50 Cent ‘Power’ Season 2 Trailer

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Starz is ready to roll out the second season of their drama series, Power this summer and the executive producer, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson will return as the character, Kanan.
Season 2 will pick up where it left off: James “Ghost” St. Patrick doubling down on his drug business to save his nightclub and dream of a legitimate future. Ghost’s work troubles pale in comparison to juggling his relationship with his wife, Tasha, and his first love Angela, who’s also an Assistant US Attorney investigating his drug organization.
Ghost is set further back from his dream by his business partner, Tommy, who loves the drug game, and his former mentor, Kanan, fresh out of jail, and looking for revenge. Can he get out of the drug game alive before Angela discovers who he is?
Empire is better! Fk u bamas!!
empire is better. but it also has accomplished, experienced actors, directors, exec producers with decades long track records, etc. And it’s on a major network. But it’s not a contest. We should be able to have more than one “black people with money show” without pitting them against each other. We will never get fair tv representation if we have to tear down one of our shows to build up another. Also, Taraji is laying that Cookie Lyons character out!!! excellent job.
Naw it’s not better and their story line has gotten completely wack after just a few episodes
On me it gets whacker every show… Now cookie a snitch? It’s too extra out I’ve seen more gay shit on there than any other show… Even Omar from the wire wasnt in this many gay scenes…
Only 2 shows bama lol ur a idiot
Every show? I love how you dumb niggas don’t even realize that you’re helping the show by watching it hahaha it’s so bad, but you’re still tuning in smh
But you following the storyline tho! Lol after the first ep if I thought it was wack I wouldn’t still watch the second ep, but that ain’t non of my business tho! Anyway thanks for viewing. You were part of the 10 mill
I know you love that homo son on empire. Faggot
U really reaching now bama get u some rest fk boi
this makes so much sense. i always knew you were a fudge packer. does your boyfriend sing along to with you while you watch the show?
Make up a acct to talk shit what a loser…get a life bama
sure thing jamal
Woah..actually doesn’t look to bad
50 landed a goldmine with this show. Seamless plot and great actors. He’s on a roll with the EP on the way and this show. At least someone in this hiphop shit is doing it right lol
show is much better than those straight to dvd movies he been putting out. those things have been awful.
50 DIDNT CREATE THE SHOW!!! He gets an executive producer credit. He didn’t write or produce a single episode!!! Lol #Facts
Obviously lol…but the fact that he’s attached to the show in some way, makes it a power move regardless
Why is this account hating so much ahhahahhahahah
bruh stfu. u sound gay as shit. He helped create the entire show u fuckin moron. Learn the facts before u spew the hate faggot. Niggaz always gotta hate. go make money pussy cuz hate aint paying the bills
that first season was amazing
i pray that this second season lives up to the hype and can keep up with empire, right now that show has everyone’s attention..i cant personally seem to find the reason its a decent watchable show but its not exactly a show i get out of work and race home to watch…50 has a lot of “power” being on a network like starz he could make the show have wtvr kind of content, as long as its sellable…
Alot of Empire’s problems stem from being on a cable network, I think that keeps it from being as gritty as it means to be. Power has an advantage being on a premium channel, they don’t have to worry about censoring language or violence and shit like that.
50 Cent & the Power staff have a hit show! After seeing this trailer I can’t wait till it returns.
Empire is copying Power too much, i’m getting tired of it
Completely different shows..
why is the main character on a clock, why did he in the 1st episode kill someone loyal to him, why is Cookie so like Tasha, crook gon publicly righteous, too many similarities
Empire is actually dope, i felt the same way until i watched empire. The artist on the show and there music is dope……
U sound dumb get off 50 nuts u just saying that cuz he did.
empire is cheesy as fuck. the acting is fucking horrible, the only good acting is from Howard and the main chick. the rest is a joke. no comparison at all.
Fifty didn’t create the show,he gets a executive producer credit. He didn’t write or produce a single episode!!! #Facts
He actually is a producer on the show. You can see that they credit him. The actors even call him boss in multiple interviews. You seem mad. Are you alright?
Can’t wait for Season 2 to drop because Season 1 was fire. This show is better than Empire which is a carbon copy lol. Salute to 50
empire is better. but it also has accomplished, experienced actors, directors, exec producers with decades long track records, etc. And it’s on a major network. But it’s not a contest. We should be able to have more than one “black people with money show” without pitting them against each other. We will never get fair tv representation if we have to tear down one of our shows to build up another. Also, Taraji is laying that Cookie Lyons character out!!! excellent job.empire is better. but it also has accomplished, experienced actors, directors, exec producers with decades long track records, etc. And it’s on a major network. But it’s not a contest. We should be able to have more than one “black people with money show” without pitting them against each other. We will never get fair tv representation if we have to tear down one of our shows to build up another. Also, Taraji is laying that Cookie Lyons character out!!! excellent
fuck outta here with that bullshit
Nahh Empire aint better, it is tacky and too grand for grand sake Terrence Howard and Taraji do their thing but I think the writing is fucking with the acting a bit. I am happy for Black actors getting theirs but give me a choice between Power and Empire, Power wins
empire is basically glee for niggas. like a tyga perry show with singing. i feel kind of gay after watching the first 2 episodes.
