New Music: Cassidy x Murda Mook “Boyz N The Hood”
January 21, 2015 @ 8:33 AM EST

From Philly back to Uptown, a couple of cocky MCs put their battle raps aside and lay it down on wax. Produced by Dolla Bill Kidz.
They wanna be from ATL so bad… zZzZzZz
Lol Smh @ this
That’s what happens when you get Philly and N.Y.together.
Nah Jay and Beans is legendary. This is basura
Yeah that what meant. Them two niggas sucks.
This is not as bad as any of you guys are making it out to be. Mook sounded kinda nice on this too….
This shit is just as trash as the artwork
meek killed it
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