The Breakfast Club Interviews Dame Dash
March 13, 2015 @ 10:02 AM EDT

Envy vs. Dame
Dame Dash made his first appearance this morning on The Breakfast Club. Along with Murda Mook, he scoffs at Jay Z questions, Loisaidas, Roc-A-Fella, business acumen, Def Jam, Drake and a whole lot more.
Dame Dash bitter bout the Hov shit out the gate…Envy trying to help introduce who you really are and your legacy to a younger audience in a respectful manner you took it the wrong way Old Nigga…these young ass kids don’t know how you are connect to Jay Z
Well said, but he has that same NYC/Harlem attitude. They hate and don’t even know it. I have heard him on many of his interviews all week. I want the best for him and then he goes and blows it with his rants. He still didn’t promote the movie or his book. Talk about that. he tries to control every interview. I know what take your Bi-Polar meds before you do an interview next time.
Dumbass, Jay Z and his wife are running around with a known informant you fucking clown. He’s not talking about snitches or the affiliations, that’s how you end up under investigation for frivolous bullshit.
now you are preview to this info how, are you jay-z’s underware his shoes, beyonce’s thong cause we dam sure know you aint their friend. how is ti that people think they know about a celebs life from what they hear. shut the fuck up forever
Dame consistently acts like a bitch the way he reacts to things. He cries when someone asks him about Jay but if it weren’t for Jay Dame wouldn’t have nearly the level of success he has now. Talking about “I screamed on people so I didn’t shoot them”, shut the fuck up, no ones buying that shit.
@ B.Dot
Along with Murda Mook, he scuffs at Jay Z questions, Loisaidas, Roc-A-Fella demise, Def Jam, and a lot more.
you worried about a letter? Bruh, back to manning the expresso machine.
…………..HA!!!! FIX IT, FUCKBOY!!!!
B.Dot talked shit about a letter, but he changed it
real shit.
As soon as i saw it was a mistake seconds. Mac is like a toddler yanking at your leg
lmao real shit
the escaped sperm always has something to say. i really want to see the vagina you came from and spit on it.
mac its ok…… dont have to be so angry, i know life is hard everyday you battle with you sexuality we see it. its about time you tell b,dot how you really feel about him. we know you a fag just from the shit you say. its ok mac you can be the sam smith of internet trolling.
You just killed mac diesel. his comeback was loud but bootylicious. Ouch!
u petty.. get off B.DOTS NUTS.. u mad Bro?
Preach dame dash preach.
Heard Motherfuckers saying they made Hov, made Hov say, okay so, Make another hov
This nigga just called Jay-z and /or his associate a fed informant, but he don’t gossip!?! GTFOH
Shit not gossip if it’s in the paper…it’s called an article, to which anyone is free to read. That’s not what you heard that’s hearsay otherwise known as gossip
When you talk about it it turns into gossip, that’s how it works. Gossip is just talking about someone else to others, factual or not. Not to mention Dame is the one saying men shouldn’t talk about other men, for good or bad so Dame should keep his mouth shut overall.
I guess he wasn’t entitled to explain his reasoning as for why he would be opposed to fucking with Jay again huh
Yeah that’s not a good reason, Dame acts like hes in the Fed Building looking at documents which he isn’t. The second someone brought Jay up he freaked so I’m not buying that shit.
It wasn’t like he made up that accusation. Its in an article and is public knowledge if you do your research. You can’t knock Dame for not wanting to discuss another man over & over & over. Ik he is inevitably linked to Jay but after a while that shit got old. But at the same time the BC was just doing their job so it is what it is.
I agree with all that. He knew he was going to get Jay questions though, he needs to stop freaking out over it while he’s being recorded. It makes interviewers want to ask him it more so they can get publicity when Dame flips on em. I haven’t seen this article so I can’t speak on it, what I do know is that unless I’m looking at federal documents that have been confirmed real by the government then I don’t start saying someone else is an informant as a fact.
He never said Jay was an informant. He was saying Jay is knowingly affiliated with informants which made him question his character and where he stands nowadays in the first place.
Again when someone comes with claims like that, they should have some proof to show. Dame says he doesn’t want to talk about another man but has no problem with saying shit like that and even putting Jay on blast not during an interview. Dame is a hypocrite, that’s that.
I guess you expect him to carry around an article in reference to the situation everywhere he goes. He didn’t necessarily put Jay on blast plus they asked him for his reasoning which is based on personal experience. Its not gossip if there is factual evidence to his claims.
No but these aren’t documents easily accessed by most people. Like I said, you can’t say don’t ask me about this man but turn and talk about him if it puts him in a negative light. Again, Dame is a hypocrite.
So basically you’re saying if you and I read an article and talk about it…we’re gossiping? Or are we having a discussion?
It’s gossip… You might be having a discussion about it but its still gossip plain and simple.
That’s a fair point. I think if you are discussing it and trying to be unbiased or at least not stating things as facts when you don’t know for sure that’s a discussion. When you start talking about people stating things about them that are unconfirmed as facts that’s when it’s gossip i’d say.
I respect your perspective bro #goodtalk
Thanks man, same here. Glad to talk to people who know how to converse without being ignorant.
