Killer Mike On ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’
May 16, 2015 @ 9:28 AM EDT

Reality TV.
Killer Mike appeared on HBO last night as a guest on Real Time With Bill Maher. He discussed Bill O’Reilly, religion, Baltimore riots, and of course, hip-hop.
Never knew Killer Mike was against religion. He’s got my vote now.
How so?
You don’t believe in blank religion then x,y,z will happen to you when you die so makes people feel that theirs is right which can divide people…heavily, not too mention religion has killed more than almost anything else in the name of love
Killer Mike 4 President
Intelligent. Articulate. Poignant. Hip-Hop representative.
Well done Killa Kill from the Ville
except the jesus was black part. he wasn’t white, but i doubt he was black either. he probably looked like what most folks do in that region.
❖❖✔❖✔$77 /hr 0n the computer@me28//
killer mike is one amazing black man
Killer Mike is wrong and delusional. we need a strong black leader not dis idealist. and RJT2 sucks… it was too much for me. swag
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learn the facts here now SEE COMPLETE INFO
Jesus was just some homeless Arab on shrooms and Europeans took the crazy shit he was saying to brainwash the less fortunate and easily fooled.
People walking away from religion imo is just based on people having more access to information. If you believe in Jesus you can hop online and go see if he really existed. The thing about religion is this…. Religion is based on a set of PRINCIPLES, not everything is meant to be talking literally. Example, they still have white people examining the walls of ancient Egypt today (which is the bases for all these religions) talking about see the people here were half human, half alien, half animal hybrids and thats why they have animal heads and human bodies and mystery schools… No. The stories from ancient times that form our religions today were based on principles, morals, metaphor and philosophy as mans why of trying to understand science and purpose and is the bases for what would later become social norms, culture and law. Now people can go back and fourth about it all they want but as time goes on people will look at all the religions and make their own decisions. Christianity is cool but it now is code word for white supremacy and just like in the 60s, that is another reason why people are walking away again today…
One thousand years from now people will look at Christianity and other major religions the same way we look at the vikings, and greek mythology. Religion is foolish.
Its not foolish, its just people take religion and then just give you the surface information and barely give you any meaning behind it. Just like people read Greek mythology and just think its ancient super hero comic book stories but its deeper then that.
Not really, the world is run by religious moral principals. In fact so are you.
The USA is filled with Mega Churches with the clergy living high on life and even claiming Jesus wants them to have a multimillion dollar jet while millions in this country are starving and living pay check to pay check. We then have all the hate that comes with religion and let’s not forget Clergy like Pat Robertson and all those other crazies and churches like WBC. The scammers of yesteryear have just become clergy members of today and have learned with enough hate and enough gullible people they can live like kings. People in the USA have grown tired of the bullying of organized religion.
Ok but you only saying whats already known but it aint just rich bible thumpers. The KKK and various other hate groups (which are groups based on Christianity at their sore), the Tea Party, The Republican party and whites of all classes including the poor ban together under Christianity as well. The religion is used as a mask for really a rallying point and common ground among white people.
Actually the Klan and the Black Panthers were alot alike in the 1960’s. They both hated President Johnson.
Actually they couldn’t be further apart. The KKK have murdered so many people the amount is still unknown and those murders were allowed and permitted by the various branches of the judicial system. The KKK was about murdering outta pure hate. The Panthers weren’t about violence outta hatred. I don’t think the Panthers have killed ten people yet in the last two generations.
Lol Panthers have killed ten people yet in the last two generations you fuckin kidding Marty.
How many people have the Panthers killed vs the KKK? Is it even a weighable comparison? The fact you even tried to make it one only furthers demonstrates your extreme stupidity.
The KKK was a death squad/lynch mob that was just another arm of the presidents back then. The Panthers were not.
Assata Shakur was convicted of killing a New Jersey state trooper in 1973 She escaped from prison in 1979, and fled to Cuba in 1984 Marty you forgot.
