Drake On Battling Murda Mook
May 10, 2015 @ 8:13 PM EDT

Never Too Late.
Nearly a year ago Murda Mook revealed that he and Drake were set to battle. The bout never materialized but while at N.O.M.E. 5 yesterday, Drizzy said Mook has to battle Tsu Surf before he gets to him. Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s get it on!
Drake was too afraid to take on kendrick and Hov. There’s no way this nigga is gonna battle mook
That’s the thing though. Drake is bigger than all of them, why would he have to battle Mook at all? If Drake wins, what’s it really gonna do for him? Is it gonna give him major street cred? Is it going to boost his album sales miraculously? Drake doesn’t need any of that. In fact, it’s the other guys you mentioned who would benefit off being involved with Drake at all. Mook is a battle rapper, and that may be all he’ll ever be. Drake is a worldwide superstar with a bigger following than Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar combined (yes, present day, he is – check the numbers yourself). Mook wants this battle because it could change his life since he knows he has a good chance of winning. He said it himself, this is what he lives for and this what he does. Drake would have to come up with some incredible lines against Mook to get the win…all that effort for what? Sure, we want to see the battle go down for the sake of entertainment, but from his standpoint it doesn’t really have any kind of benefit.
This dude caught feelings
Not really. Stating fact isn’t catching feelings. I’m a fan of Jay-Z, Kendrick, Mook AND Drake. If me saying what everyone already knows is “catching feelings” then you need to toughen up, bitch nigga.
If everyone already knows it then why did you type out a wall of text longer than the great wall of China? You caught feelings just accept it and move along
That’s a wall of text? I mean, I guess it is if you’re a monkey who can’t read very fast. Lot of those in the black community huh?
I wouldn’t know because I’m not black. Props for avoiding my question and using racism as an escape route, furthermore proving my point that you caught feelings.
You’re not intelligent at all. You offered no counter to my original comment, so to me you’re a monkey like the rest of them 🙂 “caught feelings” is something monkeys say, so you’re trying to hide your true colors. Come out monkey 😀
I applaud you for making racist remarks towards black people on a post talking about black people, in a genre of music started by black people and then claim I’m not intelligent. lmfao.
Smh. I wish rappers would just make music and stop with the press. I just wanna hear the music man
Lol Drake puts out mad music though…
Where’s his classic tho? That’s what ye and kendrick got that he don’t.
Started From The Bottom, Headlines, I’m On One…Drake got smashes bro
I’m talking albums my nigga. He don’t got a college dropout or a late registration or graduation or mbdtf or a gkmc or a tpab. He’s never put out a bad album, but he’s also never put out a classic, genre-shifting album like they have
It’s all opinion I guess, but “Take Care” is generally his classic album, It shifted the game completely. One can argue “So Far Gone” was that as well, but “Take Care” is like “So Far Gone” on steroids. “Take Care” was just as important to the game as “The College Dropout” (which shifted the game in 2004, from the street rap vibe, and started opening doors for artists like Lupe Fiasco, Wale, etc)
I was a big fan of take care, but i don’t think anyone is gonna argue that take care is a classic, or at the very least as good as any of the albums that were just listed. its kinda the same thing for people who say cole had a classic album in FHD. Great album, but not legendary.
Thank you.
Same goes for tpab.
Nigga it has a 97 on metacritic (take care has an 81; fhd has a 68). The only people who I’ve seen complain about tpab are the niggas on rapradar
Be that as it may i still like cole and drake over kendric, and i know that kendric can spit.
Important to the game? More like helped ruin the game. Putting Take Care and College Dropout next to each other is blasphemy..
woah woah… Take Care a classic.. truth. It’s essentially Drake’s only go-to classic album since folk like to be technical. So Far Gone.. thats just pretty much the beginning of Drake, not fr fr but basically. Call it a tape but thats his real go-to. Guess ppl dnt count that cuz its age. I dont think Take Care is like College Dropout I think So Far Gone was pretty much that culture shifting “Im here” for Drake & Take Care was his best follow up. Def agree with you there..
Ehhhh idk… Take Care is a fuckin’ amazing album. I’m not totally mad at your point though.
Nigga shut up u just copying what charlamagnes hatin ass said, ur worse than a sheep your a goat.
Take care was definetly classic.
And even if u say it’s not guess what? Kill drizzy and all his albums will go diamond.
When you making the kinda money Drake is and having the most number 1 hit records in Hip Hop history in less then a decade? Fuck making a classic. Classics are based on people’s opinions but you can’t argue or debate numbers though.