If Dame was in the Mafia, they would’ve #Wacked his loud a– already.
kanye west
you need make a Pole where people can vote to see if Dame Dash is right,wrong,or confused you in this interview because the comments seem split down the middle.
he makes some points, but, overall, he’s off base.
He did his name is Kanye West lol
Dame didnt make Kanye homie, get your facts right before you start riding other men’s dicks.
He came while the roc was still together. Go listen to last call for the first time.
He. Did that was Kanye
Dame let them hoe ass niggaz know whats up! Classic fuckin interview.
i respect Dame. Cut the Jay Z bullshit out.
This guy needs his own show. matter fact take Angela off and stick him in. This thing would be on a different level.
the same way your father offed your mother and stuck that new bitch in. now your fam on a different level
Thought that up all by yourself?
na your mom helped me
Hercules, Hercules!
Hercules, Hercules
Yeezy taught you well
If you apply a selective filter and take the jewels from what Dame is saying you will benefit. If you listen to his “antics” and focus on his personality you will be dissatisfied.
1. Ownership and equity
2. OG’s and councils
3. Legacy
That’s just up to 21 mins in video one. Parse jewels, don’t get caught up in the surface…
You can also drop jewels without sounding like a dickhead. As successful as he is, he’s equivalent to a dude who disrespects you and your family in the name of bettering yourself
That is Dame character he always been like that.
And just cos it’s his character doesn’t mean ppl are gonna respond to it accordingly, different ppl react to things differently so if you are gonna talk shit to someone with the best of intentions bare in mind there are better ways to do that without talking shit
Nigga kill yourself you fucking homo…. Nobody cares about your opinion clown. You’re a nobody….. You poor people make me sick. FOH.
looks like someone needs to see mummy about getting breast-fed
you are going to remain stupid until you die………your hell is in your brain or the lack of one.
And he’s doesn’t fit in 2015. This guy don’t deserve any pass to sound this arrogant or redundant, he hasn’t offered culture anything (in) those 15 years, so he’s at best still a jackass
And we’re supposed to like it, because he’s clearly been unable to become a better person, all of these years?
I learned those 3 things on the (first) day of my first music business course, he ain’t no god
Dudes got a “boss” complex, that whole image is fading not just in hip hop but in the world in general quickly. It’s about having a crew and a team getting things accomplished together and working through differences, if, you supposedly care that much about your team, which we know Dame wasn’t able to do for one reason or another.
He came straight outta pocket to disrespect envy, which to me is enough to tell him to get his ass out the studio- I’m not even done with the first video yet.
The biggest thing dame has been able to offer since the split besides Cam, has been his interviews, we (do) wanna know. We (still) (don’t) know what exactly happened, people wanna get the story to see if Dame really got screwed for no reason to see if he’s worth dealing and working with, so we can (try) to take the guy seriously, because his antics sure don’t no him no justice.
heres the problem with Dames bullshit theories
how the fuck is a doctor not supposed to have a boss? is a doctor a failure because theres somebody whos job is to run the hospital, while its their job to save peoples lives?
Everybody’s come up isn’t the same. Plus the direct to consumer approach via the internet would be more viable if your selling product, building a brand etc. He pretty much saying why be content with building an empire for someone else when there is a way to have ownership and doing what you love for yourself. So that “doctor” should use his income to invest in a hospital he can own and provide an equal opportunity for others to prosper.
This is some real dumb nigga shit. And you wonder why none of you guys aint doing shit. just talking. FOH.
Im pretty sure you’ve done the research and know me personally to know what I am doing huh. Get off the internet and go get you some life insurance you clown
I can tell you aint shit because you speaking on Shares of a hospital, and investing in a hospital. That’s dumb nigga shit. You can’t invest in a hospital like its a company you fucking idiot. its a different model all together. But you like dame are some dumb ignorant fools who speak before you know shit. Hence why you on the internet talking about what people should do and not out there doing it.
Take the L and move on, Fucking idiot.
this was gold
You sound upset and very much so ignorant in your own right. People can actually buy hospital’s ya know. But judging by how you irrationally respond, I can tell you do not read books often. Do some research before you speak. In the mean time, I suggest you go finish getting your GED certification and continue the rest of your life earning minimum wage. Fuck Boy
Your retarded a doctor would make more than the owner of the hospital just saying…
ya but Dame acts like everybody on the planet should have entrepreneurial aspirations…what about people who work for Doctors/Engineers Without Borders, or people who just want to paint and shit
and why would Dame feel like Kanye was being disloyal to him, if Kanye was just trying to have ownership of his own company and used Jay and Dame as a means of getting that? thats not disloyalty, its just good entrepreneurship
this man is a walking contradiction and just yells his stupid beliefs and expects us to fill in the blanks in our head until we stop thinking he’s stupid
Everybody’s come up isn’t the same bruh. Even if you do work for somebody, he was advocating putting up your own income to attain equity and ownership in your future endeavors. If your content in your situation that fine as well but you can always prosper and do better. This logic has been applied to many other cultures but its hardly comprehended when it comes to the black community which is why we get taken advantage of economically.
Great interview.
