Kendrick Lamar On ‘Ebro In The Morning’
March 31, 2015 @ 4:55 PM EDT

Lamar Hour.
Kendrick was back in town today and spent 40 minutes with Ebro’s morning crew. He talked about the album, criticism, social issues, celebrity, collaborations, Summer Jam and everything in between.
Kendrick was back in New York and stopped by Ebro’s morning drive on Hot 97. During his half hour interview, he talked about working with Pharrell, i, upcoming album, Macklemore, upcoming Saturday Night Live appearance and a little bit of everything in between.
Hip Hop Lives
“It ain’t all entertainment at the end of the day, it affects people..I hate the word role model, but when you see these kids at the concert and they say they live by your music.”
Looking forward to this album. A musician who accepts his responsibility, and has talent.
I cant wait for his album. Hope he drop that shit outta nowhere like Beyonce did and let us experience that album all at once
A reason why Pac was great at interviews is because he was able to take a simple question and dictate the direction he wants his answer to go in. kendrick and Nipsey do the same. Great interview!
Nipseys the king of LA.
Lol wtf are you talking about he “dictates the direction he wants his answer to go” you mean like everyone who’s ever answered a question in life?
Niggas are impressed by the most remote shit these days.
it takes a great speaker to dictate a direction of the conversation especially when the interviewer has their agenda they’re planning on following. On top of that most rappers got awful social skills
Cole too..check out his interview with Angie – he breaks down police brutality and our reaction to it so well
I want to see same Date: Drake vs Kendrick! That would make up for the boring Hip Hop year 2014!
First, I’m what you call an eclectic music lover – I enjoy all types of music from today’s hip hop/rap to classical music from the greatest composers of all time. As such, I do have a few urban hip hop and rap albums in my collection. And yes, I enjoy all of them.
When I heard all the hype about Kendrick Lamar’s album, how he was the next “Big” thing to hit the market, I thought to myself, okay I’ll give this nigga a chance.
I was excited when I found out he was a fan of Lil Wayne. I really tried to give Kendrick a chance. I really did. I just don’t feel him. It’s really bad. His music sucks. It’s really terrible. I don’t like anything about it.
Lmaooo u trolling ass nigga, I know ur a weirdo with multiple accounts to up vote ur bullshit, fuck outta here
Please stop with the Kendrick versus Drake bullshit, it’s not even the same sport. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and I had to move to a different country where I didn’t know anyone and didn’t know the language, all to get them checks so I could have my moms back. This was around the time GKMC came out, it was the lowest point in my life, I had to leave everything and work like an animal on top of not able to be by my moms side while always living with the thought of her passing any without me being there. GKMC was the album that got me through all that bullshit, waking up 6.00 morning getting to work in the cold, GKMC made me cope, it made my life easier.
This interview struck a nerve with me because what he said may sound like pure bullshit to the molly poppin’ turnt up swag fag population, but to me its real shit. This is a brother who stands for something, in a world where materialism, drugs and objectified females are the cool thing.
I will forever be grateful to Kendrick Lamar, I take it as an insult when you compare this down to earth, genuine brother to Drake. What does he stand for? Getting me through a break up or teaching my lil brother how I should try to date a stripper? Just stop, don’t make yourself look dumb by comparing the two like its the same thing, its an insult to Kendrick Lamar.
Kendrick is good Drake is good! Both just telling their story thats all!
Drake was always in love with underground hip hop (little brother) and the south (UGK, Cashmoney)! So let that nigga live/rap about his fuckin bad bitches/strip club/throwing money dream and still put widdy shit in it!
Kendrick is the guy who tells his story based on concepts and puts it lyrically so well together! So let him live/rap about his Story Telling/Social awareness/Soul dream!
It is part of Hip Hop! Do I love LL? No… but I accept it beause it paved the way for all my favs! Cause never forget no kane no Jay – no LL no Em – no Pete Rock no dilla – no pete rock – no kanye/pharell!!!
Thats why I embrace everything (Drake, Kendrick, RHQ, Migos, Dom, Nip, Mike Christmas, Tunji Ige, Dej and on and on) because it is just a reflection of the past in Hip Hop!
Take a look at Top40 shit! It is all Hip Hop! Taylor Swift – Shake it, That fat white chick with the bass song or katy perry with the best jermaine dupri sound since D4L!
Kanye said it best: “We CULTURE, Rap the new Rock n Roll!”
