncer for ten plus years i can already see why this happened. The venue was to small and there was too many people and not enough security.
this is called real life… this the real world…. that internet talkin aint doin nothin
That is why I don’t go to black concerts always some dumb shit pop off, black people never could act right. was right about blacks not respecting themselves.
chris need stop doing club events for his own good
Your gonna have a daughter one day and she is gonna make a child with every race you despise.
this bitch ass nigga is a virgin he aint having no kids ever
gunman wasn’t playing he was letting them things fly..i’m surprise nobody was fatally wounded.
s/o to the bama at 1:18 using his homie for a shield on the low lmao
gay cowboy alert
Dick rider alert..your life is sad bama
Bet the shooter was some n1ggers
In 2015 light skin niggas will become dark skin niggas
Luckily? 5 ppl got shot. Foh and find some empathy in your MMG gift basket
shootings at r n b shows now?? wow
20 guys on stage and you’re singing over your recording? That’s the worst thing a performer can do IMO other than lip synching. terrible
I was thinking the same thing! If niggas wanted to hear a recording, they’d stay home and turn on iTunes. SMH this generation is lost.
typical nigga shit. who cares.
people stand around on stage looking stupid. why?
When being real goes wrong.