But when you have such a different mentality than everyone else, it becomes frustrating when hearing other ppl justify a brainwashed mentality. So from the outside it may look like he disrespecting but really he’s trying to get them to think and not settle
VIEWS from the outside…..cause I don’t know theses Negros…However by listening to Dame talk he seems like a real slick Used car salesman he’s damn good at what he does may have the hottest Moms and Pops car lot in town. The type to sell you a lemon and act like he did u a favor however “He can’t move in a room full of vultures “(hence getting upset with ENVY) will cuss out the customers and won’t stop fucking the secretaries…..See Jay wanted to own the Plant that produced the cars fuck the dealership.>>Dame wanted to be the flyest used car salesman in town just to much Sam Rothstein.
To me its simple…the quiet one that makes calculated statements is winning (jayz) and the loud one who just talks and doesn’t let others talk is in a lesser place financially (dame dash)…period
Its easy to say Jay Z is winning but if Jay’s Net Worth is about 550 Mill then there are several Multi-Billionaires prospering off his influence. Dame’s way was always to cut out the middle men and gain the profit that the powers that be will so easily take and capitalize off. There’s nothing wrong with that method either.
Dis nigga nut riding Dame so hard shits sad.
OK NUMBA 1 JayZ Stan. Niggas too hard headed to peep game but whatever
LOL. Im not the one running around the comments defending another man. I just facts. You lik nuts. Big diffrent.
But your running to my replies tho? How about you BOSS your grammar up and actually help your mother pay the internet bill? We are all entitled to our opinion and perspective so it would be nice if you would get off my tip.
That’s how the game go…someone is always going to be an owner in the beginning. Jay is NOW that owner as well.
The reason I can’t ascribe to Dame’s way of thinking is that it negates the work and working people, which is ignorant and dumb!
So by Dame’s logic there would be no Oprah or Tyler Perry who we BOTH know has more money than Dame EVER amassed! Oprah didn’t start out as a boss! Even her popular day time show she did for 30 yrs was produced by someone in the beginning, she didn’t have that capital to invest. Once she showed herself to be an earner via ratings and a person of integrity and acumen, she was able to buy in and own.
See Dame’s logic will having people who lack critical thinking skills saying “I ain’t working for no one…blah, blah…I’m doing my own thing” You’ll see them 5-10yrs later and they don’t even have a plan or never started bc they don’t know how to go about.
Dame is wrong. I get his mentality but you know what’s is showing that it’s not even working for HIM. Thus the scorn, resentment and anger.
Just because Dame isn’t in the forefront of the scene any more doesn’t mean his way of handling his business made him any less successful. His logic isn’t gonna apply to each & every career field. All he is saying is use your OWN money to attain equity and ownership for your business and spread the wealth.Everybody’s come up won’t be the same but if more Black people had more business knowledge our economic status would increase.
Plus its not about who has the most money. As he stated he constantly trying to flip & re-up on the pros he still produce. But as far as Oprah & Tyler Perry goes, I am sure there are multi-billionaires profiting off their influence and brands they created.
Actually it did and he is by every measure – health, relationships, happiness and finance.
That’s not true that people are not necessarily owners in the beginning. Steve Jobs owned Apple from the beginning, Bill Gates owned Microsoft from the beginning and he was 19. Mark Zuckerberg owned facebook from the beginning. I totally ascribe to what Dame is saying because that’s the way real wealth is created from generations to generations. If you look at families like Johnson and Johnson, Dupont, Rockefeller, Kennedy’s etc. The reason why their name live on is because someone in the beginning owned the company and passed it on from generation to generation. Even look at the Koch brother who are going to donate almost $900 million to next presidential candidate, that’s 1.5 times Jay Z ‘s wealth, they got that money because they inherited their father’s company. Same thing with the Walton family from Wal-mart. Dame is saying some real shit, but it’s for people who believe in themselves. People who think they deserve more than the comfortable 9-5. There was recently a research article from Harvard Business Review about the difference in wealth creation among blacks and whites in America. One of the most substantial reason why whites had more wealth was because they placed more money in their companies that gave them a lot more equity. The article talked about how blacks are a lot more conservative in risky investments and didn’t place as much money in their companies. Whites take the risk in believing in their ideas and amass great wealth. You are talking about Oprah, Jay, and Tyler Perry but people like the Koch brothers can donate all the money they own to a presidential candidate, now that’s real wealth and power and that’s what Dame is talking about. The reason why Dame is clowning people like Jay is because Jay is a supervisor and has majority ownership in nothing. People cut his checks. He talks about bringing Brooklyn Nets to Brooklyn, but the majority of the Barclays Center is Bruce Ratner not Jay Z. Bruce can leave that for his kids Jay Z can’t. Jay-Z was cut a check by livenation to start Rocnation so technically that’s not his either. The only person putting up his money up like Dame is talking about is Diddy who put his own $100 million in Revolt. What Dame is saying is scary, but its the way family empires are built. You’ll never have real wealth and power in the United States managing other people’s money. Dame is saying some real shit and I think I have given you guys enough examples. But the concept that someone is not going to be an owner in the beginning is absolutely flawed. Amazon, Google, Uber, Ebay, Dell, Oracle, all these companies were started by people who decided to be an owner from the beginning. Thanks
I get what your saying and what he is saying but the logic is flawed. If all 6 billion people in the world chose to run their own business who is left to man the register? Cook the food? Deliver the food? Clean the dishes?