Good post, I agree with you. I’m just tired of the Drake VS Kendrick debate, its not even the same thing.
idunno, personally I can connect with Kendricks story and music more like you said, but I know several people who have had the same experiences with Drakes music…sometimes its not even about what the person is saying through their words, but the attitude and the music itself can’t incite an emotional response. Drake brings out confidence in people – not to go to a strip club and throw a couple hundred, but for that job interview, for that girl they’ve been afraid to ask out, for achieving what everybody around them said they wouldn’t be able to do. Plus, Drake has songs like Too Much where hes uplifting people
honestly, what bothers me about the whole thing is that people stopped comparing Kendrick and Cole, like they did a few years ago – THAT is a real comparison
Yeah he incites fake confidence into pussies, if you get your confidence from Drake records then you have to check yourself cause there is bigger issues with your personality brewing. You can never compare Kendricks social commentary with Drake’s “Give you the confident to talk to the girl you always wanted” music. This is not what people need, the people don’t need records on how to spit game at a girl, that not even the slightest as important as what Kendrick is trying to do. Listen, people can listen to whatever they want, it doesn’t bother me, yes Drake makes more money, has more fans, got more bitches, he can keep all of that.
Just don’t compare Kendrick and Drake like its the same thing, its not. One is a private guy letting ONLY his music speak for him, there is a thought behind every single word he puts out, while the other one is the biggest media whore we have ever seen in music.
Nah you’re just too short-sighted to admit that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Hip hop “purist” niggas like you make me sick. Who are you to define what type of person listens to what type of artist?
okay then Drake has a verse on No Guns Allowed…now what?
idunno, personally I can connect with Kendricks story and music more like you said, but I know several people who have had the same experiences with Drakes music…sometimes its not even about what the person is saying through their words, but the attitude and the music itself can incite an emotional response. Drake brings out confidence in people – not to go to a strip club and throw a couple hundred, but for that job interview, for that girl they’ve been afraid to ask out, for achieving what everybody around them said they wouldn’t be able to do. Plus, Drake has songs like Too Much where hes uplifting people
honestly, what bothers me about the whole thing is that people stopped comparing Kendrick and Cole, like they did a few years ago – THAT is a real comparison
We’re witnessing GREATNESS!!! Pay attention
honestly Kendrick Lamar fell off. 1 album every 5 years, that’s 3 in 15 years.
He’s already got 3 albums and in my opinion section 80 was better than GKMC. Both great tho. As far as albums and time span go QUALITY>QUANTITY
Definitely. Outkast only has 6 albums over 20 years, Ross is about to release his 7th in the span of 8 years and Outkast’s weakest album is better than Ross’s best album.
Didn’t take you long to jump on Rozay’s dick now did it?
Get a life. Ross is a different era than Outkast. IF that’s the case then NOTHING can fuck with NWA and Public Enemy. Stick to the script. The reason people hate on Ross is because he is black and he keeps winning. Blacks hate on blacks. So sick.
Coward ass bama.
I don’t take computer cowboys serious.
both u niggas is the same person fuck outa here
fuck that nigga I don’t know that faggot.
suck a dick ! U the type of NY nigga who takes a shower with his timbs on!
Those ny jokes is for kids silly rabbit take your bama ass to wshh with that shit. .this is rap radar. yo feelings!!!
fuck you
you and that mikey the greek nigga some fuckin’ nerds lmao
fuck that nigga mikey is a gay cowboy.
he has one official album out madflavour.
I’ll take one good album over the shit everyone else is putting out any day.
that’s the trut’ it’s nothing but garbage products in the markets..
so true
*Rick Ross’ first 2014 album, Mastermind, enjoyed a high debut at 179,000 albums sold in its first week.
mastermind was a weak album.
Very excited for Kendrick’s next record! I bet ya it’s gona be really abstract and jazzy with loads of live instrumentation!
Still unpredictable.. He could be another Lupe.. He gon have to pick up that pace
believe in your art and stop putting the money first.
so nothing is mentioned about the j.cole X Kendrick lamar album
Be CAREFUL…..remember its cool to promote and market NIGGA shit but if you try to get these black folk thinking and uniting for a greater good there WILL be bloodshed and Kendrick seems like just the type to make an example out of….I can see it now the anger and sadness because WE knew he wasn’t like that but they will portray you how they see fit in death brother…… Be BLESSED.
Ain’t nobody in jail and depressed kids gonna listen to this shit.
You can skip ahead to the 25 minute mark with this interview, that’s all you need to see
” Period ” – K.Dot
Loving the Live Instrumentation 🙂
i have to scratch my head when u niggas nut hug to pimp a butterfly but hate on …and then you shoot your cousin.
Kendrick Lamar represents stands for the people. Salute greatness. RESPECT