Kanye West Covers ‘TIME’
April 16, 2015 @ 9:11 AM EDT

Yeezy’s Influence.
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are among TIME‘s 100 influential celebrities. Landing on one of the five covers is Mr. West himself. Don’t look too shock there, Ye.
too shockED! as in, get an EDucation!
Young Thug Barter 6 adf.ly/1F5hpR
True. The secret to success is really helping others achieve their goals.
Most important, Most Influential artist in the past decade
well deserved. white people gonna be furious
Nigga shut the fuck /its black ppl that don’t like ye either not just the white folks.
Mostly just uninformed people that listen to biased media coverage about him, nigga
He’s got a point. S THE F U with your “niggativity” and worry about bettering yourself you racist!
For real! Why would white people be upset? I could give a fuck if less if they put an Avatar on the fucking cover?! Black people stay complaining about everything! The only race that acts like everybody owes them something 24/7 no matter the situation!
Because someone does owe us something …Holocaust victims and descendents received a check, Indians rightfully received a settlement, Japanese survivors held in Internment Camps received a settlement, but everyone wants Americans of African descent to forget about the atrocities our ancestors suffered threw, and just move on the hell you say SO YES WE HAVE A CHIP ON OUR FUCKING SHOULDERS DEAL WITH IT UNTIL THE DEBT IS PAID.
#ALWAYSPLAYINGTHEVICTIM Cry me a fucking river!
Unfortunately that’s how folks react whenever we attempt to have a discussion on race and reparations in this country. Take care my friend.
Now I ain’t going that far to say “black people stay complaining about everything!” Thats yo opinion now what I was saying was both blacks n whites dislike kanye.
Case in point, the infuriated niggas seen below. I see 1 “shut the fuck” 1 “niggativity” and we even got a “I could give a fuck if less”
RTH I believe is talking about the overall perception of Kanye on the cover of a magazine that’s been relevant since 1923. Last issue was “black lives matter” now we got Kanye. Racists, no matter who they are, will bug about this. So take a deep breathe and form a decent response rather than spittin ignorant shit
You could not be any further from the truth! The frustration lies in the fact that I can’t even read a post without somebody race baiting the whole “white people this and white people that!” Just like y’all stay saying that we don’t “understand your struggle?” What struggle? It’s 2015! What more does the “white man” owe you? SMMFH! Y’all think that you can speak for us like you know what we’re thinking? But God forbid we stand up for ourself when a black person makes an ignorant comment about us???? Y’all don’t know what the fuck we’re thinking? What struggle do y’all have that Hispanics, Asians or Indians have (and yes even white people! I grew up in an all black neighborhood and my brother and I got bullied, harassed and called “white bread” “cracker” and got our asses kicked for no reason all the fucking time at grade school, high school, etc! We were the minorities in my neighborhood! Trust me, this is NOT a fabricated story! And God forbid it’s a white person problem and somehow doesn’t matter!) I’m tired of being blamed for shit that I didn’t do or how and what I think!!!! I’m not on here whining about every fucking thing and how it’s race related? Just plain selfish! 90% of the so called “music” raps about black on black crime! You create this shit for yourselves! You don’t see white rack bands making diss records about each other or shooting each other up or singing about slanging bricks to the community? Keep playing the victim, it only furthers your own insecurities and self hate! You’re hustling backwards. How long are y’all going to go on with this oppressed mentality before you realize that it’s your negativity and self hate that holding you back.
lol white bread
For real! That was my nickname all throughout grade school and junior high! Not so much in high school but you get the point. I honestly felt like the minority growing up but like I said, I’m white so I guess it doesn’t matter right? And white people get murdered by piece of shit police every day it’s just not given the same attention. Trust me, the same injustices happen to all races not just black people. This shit really struck a nerve with me because y’all don’t know what all white people have been through!!!!!
You right! White people are outraged right now smmfh? Ignorant ass comment!
Illuminati puppet
congratulations all !!! North west is a christian now. The oriental church is the first church in the world. WELCOME dear!!
Congrats ‘ye!!!! FUCK ALL THE HATERS!!!!! You don’t get on the cover of TIME magazine with out being someone important or accomplishing something major!!!!
I wanna say since.the beginning of the 2015 ive been either hearing/seeing kanye on tv/radio ALOT weather its because of music, fashion, or the crazy shit that he dose
like him or not he’s always being talked about
How’s the WHETHER in your neck of the woods? 😉
Congrats to Kanye. For a celebrity figure, He always bounces back from the craziest situations.
That “smuckers” verse is crazy
That weird ass voice tho. Why Ye?
LOL See the devils horns near his head……..im reaching
They aren’t celebrating Ye. They are USING him to sell mags. Kanye, IS an incredible artist. But the time & distance between him and his BEST work (art), is getting further as each day passes. When we speak of ‘Ye now its more about what he “Said” or “Did’. Its NEVER about his “Art” anymore. For all the “Young Disney” and new “Steve Jobs” talk, its totally lost on niggas that Will.I.Am, is quietly DOING all that shit! His technological initiative is LIGHT YEARS ahead of what ‘Ye be squawking bout (Google it), and he ACTUALLY has products!!!! I’m still a ‘Ye fan, but I haven’t seen or heard ANYTHING from him in a while that makes him the GENIUS he THINKS he is and that so many WANT him to be. Unless you think media manipulation is enough to be so.
It’s NEVER about the art any more? Nigga did he not just have the whole world talking bout his Brit performance? Did he not have everybody talking bout his single All Day? What about taking over fashion week? How bout his shoes that sold out in 15 mins? Just cause you choose to ONLY focus on his interviews and the things he say, doesn’t mean he’s not out here making moves. I mean did you even hear of see about his surround vision idea?
white people gonna be mad at this one
Mr West!
Ye is the ultimate post modern artist.
ye on time..about time lol