At the end of the day their can be only so many bosses. There is a reason they are on iheartmedia. That platform gives them access to damn near the whole country every morning, if they decide to go “be their own boss” there would be a significant drop off because most listeners don’t care that much and will just listen to whatever is there.
Look at the brilliant idiots podcast, it’s ranked in like the 40’s in the category it’s in even though the breakfast club is one of the top urban morning shows.
Their “boss” iheartmedia has a business model that pushes out shows everywhere and floods the market, they don’t have that yet.
Even Howard stern the fucking God of radio works for someone, no matter how good their show is they don’t have access to all the satellites to broadcast it themselves.
Oh yeah ctgod tweeted that same worked for power 105 at one point, so he had a boss.
I am countering an argument that says that you can not own your company from the beginning. From that standpoint I am right because I have given a lot of examples of people who started their companies from the beginning of their career i.e. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the list goes on. You are making the same argument as Kanye which holds some merit based on infrastructure to do what you need to do. I am making an argument based on wealth creation. If you want to create real wealth that will last for generations, then Dame is right.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet didnt start off as bosses, they had to answer to someone before they even had ownership to their product
What?! I can’t talk to you anymore because you obviously don’t know how these businesses were built. I recommend these books “The Road Ahead” “Jobs” and “The Snowball” they will help you have a better understanding of how these businesses were built. Thanks
Yeah but guess what…for the people you named, they are beholden to SHARE OWNERS which means they have to work for someone who invested resources into their respective businesses to get them afloat. You wrote a lot and I just skimmed it bc I see a lot of trivialization in the context and I don’t support that. I’m on my mobile so I’ll finish the session from my laptop. Bit bottom line is if Dame was so prophetic, why is he down right now??….because we can all see he’s not up. It starts with a product , a vision and resources.
In Damon’s mind we’re each born with some money set out for us in our first diaper and it is up to you whether you use the money to buy similac and resell it or whether you consume the similac and make no money.
Word! I love a good dialog and debate but what’s killing me is people acting like what he’s saying is so profound or next level. It’s basic Biz101, you can learn in any economics class in HS. I’m not saying this to belittle Dame’s points or achievements because his success and accomplishments are etched in history and I salute that. However, he has not evolved…something missing. And more importantly, there’s more than one way to attain and reach ones goal.
He disrespecting all the working class people who make up EVERY community in America…Black or White, and to me..that ignorant and foolish. Some people work to attain capital to fund their entrepreneurial endeavors, some people come from money, some people do illegal things to launder the money to make it legal…but there’s more than one way to skin a cat. For all the great points he made, he’s disrespecting the people who HELPED him see his dream/goal into fruition and to me, that’s lame.
If everyone is a Boss…how can shit get done??
Big picture is THAT mentality is why NYC suffers creatively. Because we have too many chiefs and not enough indians. No collaborative process amongst the artist who matter anymore.
There is so much that can be analyzed about what he said, why he said it and the way he said it. What really sticks out to me is that he is so deeply insecure that he’ll say and do anything to mask the insecurity. Sometimes the things that he says are fairly reasonable.
However, it doesn’t seem to dawn on people who are feeling his “message” that all of what he’s said has been stated in argument as a rebuttal in an attempt to deflect from a question or as an attack to put down someone who was asking him a question he wasn’t comfortable with.
As far as I’m concerned if you only ever use the truth as a sword, then you’re not really that great a person, because you don’t really value the truth. You only value what it can do for you, in the moment. Similarly, if he had to lie or obfuscate to get away from dealing with difficult questions he would do so and did so, in this interview.
Dame is like a homeless person that walks into a room full of showered, well scented people and starts ragging on them for not having the balls to be their own boss like him. All the while failing to notice that he’s homeless, has no real friends and smells like awful from all of that “freedom” he’s enjoying by being “a man” who takes risks.
For all that talk that he’s talking by all measures Hov is sonning him – personal relationships, money, business ownership (Hov has put up his own money and purchased several businesses – Ace, Streaming Company, Artful Dodger clothing etc) image, general respect, even street credibility. However, you don’t hear him ever use it in interviews to put down other human beings.
I like how you think, communicate and convey!
Excellent post!!! Esp. the part about deflection and “truth as a sword”. Dope shit!
I appreciate it, my guy. Stay mega! 🙂
I respect Dame’s game but, dude doesn’t have to belittle the accomplishments of others bcuz they went the 9-5 route. @ the end of the day it’s about holding ur family down. Whether its thru ownership or working towards it. Dame was saying some real shit tho.
i agree with some of his ideas, but i think his business acumen is a bit flawed
Mac, u have no chill
You don’t know what business acument means. Nope, we don’t believe you. You need more people.
cthagod is a smart dude i don’t agree or shake to shit verbal contract..dame is a smart dude but also a master manipulater
This lightskin hoe brawl with Dame Dash but when Nas put a gun on him he cried. Nas is his father. Imagine Dame screamin at Nas when the nigga who almost killed you don’t fear a nigga who scream at you . 2 bitch niggas that Nas own. Fuck Breakfast club and everything they stand for .. QB nigga Salute Nasir Jones aka Down Jones the real KING of all goons. I love him . Destiny Jones my second sister I die for her. She is my everything, if a nigga put hands on him he dead. I would take a bullet for the jones family with no doubt. Fuck this bitch nigga Envy and bitch nigga Dame
Confused!!!!! What are you rambling about?