Yeah if you’re a ceo trying to be in forbes. But drake, kendrick and kanye are considered the big three in terms of who is taking hip hop in unique directions in terms of creativity, and drake seems to lack behind the other two in most people’s opinions in terms of classic releases.
If your Drake, fuck creativity at this point because he woulda never got as far as he is if he wasn’t already creative. Imo if its either record breaking numbers? Or a classic? I’d say go with the record breaking numbers. Anybody can say any album is a classic. Numbers are concrete facts. Drake is worth about 100x more then Kendrick (not just in money but in stats as an artist). At that point Kendrick can keep them so called classics considering Drake’s perspective. Out
Sure he is. But it’s not like kendrick is some underground dude. gkmc went platinum and tpab has already gone gold and will be platinum by the end of the year. yes drake does those type of numbers easily, but kendrick and kanye manage to get close to those numbers (or in kanye’s case, better than those numbers) while still achieving ultimate critical respect from music critics and hip hop fans. sure classics are based on “opinions” but some albums are more universally looked at as classic than others, and drake doesn’t have any like that.
I don’t think Kendrick gets close to Drake’s numbers bruh. Check those numbers again and consider that singles count as well. Kanye numbers are also John Legends, Jayz, Alicia Keys, etc… numbers because he’s a producer as well. If you don’t think So Far Gone was universally looked at as classic? Then the whole year of 2009 must’ve been a blur to you because clearly the album/mixtape was more then looked at. It was celebrated to levels thats parallel to what many would consider to be classic.
When we’re talking numbers, i mean individual sales, not net worth. Sure singles matter, but album sales are obviously much more significant than single sales, and kendrick albums sell almost as much as drakes. kendrick is about to have two platinum albums. if single sales mattered more, than we would be talking about tyga and flo rida as important to hip hop also.
oh and also, kendrick can do singles if he wants. don’t forget that swimming pools went platinum and don’t kill my vibe and poetic justice went gold.
Don’t forget that T-minus (an OVO producer) produced swimming pools, Boi-1da (you should of course no this one) produced blacker the berry and Drake was in poetic justice. So you see Kendrick needed Drake’s help to produce hits. And also Kendrick album sales don’t come close to Drake’s, No rapper in the game has sold more albums than Drake in the past 3 years except for Eminem in 2012 with the Marshall matters LP. That boy is doing something right.
When you have a nigga with the most number 1 hit records in Hip Hop history with 100 platinum records there is no comparison to Kendrick because he’s not even in the same galaxy as Drake as far as numbers are concerned.
Again man, check those numbers again. Kendrick is not close to Drake. He’s just not. Drake got about 90 more platinum plaques on the wall. However you wanna look at it whether it be album sells, single sells whatever… that is a total blow out. Again, Drake is about 100x worth more then Kendrick as an artist not just is net worth.
I already said, of course drakes numbers are bigger than kendricks. I’m not denying that. but what makes kendrick so much more significant is that he still manages to go platinum (which, although maybe not a big deal for drake, is a huge deal in the record industry at this point) while still making critically acclaimed music that would normally be way to underground to sell at all. Make no mistake, to pimp a butterfly was an underground album made by a mainstream artist. The fact that kendrick will go platinum with an album like that is a testament to his star power. Drake, while he does makes well-recieved music by people, makes very mainstream accessible music. Most of the reason he has such a huge fan base is because he has a lot of crossover r and b records that can play on top 40 radio. Drake doesn’t sell a lot because of his bars, make no mistake. And you seem to be undervaluing Kendrick’s star power a little. I mean, the dude fucking broke drakes records for most spotify dreams in a day (and a week). And if kendrick wanted to do the whole club/radio songs like drake, he could, as he has showed multiple times, he just chooses not to, but still manages to sell.
You talk about Kendrick’s ability to go platinum is if that aint the case for Drake only about ten times more often. Kendrick could make underground music all he wants, he’s still a mainstream rapper so his audience includes the mainstream. The fact that Drake’s music is mainstream and Kendrick’s could be considered underground does nothing to effect or change the outcome. I think you think a few platinum records is the same as 100 platinum records? You talk about Kendrick’s albums going platinum as if Drake’s don’t but the difference is not only do his albums go platinum but so do a handful of individual songs which overtime has become a mountain of platinum in comparison to Kendrick’s molehill of platinum. All the excuses about crossover potential or bars, or underground music doesn’t mean jack shit because the outcome is still that Drake as an artist is about 100x more then Kendrick is period. In terms of the classic argument vs hard numbers? When an artists stats look like Drakes? Fuck making a classic because these kinda stats only come around once every decade plus in Hip Hop. You talking about Kendrick breaking Drake’s streaming record? Fool Drake is breaking music industry records ok. The nigga had like 21 hit records in the top 40 not too long ago. You have any idea how ridiculous that kinda shit is? COMEONSON at that point fuck a classic but Imo I don’t see how So Far Gone doesn’t qualify as a classic.
