New Music: Tech N9ne “Aw Yeah? (interVENTion)”
January 28, 2015 @ 8:38 PM EST

Mind Right.
Tech N9ne’s set to release his Special Effects on May 5 and he’s targeting social injustice on his first offering. The album is already up for pre-order at his URL.
My gut feeling tells me that this will be his best album to date. #GOAT
Every album Tech puts out is his best album to date!
techa nina!
Naija Represent.
LOOOL Yes oga.
Bout time some real rappers start putting out new music!
tech has a collab with eminem coming gonna be wild
Thought he was waiting for an EM verse which he hasn’t sent yet? Been a long time coming for those two to collab other than the ‘anthem’ from more than a decade ago.
Em doesn’t want that problem. He would probably spend a decade writing that verse to be satisfied that he held his own.
It’s been said multiple times though and has supposed to have happened for a decade. So take it with A grain of salt
i’m not entertained.
Real Shit. KC all day!!!
I respect the skill and the fact that he’s making music relevant to current events and doing it creatively. I enjoyed listening.