Dame dash is so fucking lame. Listening to this nigga gives me a headache.
I’ma te yall one thing this nigga really brings his dogs everywhere
See this is why his arrogant ass got black balled..
I’m not a real Dame Dash Fan because of the way he did Beans and Freeway. But that first part of the interview where Dame snaps on Envy and CthaGod was well deserved. Dame basically shitted on them for asking the same damn questions every interview. The breakfast club is known for trolling, speaking on shit that they know nothing about and asking the same shit over and over… They asked Beans them same questions, they asked Steve Stoute them same questions, they asked Hov & Kanye West them same questions, and Dame has answered them same questions a million times. Step your interview game up my nigga. EVERYONE knows what happened between Dame and Hov, if you don’t watch a old interview, listen to numerous old tracks and move on.
dames worth negative 2 million and trying to give business advice ….lmfao
DJ Envy is ducking the fade from Dame.
broke people yell a lot
Donald Trump yells a lot and he’s rich…
Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy at least twice. He’s what you’d call “too big to fail”, that is why his creditors keep him afloat..
You do know the biggest companies in the world who are still millionaires and billionaires have also filled bankruptcy more the twice and walked away with millions, rights and shares… It’s a document on Netflix and Amazon about that
That’s what 80griots was saying with the “too big to fail comment”
U smart ( Dj khaled voice)
Donald Trump promotes being rich… There’s a difference…. That’s the brand image…. I highly doubt he’s as rich as you think. But we’ll find out soon as he dies and the creditors come for their share of his “estate.”
Just to make another point… So what you’re telling me is even the guy from the subway commercials could be broke but the company makes him look rich?…. To be apart of any brand Trump, are Jarret of Subway for example you’re getting profit shares and paychecks…. Donald Trump is the farthest thing from broke… Only a idiot would work for a company or brand and not get paid, and Donald might be dumb in some ways but money isn’t one way and the same goes for Dame…
hahaha,only thru with part 1 and cant stop laffin,dame crazy,lol
Dude was real whiney this interview but he was clearly antagnoized from the jump. Hell Charlamagne had on a fucking Jay Z shirt
You sound smart to dumb people lmao
Bitterness to the T
Fuck bois and employees will not understand how important this interview is . His talking about EQUITY in a business. And the pride of ownership. Listening to experienced elders and being consistent. I can relate I own and run my own company. Fuck boi’s will be saying his arrogant but not pick up on the jewels his dropping. I can relate I own my own company. I eat what I kill also.
“Fuck boi’s will be saying his arrogant but not pick up on the jewels his dropping”.
What COMPANY you
And don’t say grass cutting…fuck outta here.
Pick out the fucked up parts in that sentence you wrote fuck them jewels. HA!!
100% equity in an IT recruitment company in London. That I own ans run., We place developers … ever heard of PHP, ever heard of Java you useless broke cunt …. ?
Naw but i’ve heard of Everest College fuck outta here with that infomercial bullshit…
OH I got time TODAY.
Breakfast Club Cartoon – Produced by Dame Dash, Directed by Dame Dash,Executive Producer Dame Dash brought to you by Dash Films
In conjunction with Dame Dash ENT…..makes me think that MARKETING PLAN was HOV’s
None one can get this nigga !!!! PAUSEEE!!!! lol
Lol….Double talking Dame.
LOL @ n1ggers who really think just because you file bankruptcy, it means your broke. DAMN Y’ALL DUMB, JUST CONTINUE TO GO TO WORK AND LET YOUR BOSSES DO ALL THE THINKING FOR YOU SLAVES!
A guy that talks as slick and fast as Dame Dash wants nothing more than to tell his Critics FK YOU while dancing on a Yacht in ST. Torpaz is he working class poor of course not let’s say he’s humbly well to do……but I ain’t watching another mans pockets so that ain’t none of my business.
Don’t comment on your comment but yet your commenting on someone else comment
Because they didn’t say I couldn’t duh.
Go eat a AIDS dick faggot
shut your broke bitch ass up
Your right thats not what men do, hes a chatty patty
dame is right but no one wants to agree because they know they cant be independent without a boss
As a Harlem cat…this is hard to watch…Dame is still a hustler but his mentality is warped at this point. And he’s a detriment to ALL his business because he’s so sorely misguided in how to go about the business. He’s NEEDS resources and help but he’s so proud and ARROGANT that he’s dismissing beforehand like “I don’t need anyone, etc”….but his guise is “we need to stick together”….
He’s literally talking out of both sides of his mouth…he’s making a lot of sense but in the next sentence he negates EVERYTHING he’s saying. SMH
Oh well…
My nigga.
Hell yea!
Lol true. Sounds like regular old Dame to me
My man, he didn’t say he didn’t need anyone, not once. He said he is a boss and everyone around him is a boss because they put up their own money. He illustrated to envy a mentality to which men are cool answering to another man, which you don’t have to if you invest your own money into yourselves. That in turn, because of your ownership, makes you able to pass what you have built to your offspring the same as the heads of these major companies have been doing up until now. Dame’s Arrogant approach isn’t the best way to get his point across but I can’t say he’s a hypocrite. He’s actually done everything he’s telling everyone in the culture to do…gain freedom
While making money and all his connections off Jay’s name ? #FOH
How is he making connections and money off Jay z name when they haven’t been together in 15 years? Poppinton is because of Jay z name? What’s the connection between loisaisas and Jay Z? It looks to me like he doesn’t want any association with Jay z so how is he making money and connections off Jay z?