My nigga, you didn’t awkwoledge anything I just said. For the millionth time, I agree that drake sells more than kendrick. Obviously. But in albums going platinum, while drake has more, that’s only because he has put out more albums. And in terms of singles, like I said, kendrick could do that if he wants. I think the problem here is we’re coming from two different perspectives. You seem to think an artist better based on how many he has sold. I judge an artist more based on artistic merit. And artistic merit can be calculated. You keep talking about numbers: Kendrick’s albums both have over 90 on meta critic, while none of drakes albums have ever gone over 80. PS: breaking the spotify streaming record is a pretty big fucking deal.
I didn’t say an artist is better based on how much he sells but I knew you say thats what I’m saying even when its not. The point is you said Kendrick’s numbers are close to Drake’s? No there not. There is nothing of any comparison in terms of any number of anything between Drake and Kendrick. I know people would like to feel there is but OVERALL based on market performance in terms of numbers these two artists are completely apart from each other and Drake has Kendrick beat by light year. Based on what has already happened in terms of performance between both artists, Kendrick will never even catch Drake by 25% in terms of numbers. Its just not gonna happen. By the time Kendrick gets his tenth million record sold. Drake will be on his 110th million record sold fam. This aint about whether or not numbers makes a person a better artist but as far as numbers are concerned between Drake and Kendrick, there is no contest at all period. Your talking about breaking a spotiffy record? I mean thats cool but even suggesting that vs what Drake as done is just ridiculous. Fuck streaming, Drake is putting platinum plaques on the wall to the tune of 20 something plaques per year breh. That is just artistic insanity for a rapper/singer. That is beyond any comparison to Kendrick period.
I KNOW HE SELLS MORE THAN KENDRICK!!!! I agree! Read through what have I said. And the numbers for metacritic I wasn’t making up. If you want to keep talking numbers, than look at the fucking ratings of the albums. Good kid maad city has a fucking 91, which is unprecedented, and tpab has a 97. That is the highest for any rap album of all time. Drake? Take care is highest rated at 80. Now please tell me how much more drake sells compared to kendrick and continue to disregard everything I say
You said Kendrick sells numbers are close to Drake’s? No there not. You still honestly wanna debate numbers between the two? Smfh the numbers you bring up from Kendrick is honestly like comparing some raindrops to an ocean at this point.
Fuck this I’m done. You’re either a total drake stan or you can’t fucking read and are half-retarded, because in all of my comments, you contiually disregard everything i say and then just continue to bring up how many sales drake has, as if that is your only evidence as to why he is better than kendrick. go back and read through everything i said, and then come back with some more articulate points that you haven’t already said a billion times, and at that point maybe we can resume the “discussion”.
You said Kendrick’s numbers are close to Drake’s? NO THEY ARE NOT. Then you kept saying Drake sold more then Kendrick. Yeah no shit Sherlock but they are no where near being close. Drake is so far ahead of Kendrick in numbers (which was the subject of debate here) that Kendrick will NEVER in his entire career ever catch up even if he records a thousand more songs. At this point its no need for Drake to compete with Kendrick. Its no longer a contest.
If artistic merit can be calculated then your low balling the guy who sings and raps at the same time with the calculated stats that indicate an extreme level of artistry. In some cases that could be just cause it’s a pop star but in Drake’s case? This guy actually is good at what he does and there’s a difference say Iggy Azalea and Drake as far as bars are concerned.
Well said.
Your ignoring about 85% of Drake’s numbers just to make your opinion about Kendrick being close when there is nothing close about these two artists as far numbers are concerned.
Tons of shitty artists have gone platinum, and tons of great artists barely sale. Awards, sales, and fan base don’t dictate good music. The faster you learn that the better. Or you can continue to look foolish by talking about album sales. your choice
So Drake is a shitty artist? Maybe to you but alot of people would disagree being that Drake actually has alot of good music. The sooner you accept reality the better because you probably got alot of Drake’s music yourself so its no need to front like that aint the case.
