New Music: Joey Bada$$ “Perception vs. Reality”
March 15, 2015 @ 12:38 PM EDT

Raised Out Here.
Premiered by producers Flying Lotus on BBC Radio 1, Joey Bada$$ puts his street surviving tactics on wax with his new release. Produced by Kirk Knight.
dope but what else would you say about joey joey has this great combination of real messages with ill beats its sad he not as mainstream as he should be because of the bullshit of mainstream urban radio and music video if this was 20 years ago he would be up there with the nas and wu tang clan
i found myself thinking about this question of reality. and i just keep thinking..why doesn’t anyone get it? i truly think that if everyone can point to the clouds and call that color “white.” the reality is that clouds are white. so basically im trying to say: if everyones perception are the same..that is reality.
Shut the fuck up its that kind of thinking that got people not thinking for themsleves fucking idot!
Just cus your a moron does not mean we all have to be…don’t try to be deep when your really shallow!
What if I choose to believe that neither I or the universe actually exist;? will that make me count as dead and gone?
And I’m trying to say everyone knows you’re a mexican pool cleaner!
Sorry I took so long to respond, I wanted to think carefully about the response before I gave it….. ‘anyway’ FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I want to like this nigga but he sound to much like a average 90s rapper this song dope though
dumb statement every level. its listeners like you
The nigga sound like das effecs & buckshot lite he tries to hard to sound like a 90 rapper he need to be a little more modern. I like some of his music though but his last album sounded like a unknown 90s rappers weed plate.
you fucking what’s wrong. you don’t know shit! you just want the same force fed shit you’ve been eating. His album sounds nothing like your description and is the best album dropped so far this year inclunding kendrick’s new garbage try too hard ass record. Joey is the truth and his music is just what hiphop needs. go listen to corny ass gambino or bob or some shit
Hey it’s your world ma nigga lol