No one would even give a fuck about Dame if it wasn’t for J. I know it you know it, lets move aint Dame aint shit but a failure.
You can argue the same about jay a. No one would know him if it wasn’t for Dame
So Envy ownership SHARES in IHeartMedia, who owns Power 105 and MANY radio stations around the nation isn’t transferrable to his children??
I think most understand what Dame is trying to say…but it’s clouded his his poor judgement. Like I said fam, he makes great points but negates EVERY single one in the following sentence.
Jay has a line in PSA where he says “you are, who you are, when you got here”…When they first broke up the ROC, i thought Jay did him dirty…but 15 yrs later we ALL now SEE why. This is who Damon Dash is…brash, arrogant and ignorant. His main issue is that he’s loyal to the streets and the streets ain’t making him money.
And you’re right he has done everything he’s mentioned….but let’s not forget or negate the fact that it was done because he had the best commodity/product in an artist called Jay-Z. Ask yourself what has he done of note since?? What’s really telling is that he has NO life lines. He’s burned that many bridges that no one is throwing him a line to get on his feet. Bc contrary to his presentation and rhetoric, he’s hurting and I don’t mean financially, I mean literally inside…he’s hurt.
The best analogy i can give you is this…the best thing to happen to Puff was getting fired by Andre Harrell from Uptown Records. It made Puff hustle and grind and dial back (just a bit bc he’s still PUFF!! LOL)…but he learned to play the game…and a billion dollars later he’s still here!!! And guess who works FOR Puff?? Andre Harrell. If that relationship had been that strained…Andre would be on the outside looking in as well.
3 people we should stop defending because they DOING TOO MUCH.
1.Dame Dash
2.Suge Knight
honorable mention 4.OJ Simpson
Karma kicking them with L shaped Legs
“Young Nigga Preach!!! PREACH PREACH PREACH…”
Real shit!
You can even add Kanye to this list because if he doesn’t 180 the off brand shit he does as well…When he falls off and he will bc no is #1 forever…it’s going to be uglier than this. This cat whines NOW and he has a platform. How do you think he’ll be once no one wants to hear from him because he’s burned all his bridges??
What we as Black people need to know is that…it’s cool to be confident, passionate and aggressive…but let that passionately burn inside and push you to accomplish your goals. Bc you’ll be labeled loud, unintelligent, forceful (the bad version of aggressive), arrogant, etc. And the obstacles that be will only DEAL with you for as long as you’re “hot” but when you fall off, no one will help you.
This about all the people we see like “damn, this cat stay working or bouncing back or getting chances…” some could be because of color and nepotism…but a lot has to do with knowing how to play the game to get what you want out of it…and I’m speaking from experience because i’m STILL learning the game. This shit is super political to the point it would turn you off for your love of it, if it’s not your passion.
Respect Megamind, even though I don’t agree with everything you said I appreciate that we can have a non disrespectful conversation with opposing views #salute
Word! Same here my G! That’s why I comment here and VladTV bc cats will have a POV that they can articulate and back up instead of just wantonly saying shit!
I got respect for Dame…shit I grew up looking up to how they did it!
I’m a Harlem cat
Stay up! Peace
I’ve commented on Dame & Jay a few times in the past…..At this point until he accomplishes or does something “BIG” as he used to talk about taking over the world, people will always bring up the past. Look at all that Jay has achieved since the break up, people have no reason to ever bring up the past, why because he’s making $ucce$$ful moves NOW in the present! Going Independent in his case may mean no one in power at a major entertainment company wants to put up with his EGO or the yelling & screaming when he doesn’t get his way!
This…is…sad… I’VE NEVER SEEN SUCH EGO IN MY LIFE. WOW. Give this nigga a handicapped sticker for his Prius…
Hahahhah thought that was hilarious but his sons obviously making him proud.
That shit would make me proud too, real shit. Just how he said it was hilarious!
yeah me to though – ok here’s the question – I thought that was a great interview. Think about it Dame Dash and Jay Z made millions and millions of dollars together. How often do you get business owners talk so candidly about there ideas. To me it’s like free advice from someone i can relate too !
how do you hate on queens niggas so much, but then claim queens?
i agree
“FUCK NIGGAS!!!! THEY’RE ALL FUCKIN’ CORNY!!!! A FUCKIN’ DISGRACE!!!!” yet they very present in your life choices
One thing I do notice after watching the full interview, Dame is smart but every point or story that struck my interest was tied to Jay-Z. its a gift and a curse without the voice that Jay z has to overshadow him he will alwys be tied to Jay
-Fuck your Opinion
Kanye even said it’s hard to deal with his personality but he knows what he’s doing.
And I can see that, he rubs people the wrong way, and it’s easier to get people to do what u want when they don’t feel like their being bullied into it
I fuck with Dame but I dont fuck with Dame … GET IT????
Bottling motor oil doesn’t make you a tycoon.
Why is Dame so sensitive about OG Juan’s wife, when 90% of Harlem’s OGs turn snitch?
