New Music: Yelawolf “American You”
March 23, 2015 @ 9:23 AM EDT

Dear America,
Yelawolf shows his country’s pride on his brand new single. The country-rock sounding tune comes with your pre-order purchase of Love Story on iTunes. Album in stores April 21.
“American You” – not American Story
Woah……..Yelawolf might have just made a huge hit.
WOW you fucking idiots can’t even get the title of song right? Big homie go play in traffic you illiterate fuck.
Yo this whole album reminds me of the eminem show for some reason. The big arena sound coupled with lyrical content plus now a a potentially huge single.
Brah, Yelawolf is like no other artist.. Eminem has never made music like this
It’s creative but just not for me.. He has improved his songwriting tho
Nice…Looks like evolution to me.Growth musically.
I don’t even like Yelawolf at all but this shit is fire. Finally. Rappers realizing they can do more than just rap. Evolve. This is fire
Showing growth since his last album. All I look for from artists I fuck with.
Trailer park trash rapper fuck outta here red neck.
What a faggot ass bitch u are of course ur the one hater on here..fuckin mexican
Bitchmade nigga.
eat a dick u fucking Spick. Nobody really gives a fuck about your 13 year old opinion pussy. fuckin clown get a life. actually go outside sometime Loser
fuck you and your piece shit war machine nigga.
While Hip-Hop applauds Ross, Meek, Game, Big Sean and etc for making a bunch of music that serves no purpose besides giving me a headache, you got artist like Yelawolf that stay true to themselves. #Salute
song’s dope, something different for a change
this could b huge on radio, im diggin it, no one else is really doint country rap like this
Damn im feelin this shit. got some serious Radio potential. Dope summer record
Hope tis blows up
trying to be this generations kid rock LOL
we want that trunk musik, that mixin up the medicine shit with juelz.
yo this is fucking crazy! this is actually GOOD music not just good rap! Can’t wait for Love story!
The growth is impressive with Yelawolf. Glad Shady is really backing him up.
Real talk… Im a huge fan of J.Cole, KDot and Asap Rocky but once in awhile it’s nice to hear an album that’s not about fuck “whitey.” Growing up white in a lot of areas wasn’t easy and Yela paints that’s perfect picture! Props