Reading comprehension learn it. I didn’t say that Drake was a shitty artist, I actually didn’t even give my opinion on drake. The point I was trying to make is that numbers don’t matter AT ALL. I was pointing out that many artists have tons of sales, and #1 songs, and win awards left and right but they lack good music. Just as some artists have proved themselves to be legends, yet they barely sale, or get any recognition. This is Hip-Hop, the only thing that matters in Hip-Hop are lyrics. So when we talk about lyrics artists like Kanye, and Kendrick are way ahead of Drake. When it comes to money, sales, and awards Drake wins clearly, but only lame niggas dictate a rappers status by his money. If Drake is as good as people claimed he was, then his music would be all the proof you’d need. I don’t think he’s trash like guys like Gucci, Waka, Soulja, etc but to put him on the pedestal that you have him on is laughable. And for the record I have 1 Drake song on my phone, and i assure you I downloaded it for Eminem’s verse, not for Drakes.
First of all the context in which we were talking about was why numbers can’t really be argued against cause the numbers are the numbers. Dude said Kendrick sells are close to Drake’s? Well actually thats not the case. Then here you come talking about sells don’t mean its good? When that was outside of the context of the conversation. Now you said “Shitty artists have gone platinum”? Well there are only two artists in the conversation fool, Drake and Kendrick. So when you say “shitty artists” in a response to me commenting about Drake? Then yes fool that implies your including the artist in question here which would be Drake. You saying numbers don’t matter in a conversation about numbers between Drake and Kendrick. The conversation had a larger context, yes but the aspect that your replying to is a comment I replied to another nigga that said Kendrick NUMBERS are close to Drake’s NUMBERS… So the conversation was indeed about NUMBERS and NO actually Kendrick’s numbers are not close to Drakes.
I think Drake already did enough proving that his music is good at this point. When you have the most number 1 records in Hip Hip history and you aint even been in the game a decade yet. Then clearly something about the music is good. At least to everybody but you.
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Im not on any side…your point is really interesting. The numbers argument as a whole I mean becuz which numbers do you go with when you put them against each other?.. Like number ones? Grammy’s?.. what… cuz Niggas on here doing a bit of sleeping or lying on Drake… hell and Kendrick 2 for that matter..take care is a classic same for gkmc
Fuck the numbers its about the body of work. Milli Vanilli, Vanilla Ice and Hammer had huge numbers back in the day numbers that drake will never achieve off of his album sales alone. So does that mean those artists are better than drake? Number one singles….. So what because of that fact does it mean he’s had a bigger impact on hip hop than Em or Jay or even Rakim or KRS. Stop using that number game as validity.
What more would so far Gone have to do to be a classic? Best I Ever Had and Successful impacted the game like tidal wave not to mention the rest of the project which seemed to be on repeat everywhere from the net, to the underground, to the mainstream etc… It was a singer/rapper being heard for the first time in most cases that could actually rap good for a change. If that ain’t a classic then what is.
you mean to tell me that so far gone is as good as any of those albums that “that nigga” listed above? if so, the general hip hop and music conscious would disagree with you. p.s. i loved so far gone, but im just being real.
When you have a project make that extreme level of impact? That in itself is classic. What makes Drake great is that he’s NOT like those other artists people compare him with. When you have one rapper dominate two genres of music at the same time with a project that came outta no where like So Far Gone? Thats some shit Hip Hop just had not seen before. That too in itself is classic. It doesn’t have to be as good as anything else. The fact people loved the project is worth more then any comparisons to something else.
I dont see kendric doing any of that……
People honestly feel like its a close race between Kendrick and Drake? What fucking stats are these people looking at cause its anything but close. If people wanna debate rappity rap shit then ok but please gtfoh with the sells numbers argument cause thats just ridiculous.
Its no where near a close race, look with the exception of a few people i’ve spoken to here and another site the kendric fans are like the beyhive and barbs (let the hate and trolling begin) kendric lamar is overrated, he aint doing nothing that mos def, talib kweli, common and dead prez just to name a few havent done. Kendric can spit but he is overrated. Shit about him hes down with interscope and dre gave the co sign cause he from compton thats it. I mean i xan go on in length about this but for what.
Same case with The Weeknd and “Trilogy” which were all free mixtapes that were remastered and sold as an album generating over 1M copies
I think Drake’s impact was a bit more then the Weekend. Plus Drake came before the Weekend. There are aspects about the impact of So Far Gone that Hip Hop had not seen before. The nigga dropped a mixtape/ album and went straight to the number 1 artist in Hip Hop and R&B almost immediately. Or at least being treated like he was.
