Kanye Debuts “All Day” Video In Paris
March 7, 2015 @ 7:39 PM EST

Get Low.
— Team Kanye Daily (@TeamKanyeDaily) March 7, 2015
Kanye’s currently in Paris as the musical entertainment for the Louis Vuitton Foundation. During his performance, he premiered his highly anticipated video, “All Day”, which is directed by Oscar winner Steve McQueen. Here’s a couple of clips courtesy of TKD
aaah looks good!
It’s official, my fav rapper has fallen off!!! Smh Ye WTF is this?
Don’t worry U will be back once that album drop all the haters tend to do that.
I’m not a hater! Like I said earlier, he’s my favorite rapper, but he hasn’t dropped a video I liked since Otis. He is a living legend & I’m buying the album Reguardless I’m just keeping it
Well my bad, but don’t doubt Kanye I mean he has one questionable album out of 6 that is not that bad. I know this album will be great.
STFU f@g boy
Pretty sure a majority of his fan base didnt like his last album..im with that guy…his singles last album didnt do nothin but ensure that if u didnt like the singles u werent gonna like the whole album which is exactly what happend an …i already see this being the same
Seeing as it’s was well received on this site, hotnewhiphop, rapup, etc. I’m pretty sure this is the opposite of Yeezus. Whereas “Black Skinhead” confused/pissed off fans on twitter after it was performed on SNL, “All Day” was well received after the Britt Awards.
Yeezus not Kanye best album but it wasn’t a weed plate album either. Kanye will deliver just think about it this way. When 808s drop people hated that album and he drop MBDTF to shut everyone up.
Naw I liked Yeezus!!! It had more songs I fucked with then not. Blk skinhead, new slaves, bound2, blood on leaves, send it up & I’m in it are all bangers to me! And don’t get me wrong I love all day and wolves. It’s just I can tell he ain’t really worried bout making a classic album any more and that scares me
I see you haven’t quit your profession of banging dudes. Good on you Wellington. Way to stick your pink pistols.
LMAO R.Wellington is a bitch.
Bitch Nigga
But its a grand total of 12 seconds of video tho… Ima wait to see the whole vid.
Can’t you just say you don’t like it? All Day is the last song that should make you think Kanyes fell off.
Id say this is better than anything on yeezus
Then I’ll say you must didn’t listen to Yeezus! Cause this not fucking with New Slaves or Blackskinhead
Both those songs were horrible attempts by him to seem political and edgy ause e wanted to be taken serious…but they were contradictory withn themselves an weren’t that good. It just dumb uneducated people like you really thought he was saying some next level shit.
why didnt he debut this in chicago?
Where is the video….. I don’t want these 10 seconds VInes.
Wheres your real page? I don’t want to see no F A G G O T nigga with tyler the creator for his avi
Didn’t I ether U on the other site. Listen your AVI is from Power from 50cent show with the main character. that ain’t you nigga.
You never ether’d anyone F A G G O T. You still have Tyler The Creator as your avi
You’re asking where his real account is, yet you have your posts set to private. Don’t act like that dude is a bitch, when you’re an obvious bitch also.
Yawnsssssss!! whats the point of that post
LOL CUZ ITS THE GOAT KANYE! CHECK OUT http://www.soundcloud.com/love_at_first_sound/songwrittenaboutgirls ! DONT SLEEP, SUPER DOPE. <3
What do you expect, I mean they posted the god damn song credits for this song earlier in the week…
Official , cant wait, but I really hope Drake IS NOT A PART OF THIS PROJECT
what do you mean? I think them working together is dope
Kanye seems like he’s in a good place, this album sounds like it’ll be another classic
Kanye sounds amazing over trap beats.
Shut up Nigga you sound like a homo.
Shut up you sound like a homophobe
Watch your fuckin mouth nigga.
Because he actually articulates his words?
Omg here comes the god, here comes the ghetto maggot…this fuckin guy sound like he has marbles in his mouth. Maybe you have to be uneducated to understand him.
well you should understand him clearly pedro….fk yo feelings!!!
go take out the trash bama fuck you.
you’re a g-unit fan you automatically lost beaner
stop frontin like you not a g unit fan i seen them comments..
i dont hate them, but to act like they’re any better than kanye in any fashion makes you look retarded, and you be caping for them niggas which is even worse
G unit is better than that weird dressing ass nigga.
LMAO gunit cant dress to save their lives so ima just assume you’re a loser who wears oversized clothing from burlington coat factory and rock lugz like the loser beaner you are, and even your dumb ass know that g unit isn’t better than kanye so I won’t even argue against that dumb ass statement, cuz if them niggas was even a fraction better than kanye they would be way more relevant than they are now
“can’t dress to save your life”. Smh. End your clothing discussion on this music blog please. Even if it is a Kanye post. G-Unit is a different side of Hip Hop, just as Kanye has a different way of ‘thinking’, as others have so mildly put it. You can’t argue the fact that G-Unit has had a major influence on Hip Hop today. Back when they were relevant everybody dressed like them.
…….what point are you trying to make, I’m talking about right now, he said something about kanye dressing weird then I said they couldn’t dress at all, I don’t give a fuck what impact they had back in the day, I never said they were trash, so Ima talk about whatever tf I want Edje Man, now fuck off
kanye spends big money to look like a homeless nigga from the matrix or a concentration camp prisoner, thats shit is wack and so are you
Say what you want yeezus still went platinum tho (Kayne shrug)
they overshipped. it sold 600k units
keep tellin yourself that lol
and it never sold a million
It went platinum over a yr ago…
Looks like like Kendrick’s HiiPower.
except hiiipower way better
Looks simple but who’s to say that’s bad? I’ll wait for the full vid
Kanye fell off hard
The king is back, the champ is here, and the messiah has cometh!
“motherfucker you can live at the mall”
He already said that though..”crack dealer buys Jordans crackhead buy crack, and the white man gets paid off of all of that”