Ludacris Covers ‘The Source’

From the music charts to the Home Box Office, Ludacris doubles-up and lands on Spring 2015 covers of The Source. Furious 7 hits theaters tomorrow. Ludaversal in stores now.
On being a father and protecting his family:
“If you’re talking about me, you’re talking about them. So it’s almost like when you know that back-in-the-day saying about a mother’s strength. Like, a mother’s strength can pull a car off a child. Strengths that you didn’t know you had, you tap into a whole other energy source that you don’t want to really do that. You don’t want to f*** with that. I’ve never claimed to be the most gangster, or hard-ass rapper. However, when you tap into sometingthat’s f****** with me or my family, there’s another side that you’re going to see from me.”
Dope hoodie.
Yeah only if it was The truth for those wearing it…he funded many trappers I can bet!
A rapper that didn’t sell dope? This can’t be because all rappers are or were dope dealers right? Shout out to Luda. “and this one verse is better then alot of niggas WHOLE ALBUM” – Beast mode, Ludaversal.
THIS! Love the hoodie. Clap for’m! Hip Hop should be promoting this kind of message. Aside from Lupe Kendrick and J Cole (I know there are more calm down) rappers should bring more positivity to the culture!
He never sold dope — but he called women bitches and hoes — moral of the story is — don’t throw stones bruh — its good for you that you never sold dope — but im sure he has done other things to contribute to society in a negative way. But congrats tho bruh bruh.
What man hasn’t called woman bitches an hoes at some point before? and has never done anything to contribute to negativity in society?
Lol I can’t stand niggas who cape.
A woman who was acting like a hoe….he referred to as a hoe. Where’s the story?
Its like people have had a problem with the content in Hip Hop but still bought a bunch of Hip Hop albums anyway. Its like if you don’t like violence and women being called bitches then stop supporting Tv and movies then cause its there too. Stop letting the words bitch and hoe come outta your own mouth cause its there also. Now when a rapper is in his 30s and he’s rapping about trying to be positive? He’s still wrong? Its like damn, just stop listening to Hip Hop if people feel its so evil then.