I agree but by those standards u could say kush and orange juice was the first mixtape to do that, didn’t it come out before so far gone? Or maybe my math I wrong
kush and oj was classic
I don’t think Kush and Orange Juice did what So Far Gone has done. I have never seen a mixtape/album come out and the nigga shoots up to the top of Hip Hop, R&B and Pop music and sells a million plus copies of something that was free and sends the entire rap game into a frenzy in terms of impact with that music. Drake ended up headlining his own tour, dictating his own record deal with Cash Money and he was closing shows with veteran artists on the same stage…. All this is the result of a free project that came outta nowhere. If that shit aint a classic then the standards or holding a classic to is impossible for Drake or any artist then because he dominated almost the entire music industry just in terms of hard numbers on the board with a project that was free. That had never been done before that time. His records on radio had to have been played 100 million times with about Houstatlantavegas, Successful, and Best I Ever Had and Every Girl In The World which came a bit later but radio playing the shit outta a mixtape to the point where number 1 records came off it had never been done before in Hip Hop.
We are still living in a “post Take Care” era, there’s your ‘proof’
Beautifully said.
*thats right, I said beautiful nigga!
wtf are you talking about drake puts out endless music and barely does press, not his fault if somebody is recording him
mook will definitely crush drake if they ever battle.
Stick to getting checks form the industry not battling a rapper where that his occupation. Some rappers can make hit records (Drake) and some legendary battle rappers (Supernatural) is better at battle rapping than crafting a song that takes a different skill. That said Mook would Murk him, he should stay in his lane.
Why every time there is a post about drake, people comment about kendrick, and every time there is a post about kendrick, people bring up drake.
It’s basically this generation’s “Pac v Big” or “Jay vs Nas” debate
Mook would rip Drake to shreds!
Bet you were saying that about Diz and Cassidy, smh. Cassidy killed Diz. Drake is more lyrical than Mook. FOH
shreds tho? i dont think so homie. dont sleep on the boy.
B dot, he was too scared to battle kendrick and Hov. There is no way he is going to mess with mook, let alone beat him
Drizzy is a good rapper. He can rap about his girls, his money, his fame and how he’s “the best in the game” but I really don’t think he’s built for battle rap. The gun talk, the up in your personal space rapping, the real hurtful I’ll kill “your mother and rape your daughter” and all the other shit that comes with battle rap. Dudes never recorded a direct diss where he actually named the person that he’s dissin’. I just hope this actually happens cuz that’ll be a great moment for hip hop.
I said earlier that he may have a chance in a one rounder
Drake has never done anything that says he could hold his own in a battle rap.. If anything he’s been taken shots at and just takes it or smooths it over with the artist. Stop riding nuts B. Dot. This shit shouldn’t even be up in the top 5 news stories.
im curious how many of these comments actually have anything to do with mook vs. drake, as opposed to kendrick vs. drake
Surf sucks, I say Clips is the more worthy opponent to get to Drake…
Been on rap radar since it started never commented until today this site has gone to shit full of misinformation, bias views & bad puns. You guys have gotten so lazy. This will be my last time here. @ Bdot & YN
Why would Drake battle Mook, Mook need to get a buzz first.
is battle rap still entertaining? two nerds going at each other with half-clever punchlines that they’ve rehearsed in front of their bathroom mirrors being repeated in front of a crowd of grown ass men? lol
Drake, highly overrated, and now he’s gonna keep playing like he wants to battle rap? Get the fuck outta here Drake and your clown ass fans!
As the biggest Drake fan, I would admit that Mook would murk Drake, but don’t take the boy likely tho, In the rap game nobody has the better battle bars, or talks slicker than Drizzy in the booth. Common, Jay, Tyga and even Ye can testify to that
haha he couldn’t beat kendrick tho
Lol, he actually came at Kendrick on the timberland joint. But not many people heard about the song. “I just think it is funny how they dangling the bait but I’m the one killing niggas on the hook thon”
lol nigga stop it many mc’s better than drake today just not as big in the charts
Don’t be too quick to write off ol’ Jimmy Degrassi. Dude is an astute learner of the arts.
drake acting like hes some battle rap king or something i know some local niggas that would probably end him
lol if drake wants to battle rap and be slick call out marshall and get that work
drake the type of nigga to blow on a hot cheeto before eating it
If they do a 1 rounder, drake might have a chance. Mook is in the old school era, so I really think that’s why he’s a little skeptical about battling the new era battlers, but he is an even matchup to drake who’s a newcomer. Idk,
http://heat.supply nigga! .
Drake Aint Ready for Mook!!! He’s Not In Mooks League
Drake looks constipated on this picture.
Thanks for share
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