But YOU still watching tho huh? You HATE the show so much, but you WATCHED the first TWO eps!!!! Stop being a mindless fucking sheep smh you’re ONLY hating on the show cause 50 said something bout it. If 50 never ever compared the two shows, I’m sure you wouldn’t be neither! You’re a fucking mindless sheep and I pray to god you’re not an adult cause if you’re a grown ass man dick riding another grown ass man then that’s just sad.
have u not watches the show?? the shit is corny as hell LOL terrible acting. Just watch the scene where he killed his cousin or whatever at the end of episode 1. My god that shit was corny as hell. Episode 2 was even worse. Nigga the only dope thing is that episode was when the white bitch pulled the bib out the kitchen drawer when she went to suck dude off bahahahah If u like that show u a cornball nigga. DEF Glee for niggaz
50 did not create the show!!!! He gets an executive producer CREDIT!!! He didn’t write or produce a single episode!!!
They need to pick up the pace. last season moved very slow for only 8 episodes. way too much talking about their feelings between ghost and the fed chick. they did that until ep 7. Pick it up. Starz has a track record of cancelling series after just two seasons. don’t give them a reason to axe it. The writing needs to improve greatly. Hopefully they will.
People need to stop comparing Power to Empire. Those are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SHOWS.
They are both good shows…..
Stay making business moves FIF…. Stop making music…your flow isn’t timeless can’t catch lighting in a bottle twice you had a few summers under your belt…sold a crazy amount of albums they can’t take that from you but your like a novelty item now musically okay to have but no one really wants the shit….Yeah I wrote it like Curtis will read this shit.
oh hell yeah
you niggas are crazy if you think that trash ass show empire is better than power. My nigga 50 had a big last year brought back the unit and gave niggas a show to fuck with… I can already tell season 2 is going to be very lit
50 DIDNT CREATE THE SHOW!!! He gets an executive producer credit. He didn’t write or produce ONE episode!!! #Facts
HATE again
The Hate for another man is strong…smh where’s your moves?
Empire makes Power look like The Godfather Part II.
Anyone who says that trash ass Empire (aka Valley Of The Lightskins) is a good show is not even worthy of a reply.
I haven’t seen Empire but I told my dad he should watch Power instead when he said something about recording it.
I was hungry for more when episode 8 was over.
Looking good!
I loved the 1st season, i hope 50 doesn’t try mess the show up by trying up all focus on his roll,
50 didn’t write or produce a single ep last season!!!! So I’m sure you don’t have to worry bout him messing the show up. He just gets a executive producer credit. That’s not shit in Hollywood
he also wasn’t playing a main character he was mostly behind the sense this season his take more up front roll
Bring it onnn!!!
the only reason Empire has a big buzz is because its available to all viewers being on Fox,in Canada we don’t get Power on cable we got to watch on the internet and people don’t wanna go thru all that lol fox reaches a bigger audience but i rather a show be able to have curse words and violence and nudity it makes it more real…empire seems so fake and wack
2015 belongs to 50 and G-Unit.
Way better than Empire. Fox fucked up. Lol. 50 making power moves, pardon the pun.
How did fox fuck up when Empire is doing 15million homes ever week and Power BIGGEST week was 3 million households?
Empire comes on free TV while Power comes on premium cable you have to pay for
the WIRE was on CABLE too! That’s not FREE TV and they was doing close to 20 MILLION household a week! 3 million is shitty number for a show YALL “CLAIM” is SO GOOD! with 50 BACKING it! If he don’t start doing 10 MILLION HOUSEHOLD A WEEK it WILL NOT be a SEASON 3! and the nigga got 40 MILLION FOLLOWERS on TWITTER!
Killed them!!! U see them niggas ain’t even respond lol
Power is better than Empire but it only comes on starz niggas out here is struggling to add HBO and cinemax if 50 can get a spot on FOX that would be dope
Stop making excuse!!!! Wire was on cable and they were doing 20 mill. Power ain’t doing half that.
nigga needs to stop making movies and tv shows and start focusing on music, did this nigga forget about his album that is supposed to drop about 6 years ago?
it aint been 6 years ago, he dropped an album in between, a free album several mixtapes and G-Unit EP, plus a new Unit EP thats about to drop then his album plus their solos and a full G-unit album, that’s a lot of work and just because he aint moving on other people schedules don’t mean he aint putting in work. Same issue lil wayne was having dealing with Cash Money right now is the same shit Fif got away from with Interscope
But they won’t feel it to there favorite rapper goes through it.
but those “albums” you named ain’t shit, they were wack. he hasn’t released a quality album in a while.
IT HAS BEEN SIX YEARS SINCE SKI WAS SUPPOSE TO DROP!!!! Stop it with the lies smh and you know damn well that’s what ole boy was talking bout! And please miss me with the “he’s bout to drop” bullshit! Wasn’t SKI pose to drop in. Sept last year? How bout that second EP? The only thing 50 dropped last year was an album that flopped and that wack ass ep! Gtfoh come to me when they start dropping these so called albums cause the two that was suppose to drop last year, still ain’t out yet!!
this nigga gotta be a Ross Stan lmaoooo this nigga literally went at every nigga who fucks with 50 bahahaha faggot ass nigga go get laid
theres no money in music
When I first heard fifty was dropping a show, I can’t lie, I was expecting hot trash. But I must admit that this show is dope and season 2 looks like it could be something special.
Lol he didn’t create the show! He gets an executive producer credit even tho he didn’t write or produce a single ep
yet somehow hes being sued for stealing the concept of the show
Fif is stay winning I have nothing else to say. Fuck all y’all hating ass niggas gggggggggunit.
Say what you will about fifty but you gotta respect his ambition. ALWAYS makin moves. Congrats to him on the success of the show.
Empire is cheesey as hell lol i mean seriously it is. I just hustle & flow on network television
BUT YOU SEEN IT THO! Lol thanks for the views, you added to the other 10 million ppl dummy smh lol
you must be the gay kid from Empire that got thrown in the trash can
So what just because i seen it dont mean it still aint cheesy