Gtfoh. I guess you’ll bring up OJ next as to why killing ALL black people should be acceptable if your white. I mean that was the case for centuries anyway so I guess you’d like to go back. It would make your day to have lived a century ago where you could hang a black person from a tree at a police party and it be all good.
Why is time BC and AD?
Its BC and AD depending on if you want the measure of time to be that in your mind.
Well, what year is it then in your mind marty?
Either the whole world must have been brainwashed 2000 years ago or something major must have happened for such a change to be globally acknowledged. Mind you the calendars we use in the modern era are Roman calendars and the Romans weren’t too fond of Jesus back in the day.
Only the people of the time were brainwashed. Now we all just follow suit. Time, an illusion.
Killer Mike – “These kids decided to do park jams as an alternative to violence”… THAT is Hip Hop in its purest form.
Protect Killer Mike at all costs.
Why do African Americans not get that they are holding themselves back by this obscene behavior? 2 wrongs have never made a right! Educate your children and understand that this will get you nowhere fast! Come on quit blaming slavery, you’ve been free a long time except from yourselves.
You think behavior is holding black people back? On a yearly average, most black people will not be charged with breaking any laws (in the high 90 something percentile) and only a small percent will be so for all those that did all the things they were supposed to do, its not just behavior that holds them back. By the time you get down to behavior being a factor, you will have skipped the entire power structure of america as having anything to do with the people in it.
Thousands upon thousands of blacks are killed by blacks. No one bats an eye, but oh wait a couple bad cops come out and the blacks scream “we want justice and want it now”. It’s only when it’s convenient do the they protest. What happened here is highly suspicious yes, but looting? Hmm. Same people then claim police brutality. These people stop traffic cause hundreds of thousands in damages but hey all in the name of protesting. What about that mother that needs to rush her son to the doctor but now has a 45 min wait in traffic because people want to protest. All those people who have nothing to do with it yet are paying for it. How ironic.
Thousands upon thousands of whites are killed by whites an no one bats an eye. Honestly alot of black people have been speaking out on black on black violence for years but that don’t make the news though. You talking about looting as if its the pinnacle of crime bad but when police kill unarmed black people your all for that.
Martian Luther King says to not judge them by the color of their skin, so judge them:1. By their lack of character.2. By their lack of morals3. By their lack of values4. By their extensive violent felony criminal backgrounds.5. By their 12.8 percent of the population committing 55% of crime6. By their occupying 74% or the prison population.7. By their gang affiliation and gang lifestyle.8. By their providing drugs to your school age children.9. By their crimes committed against you and people who are close to you.10. By their refusal to get a job to support themselves and their own families.11. By their acceptance of a welfare life only to blame the welfare system for their failures.12. By their baby mama – baby daddy lifestyles.13. By their drug and alcohol addicted lifestyles.14. By their lack of parenting their children they bring into this world.15. By their lack of control over their children they bring into this world.16. By their lack of their own self-control.17. By their lack of ability to at least act like they are humans.18. By their refusal to abide by laws and their forcing the police into using force to apprehend them then blaming society blaming the officer or anyone but themselves.19. By their refusal to abide by laws and their forcing the police into using deadly force to apprehend them then society blaming the officer or anyone but themselves.20. By their rioting in the streets like animals, proving they are incapable of human behavior.
You sound like a German citizen in 1940 reciting stats to other Germans about why Jews are so criminal that they need to be killed off because after checkin the stats in the German newspaper (which was manipulated by Hitler and the German media), its clear that ALL jews must be criminals. You talk about how many blacks are killers, drug dealers and jail birds but have no stats or comments about how many are not? You fail to realize what an invading army an government does once they takeover, kill and enslave the population and over time the oppression has to become covert and reported to the people in a way which justifies the oppression. The thought the most black people are not thugs and drug dealers never crosses your mind because you’ve been programmed to be believe whatever the white supremacist that have controlled america for centuries tell you to believe. They say blacks kill black people all the time? How do you know the shooter was black in most of those cases? How do we know the police themselves aint picking off alot of these “thugs”? ALL black people are drug dealers right? How many black people you know with them birds fool? You even know 1? Of course its alot of black people in jail. After Hitler occupied a position of power in Germany how many jews ended up behind bars? For allegedly breaking the law? Now imagine america, a country founded on keeping as many black people in chains as possible for as many generations as possible….. You been drinking americas kool laid for so long you don’t even question any information you get from its media anymore.