“Young nigga PREACH….preach, preach, preach!!!”
Top 5 Breakfast Club interviews
1.Master P
2.Gucci Mane
3.Dame Dash
4.Jay Z
5. Webbie
You must have not watched any of 50’s, Fat Joe or Irv & Ja interviews
I forgot about Fat Joe
Dame sounds like the homeless guy with all the excuses and how he “use” to be on top.
and then he compared himself to jesus, and there were women at the last supper sooooooo
said there were no women at the last supper and didn’t compare himself to Jesus, but gave an example using Jesus to show the extreme. Again niggas don’t really listen, they hear one thing they don’t like and cut out everything else after
As a black man I find it amazing that Dame puts down other males but praises women when he made his fortune off of black men and with other black men. No female rapper nor actress was successful under Rocafella records. He seems smart but he also seems hurt still over what Jay and Kanye did to him in which he tries to mask his hurt feelings with being cocky. Pride is a deadly thing to have male or female
Sounds like you ain’t listen to a word this man said and just trying to find the negative. Sheeeesh, we can tell your a worker
Rachel Roy and her Macys line would like to have a word with you
dope interview. i just witnessed him closing a deal with the breakfast club.
Yoo, Dame is killing me!! ROFL!!!
Dame puts up his own money for most of his businesses cuz he HAS too. He’s a arrogant self absorbed know it all and nobody really fucks with him like that no more. He made so many enemies and shitted on so many ppl when he was on top now that he’s not on top those same ppl are laughing at him. Nobody in they right mind would go into business with Dame except washed up or up and coming rappers who dont really have any other options. Since he split with Hov what has he contributed to the “culture”? Those low budget hood flicks? Nigga please. I get what he’s saying about being your own boss thats great but he gonna sit up there and lie and say he NEVER had a boss? FOH Rocafella was UNDER Def Jam they were in no way equal partners. Dame did drop a few jewels in here but its overshadowed by his antics. This guy hasnt grown at all in 15 years.
if you were a part of universal records under 1995-2011, doug morris was your boss
Exactly so Dame needs to shut the fuck up talking about he never had a boss. He never liked having a boss..but he’s had several.
I fuck with DAME I’m a boss so I can relate!!!!! Ya’ll step you game up…..
Understand NIGGS the 1% own everything and working in america is modern day slavery…whites keep the wealth in one place and dont share….the point is going over you average monkies head…we need to be owners not workers its science also on how the rich think….. they want to keep us in the frame of mind of a worker and it keeps them and thier bloodlines (only) rich…independent thinkers are a threat to the rich and campien against it…..Dame and Kanye makes points thats over yall HEADS
After watching this interview I have zero respect for Dame Dash. May this be a warning to all those looking to do business with him.
If I was Envy I would have said ‘if your not going to answer our questions and talk like mature adult this interview is over’.
Yall don’t want to unearth the jewels because you don’t like the dirt it’s in…lol I guess confidence intimidates…ah well
I think about it like this if a motivational speaker came on the Breakfast Club and he was polite and friendly and made a case for being an entrepreneur, looking for a mentor and giving your kids a good role model, nobody would care. Even if Dame wasn’t rude and arrogant, it wouldn’t get this much attention. Dame and Kanye know that there has to be some shock value in what you’re saying otherwise you’re not reaching the people you want to reach, you’re just preaching to the choir.
The shit Dame is saying is real shit. Most ppl won’t agree because most people are fake. Do I think he dodge some questions and use hit wit to outsmart people yeah he do, but that’s he suppose to do and the person that interview him suppose to checkmate him. It must feel good to be in a position where you just don’t give a fuck and you won’t play the game even if it make you take the long way to get to your goals.And this is coming from someone who knows Jay-Z is one of the greatest if not the greatest rapper alive.
haha dame hasnt lost a step. u guys need to stop frontin wasnt for dame jayz kanyebeans wuldnt be as big. dblock n nas was gonna take jays head off
I’d pay to be a fly on a wall during a dame and kanye 1on1. But I agree with everything said from dame besides the fact he’s claiming he’s never worked for somebody. Even the “saving is for suckers” threw me off but shit he’s right
Whether u like how Dame came off in that interview or not, the main thing is learning from what he was saying. Stop being content with ur current situation & strive for more. If there isn’t any opportunities for u to prosper, GO MAKE SOME! People will make an excuse before they make progress. The Breakfast Club are built on gossip and tried to make a joke as if Dame was crazy. Its funny how he G checked Charlamagne several times. But honestly if you found a problem with the way this interview went down, that personal issue! Wake Up People!
There’s nothing wrong with being an employee or using OPM. Donald Trump and many other (multi) millionaires use other people’s money to get projects off the ground. Everybody can’t or should be a boss. Society doesn’t work like that. You need doctors, teachers, mechanics, personal assistants, etc.
I can agree with him on certain points but then he goes on and on and loses focus. If he talks down on employees, why would I wanna work with him? He said something about Spike Lee not wanting to work with him. I see why…
I thought he came to promote his new movie but he wasted most of time ranting and bossing the hosts around. Poor Envy! Lol
Douche king
Ok few years ago you aint have no problem sayin mans name. Now you realize they only wanna talk about dude so you make up some reason you cant talk about dude but add a slick “snitch” line to it? dude ya lame 14 years you was ok sayin dude name ALL over ya blogs and VLOGS now you gettin money again and YOU JUST NOW STARTED HEARING THAT SHIT? b.s dame. ya corny
3 people we should stop defending because they DOING TOO MUCH.
