1. cmonhomiewemajor says:

    nice guy

    but damn…this nigga has to change his sound

    1. tututhebadboy says:

      Agreed. It never was much of anything to me.. & interviews never boosted him to be cooler.. usually is the case but not this time

  2. thats mr.esco to you fk boi! says:

    This bama is corny

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Big homie you corny for posting this bull shit interview.


    he’s gon ride that DJ mustard wave until it fades out

    I cant blame him tho , his old stuff was pretty dope

  5. tututhebadboy says:

    Never could really get with kid ink frfr… idk why but it jus always seem to me like he’s pushing a lil too hard, No mo.

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