Why even engage with this troll? He’s baiting us into a non sensical debate, This dude @eljimchapoguzman:disqus comments on every Rap Radar post like a fuckin lame. Loves black music, but hates black people? Lol gtfoh. We can’t give these Trolls life. It’s funny that he spits the same flawed rhetoric that white supremacists use. i can see right through the bullshit. Dude is a nerd and should be banned from Rap Radar posts. Bdot make that happen fam! We need positivity, not racists trolls trying to downplay Hip Hop activists, like Killer Mike!
The thing is white people been doing that shit for centuries and their crimes far exceed anything other races can do and they do it even in a country that favors them over everybody else.
Interesting, that’s not what MLK said, that’s what you said.
Research kevin
It’s all about cause and effect and all you are seeing are the effects of suppression and watching mainstream media which always portrays the minority groups as the enemy, when last did you watch the news and it told you that the United States of America was wrong for starting any war that they are in?
Actually they were told by the United nations not to invade Iraq cause America had no proof of nuclear weapons.
NATO put pressure on Russia to withdraw from Iraq only for the US to move in. Who was in the North Atlantic Council to allow this to happen? Anyway, that’s besides my point, what I’m saying is historically Europeans have done everything in their ability to oppress Africans even though that is where they got their knowledge, science, religion and philosophy from.
We all know history repeats itself but now these people hide behind institutions and organizations that govern the laws to create destructive environments for ‘minorities’. Some people understand the game and some people get angry and ask ‘Why is this always happening to me’, these are in fact the people who get angry and riot because they have had enough to a point where you just don’t give a fuck and you would rather die because what is a life when no matter what you do people treat you as second class based on the color of your skin. It’s not easy being a black man and the schools feed lies, I turn on the tv and I see lies. Once you start travelling the world you will realize what I mean, Africa is not nearly as bad as they make it look and Europe is nowhere near as good as they make it appear but if they can imprint these concepts into your brain as a young person your mind probably will never change until you experience the world for yourself. Black people have to deal with this misconception every where we go because media has already typecast us before we get there.
Mainstream rap furthermore pushes this criterion because 99% of the artists promoted and pushed as the next big thing are the same ones who are victims of this type of oppression and live a lifestyle that no other person from any other race would be proud to represent, but the big wigs of the record industry decide to promote these stereotypes of black men on mainstream television and radio, why? Because it makes money? No, because they have vested interests as these major label owners also own shares in privately owned prisons. Guess what else the labels own.. They are subsidiaries to the same companies that make movies and the news. So of course they will not promote a whole lot of conscious rap because it will make the world a better place, because then they won’t make as much money when they can make billions, paying prisoners less than a dollar an hour to build up their conglomerate. It’s all just mathematics to them and many people have been fooled to believe the victims are the assailants because they are not looking at the bigger picture.
Really? How “long” have black people been free? Historically not even a minute. Still white america try to hush them when it’s mentioned. Like what you wrote, it was a long time ago come on get over it. That attitude is the exact problem and modern day racism. That exact comment is the new undercover rasist. Wake up I don’t think you want to be a racist but you are, probably against your will. Thnx to comments like that, that have been passed on to you.
Fuck Killa Mike, Yall Respect This Godless Nigga?
Mike for tha win. AGAIN.
i like that this creates conversation. education and communication are some of the most important things in life.
very dope
My first intention even before watching the video was to write something along the lines of Killer Mike needs to hit the gym.
Glad I viewed the segment before commenting. Killer Mike gave a good response on Bill O’Reilly accusing Hip-Hop of all societal ills and the decline of Christianity.