1.Dame Dash
2.Suge Knight
honorable mention
4.OJ Simpson
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Dude came to a hip hop interview with a puppy LMFAO!
yea these fucking employees are dumb….. and lack pride like Lebron James…. oh wait…. FOH DAME YOU DUMB BITCH
What’s crazy is these are the lessons the 1% have been teaching their children for generations and it works. A lot of us won’t receive the information because it’s not in the form of an inspirational meme or Kevin hart joke. Those who understand this interview will do what they need to do with this info. Those who don’t understand will work for the ones who do. There’s nothing wrong with being an employee. But this was a peptalk and confirmation for people who want to own the brands they work for. If we had this info years ago; all our rap forefathers would be wealthy. Urban culture influences america which influences trends globally. But the creators of it all are among the most poverty stricken and imprisoned. Adopting this mentality would effect the aforementioned
idk wtf this nigga talkin bout, this the type of nigga you dont trust, talk a good game without shit to show
Murda mook rethinking his affiliation with this emotional ass nigga, he has good points, but the way he acts is cancerous, this the type of nigga that eventually gets dealt with in the end, ol bi polar broke ass nigga…
Looking to get some honest feedback on these videos I directed and edited myself, Im also the artist obviously, I usually don’t do this, but being part of the Rap Radar community I have grown to be quite fond of you guys thoughts and opinions, so give me a couple upvotes and give me some honest feedback youtube(DOT)com/thisismarlow its only 3 videos so it shouldnt be asking too much, hope all is well, tell B.Dot get at me lol
wow i was actually expecting some bullshit, and was thoroughly impressed, keep it up you got something going
good shit homie
so important…
This dude obviously made history with the Roc and achieved great business vision but it’s fair to say he never coped with the break up that left him on the side of the road producing insignificant independent projects.
He’s become a fraud. going on a media tour spitting his half nonsense trying look good.
And about this obsession of being a boss he’s delirious at best.
It is painfully obvious that the reason they had a meeting WITHOUT Dame was because Jay Z APPROVED it. Therefore he was officially FIRED he just did not know it yet.
everybody in this comment section is being a chatty patty
Damn, Dame make me feel like shit for having an actual job.
The thing about Dame is that he quite literally has no real productive/creative talent. His hustle is the talent/productivity/creativity of others.
So, it follows that fighting and using his mouth to mind fuck you are his essential skills. The world wouldn’t be a worse place if this guy disappeared, nor is it a better place because of him.
You can tell he is hurting and doesn’t like himself very much. Dash is literally a perpetual dame.
Dame Dash is like a person who hasn’t showered in six months, because they’re homeless, that walks into a room full of showered, well scented people and begins dogging them for not having the balls like he does to be homeless.
He’s so used to smelling like feces he doesn’t even realize it’s not a healthy state to be in. His skin is so full of scratches from all of his itching he looks and smells terrible.
He may have learned quite a few lessons from being homeless, but who wants to be homeless without any real friends? Some lessons aren’t worth learning or hearing.
If you ask me who has more to teach black people, Dame or Jay? It’s Jay. All that “we need to stick together” talk Jay does without running his mouth about it. His day one people are still in his click, with a few cowardly exceptions.
Yeah, a lot of what Dame was saying IS true but I doubt he went there to do that. Envy really bothered him about the Hov stuff and from there he was saying a lot of it to try and shit on Envy. He can say what he want, I’m sure in a million years he never thought Jay would break away & have the success he’s had without him. And it makes him emotional, period.
Dame is the type of person that if you challenge him he will
just over-talk you to make his point. Yes I do believe is it played out for these interviewers to keep bring up the Jay-Z situation but Dame just gave his opinions on Jay-z partners being “informants” (whether in the news or not) so he OPENED the door back for Jay-Z conversation. Dame was being “chatty patty” but the BClub can’t? Their JOBS as radio personalities is to ask those questions, so if Dame doesn’t like it maybe me needs to find another avenue to promote his ventures. I totally get Dame’s lessons on wanting people to be their own boss. Hell I hate working everyday but like the BClub was trying to get at, you have to start somewhere! I am pretty sure I read somewhere that Dame went to private school and his family has money, so that afforded the time for him to do his “hustles” and not worry about a REAL job like the rest of us. Just like his son can spent all day baking cookies and live at home with his parents because he has them to fall back on.
There is so much else wrong with his interview. OG Daniel? Is that the answer to Jay-z OG Juan? Dame is 45+ so that guy is older than him, rocking a hoddie. Also, Dame set the tone early for the “chatty patty” so the BClub could not really ask him any more questions. Maybe Angela should have did it, would that have been different? Dame can talk all that shit about his “businesses” but where is this DASH OIL? A gallery in China? How is that making money? Is anyone really gonna buy this LOSITAS tv show? I don’t care and more power to him but he reminds me of one of those direct sales pyramid people that sell Make-Up, Skincare, Vacations, etc.
Dame dash more like dame trash this dude owes 2 million and took a cab to this interview how the fuck do people still respect this clown