New Video: Taylor Swift x Kendrick Lamar “Bad Blood (Remix)”
May 17, 2015 @ 8:34 PM EDT

What Up Blood.
Opening up the Billboard Music Awards this evening, Taylor Swift previewed her upcoming “Bad Blood” video featuring a star-studded cast including Kendrick Lamar. Before it arrives, here’s the audio featuring a couple of verses from K.Dot.
UPDATE: Now with an action packed video.
it sounds like it’s not finished or they added too much echo. It was ok.
she’s been on his dick for years now, so I guess why not…………….song’s still meh
post the video
To Pimp a Butterfly just went platinum
I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t like Kendrick? Didn’t even think Good Kid Maad City was as good as everyone said.
I’m a Kendrick fan, and I don’t get why people put GKMC on such a pedestal. It was a solid album but, not a classic. It was definitely his compromise album for the mainstream. Have some pop appeal but make sure to balance it out with your original content.
Now, TPAB on the other hand is Kendrick’s classic. THAT album deserves the praise that it’s been getting for sure.
He did balance it out and that’s why I think GKMC is almost as good as TPAB. His “mainstream” songs fits perfectly with his concept and even though it has that pop feel, it shows how versatile of an artist he can be.
True true
Nah my g im with you 1000 on not liking kendric…..
Why is this on rap radar? Swift is a country singer. I know the song features KL but still…
You answered your own question.
Sonically though, the song is too Pop to be considered Hip-Hop/Rap, IMHO.
I Like this!
keep living in the past. we got the future
Slow down son your killing em…..
Kendrick Lamar fucked it up.. the original version is way better without a rapper on it.
Kendrick’s verses were well executed. The dance music hi-hats make the song trash, though.
Lmao!!!!, Niggas is tryna go pop by any means necessary. First ‘I’ flopped now this…I love Kendrick, TPAB was amazing but come on dawg if you need that hit you could have simply asked Aubrey. He could have easily given you an instant hit that still has hip-hop appeal. This is one of the reasons why I rate Drake higher than Kendrick, The boy makes any song he is on his own. Honestly this song is crap and you Kendrick fans all know it. I see Kendrick wanted that 13 year old female demographic…. I still fucks with you tho
Drake can make hits but can he make a classic body of work?? No. Kendrick adapts to any track he goes on. So Drake Will never be ranked higher than Kendrick ever!
You bugging 5, name a kendric album where every song charted, i’ll wait.
See stick to the topic has Drake made a classic album? Not chart accolades for your intentional commercially made records. I just said dude makes hits. Stop hating on Kendrick because that’s what you do on every Kendrick post. Drake won’t even be mentioned in 10 years and he can’t even get paid from his records tell me I’m lying because if Wayne can’t get paid I highly doubt Drake is!
Lmaoooo my man plenty of dope rappers in hip hop dont have classic albums so that argument is out. As far as the money goes i dont pocket watch so i wont comment on that. And if you follow my comments like you just said you should say shit right, iv’e said hes nice but overrated…..
Kendric a culture vulture, but these sheep dont see it…….
Lol, the comments on youtube are so funny, they are just a bunch of pre-pubescent girls talking about the cameos, they don’t even give a fuck about Kdot, I had to make 4 comments for Kendrick on there. Lol, does anyone force Kendrick to do this bad features, first it was Jasmine V now it is this.
Jasmine V was a bad one but I kinda like this one + Taylor ain’t too bad on the vocals and song writing… pause tho
Well executed guest verse by K. Dot. I didn’t know Taylor Swift was trying to get in that Icona Pop/Charli XCX lane.
If it weren’t Taylor Swift I might mess with this.
K dot pimping all you butterflies, hes a true culture vulture but ya sheep cant see it……
Drake hops on every hot records remix to stay relevant and jacks that artist flow but Kendrick is the culture vulture right? Drink bleach homie
Lame come back, thats what ya resort to when you get crushed on the comment boards. You have been pimped butter fly…… lmaoooo.
Truth hurts doesn’t it!!
You asking yourself that right, drake is a more in demand artist then kendric thats why hes on everyones tracks homie. Drake been about switching up flows his whole career. But since you wanna talk shit how about kendric biting ems flow, biting a line from jay come dog you aint gonna win this one…..
Sounds Drake is a song whore. Kendrick is in demand apparently this song proves it. Switching flows I’ve heard Drake rap 2 styles his and someone else. I’ve heard Drake bite more Jay Z lines than Jay Z has bit Biggie. Gets your facts together young man!
Lmaooo kendric in demand with taylor swift ctfu no doubt fam. You heard drake rap more then 2 styles come up off that my dude while kendric has 2 either that weird funny voice or ems flow. My facts been together boi……..