Lupe Fiasco ‘Sway In The Morning’ Freestyle
January 23, 2015 @ 9:20 AM EST

No Mas.
Lupe has already put the stamp on Tetsuo & Youth as his “best album”. The other day, he swung by Sway’s spot at Shade 45 to discuss the music industry, social media, KiD CuDi, Azealia Banks, Obama and more. Before he left, he dropped a few bars, which he claims will be his last radio freestyle. We’ll see.
Thank god cause son is awful.
Lol yeah ok
As a general, I must tell you your comment is a disgrace.
this man is a GOAT contender, but the media and public bashed him to the point where he doesn’t even want to be seen in public or the media
you guys fucked up
Tetsuo and Youth is crazy…listen to it before you hate on his music
Launched that up vote from half court bruh… I need you to catch it and 360 it.
Sway was struggling to pronounce “Tetsuo” the whole time lol
lmao why he go in on cudi like that? hahaha. lupe threats are amusing.
thats the westside comin out of him
interview too real. havent seen this level of honesty in an interview since maybe pac and (though i don’t agree with half of it) ye. no false pretenses man, just keeping it 100. and that freestyle? lawd. keeping up with such a fast beat, while going off the top, WHILE not just rhyming punchlines but actually having a concept and retelling his career’s history. wtf. just wtf man. i don’t even know how that’s possible. lu is dope, contended for GOAT and anyone that doesn’t see that, i kinda question their taste in hip-hop (or if they even know what it really is)
Lupe, is that you?
I dig when rappers come off the head in a freestyle so he gets props fro that, but cmon son… I know you’re a bit younger and he was a breath of fresh air to a certain generation but Lupe was never in the running for the GOAT.
Lupe could arguably be in the race for GOAT if the ONLY factor is rhymes period. If his rhymes were to be judged bar for bar from his mixtapes to his albums? It would be extremely difficult time to get passed him. It would definitely come down to the top 5. Other factors would cancel out Lupe but if it was just about rhymes? Lupe has dropped a pyramid stone size twenty ton block of dope rhymes in Hip Hop.
Agreed… but you and I know that less than 2% of rap music fans base their GOATs on strictly rhymes. Just having dope rhymes doesn’t make a great rapper, and that’s why most wouldn’t put Lupe in their top 5 or 10.
I’m Chicago biased and I still wouldn’t put him in my top 10. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS JUST MY OPINION – but similar to JCole and Wale – he can get boring and lack charisma at times. But he is an incredible lyricist/good songwriter. After a while I just want to hear something else though.
Just having dope rhymes doesn’t make a great rapper? Yes it does. Now if we’re talking about top 5 in the music industry then ok but why is Nas in the top 5? Rhymes right? I mean you can add in other shit but 95% of the reason Nas is in peoples top five is based on rhymes. So Lupe could be considered in that same context. When people say top 5 in general? How much consideration is given to rhymes? Alot.
Just like people put KDurant in their top 5… but he’ll never be top 5 greatest players ever just based on his scoring ability because so many people before him have been incredible… that’s how I see Lupe. Great lyrics but just not worthy of top 5. Sorry fell asleep to NBA TV
Top 5 is about lyrical ability though. Ask ten people who their top 5 is and all ten will name lyricists and then they’ll spend a bunch of time talking about lyrics. Nobody says oh Black Thought is in my top 5 because he wears cool hats?
The thing is people like to make exceptions for the people they like and thats why I said if it was strictly about lyrics then Lupe has a good chance of being top 5 because no matter who you pick? Lupe can compete lyrically.
Ok you win. You make good points. Maybe I just feel like on any day of the week I can think of 12 rappers I would put above Lupe. I mean Andre 3$tacks ain’t in my top 5, maybe top 10… but lyrically I’d always put him above Lupe. That has to do not only with his lyrics, but how he says them – his cadence, tone, etc. Lupe may have more intricate lyrics, but isn’t necessarily better lyrically. Just my opinion really. Props to Lu.
Andre made one solo album and it was Pop R&B. Now as far as when he used to rap? I mean he’s dope but I don’t think he could fuck with Lupe in any lyrical sense whatsoever. You can think of 12 rappers thats above Lupe? Thats some shit I honestly can not do.
Nas is boring and lacks charisma but he’s still top 5.
Nah his flow is actually interesting and draws you in. His storytelling is ill. He is laid back but I wouldn’t say boring. He just has had spurts of wackbeatitis…
I wouldn’t say Lupe is boring either and his flow definitely draws people in, thats obvious.
Niggas still talking about Lupe like he a new artist? LOL… The day one fans are still listening it’s just you new niggas who ain’t listening… Homie is a GOAT… As far as the whole Cudi vs Lupe thing is stupid cause Cudi will never be on the same level as Lupe… & the more sites like RR, artist like Lupe and T.I., and radio stations like Hot 97 keep talking about the famous internet troller known as Azealia Banks she will always prosper and perform at wack ass festivals and get the cover of magazines she doesn’t deserve. Anyone remember when Azealia Banks dropped that dope album? No? Me neither.
public enemy number 1 lupe fiasco
for this to be his LAST Sway freestyle ever on the books. He didnt go in enough.
One thing I gotta disagree with Lupe on is he said Hip Hop isn’t black culture, it just stems from black culture? When you see a tree with a bunch of branches you could comment on the what you see about the tree but you can’t just dismiss its roots.
Also the question was asked, would people rather have Hip Hop culture or not have the conditions that created Hip Hop culture? As if america would be a utopia so Hip Hop wouldn’t have been created? The conditions that created Hip Hop were the last minute effects and reaches of slavery so using the hypothetical Lupe is trying to use? What if slavery never ended? Cause that would’ve been the likely scenario from the perspective in which the question was asked. To assume that everything would be like disney land so the conditions that created Hip Hop would have never existed is a stretch.
soooooooo goood..
Will I ever feel like Lupe gets unfairly hated on? No. He chose to be abraisive and make unpopular decisions and hate goes with that. That’s the path.
Do I feel like he can be very self righteous because he constantly calls attention to his sacrifices and the hate he receives? Yes. If you gon be on that path then social media hate and industry shade is honestly light work. Non celebrity activists are out here getting killed by crime bosses and their governments.
Is his worst shit better than many mc’s best shit? Yes.
Is he the best industry freestyler of this era? Probably. It’s him, Los, and Mistah Fab in that convo tho.
Do his albums put him in the convo for the GOAT? Hmmmm. Not mine. But I could see a top ten convo.
This is the difference between written and freestyling and Lupe has it
Sway spotted @
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Some rappers are so great they make me strive to be a better rapper myself.
Lupe so great I wanna quit lol