Kanye West Speaks At LA Fashion College
May 30, 2015 @ 3:17 PM EDT

No Hate.
Kanye West returned to the Los Angeles Trade Technical College yesterday and spoke to the graduating class. Following the institution’s Gold Thimble Fashion Show, Dr. West gave a speech on fashion, politics and prepped them for their next step in life.
Last year, Kanye visited the school for a lecture and completed community service from his LAX paparazzi assault case.
Dr West? Did someone give this fool an honorary doctorate in metrosexuality or somethin?
He recently got an honorary doctorate from Chicago’s art college. If you’re on this page then you should even have that article on the right side.
nigga you on this site and didnt see the post where he got the honorary doctorate, get the fuck outta here
Dr.West in the building.
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Enjoy holly days rapradar … kEEP READING
I swear this new Ye album is becoming the new Detox! Smh It’s been so hard to be a Ye fan these last couple years. He’s seriously has become a joke
You’re right if you’re a tabloid reading, tmz watching, soccer mom.
I’m none of those and I’m probably a bigger Yeezy fan than you! Look ima call a spade a spade and these pass 3 years, Ye has been down right embarrassing. I’m sick of always defending this guy, like I actually get in shouting matching about Ye. He’s a fucking genius and I’ve seen his vision since day one, but now he’s just talking out his ass and making poor ass decisions that I refuse to support any more. And this is coming from someone who liked Yeezus!!! Lol
I’m really concerned about what bad descisions you’re referring to. I mean, dude had a baby, got married to the girl of his dreams, put out a groundbreaking album, put up easily one of the best rap tours of all time, and been at work to another album and shoes/clothes. I say dudes been on his shit.
What bad Descisions? Lol ok well let’s start with who the girl of his dreams is. And I’m not one of these guys that’s gonna sit here and slut shame Kim k, but coming from a business perspective, do you think it was smart to marry one of the most hated people in the world right now? How bout saying he’s the next Walt Disney, Steve jobs and so on, but has yet to produce anything with significants to the world to back up these claims. His performances have gotten terrible! Not to mention making songs like 4,5 seconds. Everywhere he goes he gets booed now. You know it’s bad when you get booed in your home town. Again I’m a huge kanye fan, but I’m calling a spade a spade. We not even gonna talk about his clothing line or shoes. That’s shit is just embarrassing. His constant rants!!! At least after the Taylor thing which wasn’t even a big deal to me, he came back with MBDTF. One of the best albums to drop in the last 10 years. Now he’s coming back with only one, 4,5 seconds and all day. Come on man the music not even up to par any more.
Your living life vicariously thru Kanye West your a white middle aged man staying with your mom. Get out and grab life by the horns its not to late. Stop having shouting matches in defense of another man’s life and craft your own….when shit hits the fan are you still a fan?
Smh You internet geeks got some nerve lol my Instagram is JohnGeiger_ Please don’t come at me on some assumption bullshit bout having a life and getting out when you have twice as many comments on here then me!!! Smh take your own advice kid
i dont neccesarily agree with everything you said, but i see where you’re coming from and get your point, i respect what you said
“I’m sick of always defending this guy, like I actually get in shouting matching about Ye.”
He has a life. Unlike you. Shut up.
I don’t think you’ve taken the time to really think about your position and hence I called you a tmz watching soccer mom. Because (1) you’re saying it’s hard to be a Ye fan these last few years and (2) you liked Yeezus. Yeezus was Kanye’s last album! What are you basing your opinion on Kanye on is it his new music or the media’s perception of him? Since he’s only officially released “All Day” from his new album, it has be to the latter.
I broke it down in the comment a above you dog, I’m not rewriting all that shit! Point blank tho I’m talking bout everything he has done in the past two years. To the rants, to the claims of being the next Steve jobs, but not creating anything even close to Steve’s level. His clothes, shoes for Adidas are horrible!!! You mean to tell me this is what you’ve been bitching and yelling about for the past year and you give us sweaters with holes in them? Lol 4,5 seconds is trash. Only one is a sweet song, but it’s not my cup of tea. And all day is just ok! This is what I’m basing my opinion on. I’m far from a Kanye hater, I’m actually a fan I’m just sick of the bullshit.
I for one can’t really respect the opinion of anyone who says “these pass 3 years”. Keep it movin’.
It’s only been 2 years since his last album…
He is going to release a new album, when he needs money.
Yeah, talk about calling the kettle black. He hated on Taylor Swift because she is one of the best and far more talented than him or Beyonce.
Fool you hate on black people but stay on Hip Hop culture’s dick. Id expect you to say Taylor Swift is more talented then Beyonce but anybody who actually believes that is either delusional, crazy or stupid. About the only thing Taylor can do that Beyonce can’t is play the guitar and get the support of a larger portion of white america, but talent wise? Take away the props and the back up dancers and just have a mic and dance floor and Beyonce a blow her off the stage every time.
Marty you’re a fool. Why didn’t you just go to Baltimore for the weekend?
Bitch the stfu, the levels of your foolishness hasn’t been matched by anyone who has ever been on Rap Radar. Today its Taylor Swift is more talented then Beyonce? Thats not even close to some of your other stupid comments… and that shit was stupid.
The music industry has little or no interest in talent anymore. All they care about is an image they can sell….Beyonce is the Walmart of music. Her sole purpose in life is to be the outlet to peddle as much cheap garbage as possible to as many people as possible. People think it is good because they are told it is good, and people buy it because they are told they should buy it. What we wind up getting is substanceless images and bubble gum garbage continually shoved down our throats and real talents,
you a 50 fan so nothin you say fuckin matters you hypocritical ass wetback bitch
whatever Chihuahua
If Beyonce “is the Walmart of music”? That wouldn’t be cheap dumbass, that would make her the most valuable singer in the history of music. Walmart is worth 200 billion dollars you stupid fuck.
Tie a huge rock to both of your hands while they’re behind your back and go jump in that river you swam across to get to this country.
Fuck you dark matters
Give them both a pen and a mic and Taylor Swift blows her off the stage every time.
Clearly you don’t know who you dealing with, when it comes to Beyonce because her pen game has been proven for the last 18 years. Both artists have worked with writers but don’t get that twisted because Beyonce been writing her songs since she was writing Destiny Child material. Beyonce has a signature style that she came in the game with and still delivers.
Haha you have no clue what you’re talking about
Taylor Swifts writing ability, her and her alone writing songs is what got her to where she is. Not her father and being the hot one in the girl version of a boy band.
Taylor also has writers, and newsflash, Beyonce writes too… I’d think by now after almost two decades in the music business you’d know that. And know Taylor didn’t get to where she’s at on her own, she has a manager and a label as well, just like Beyonce didn’t just get where she’s at cause she’s pretty, It took Destiny Child almost ten years to get on. Since then Beyonce has become what she is today and SHE WRITES as well. Her writing ability has been proven on the highest levels of music. Taylor’s music is the cliche and formulaic in regards to country and pop music (implying that other people wrote it). Beyonce has a signature style that she herself made up as a child.
You sound like Mike Huckabee, another cracker who’s attacking Beyonce for the support he needs to run for president.
Blah, blah, blah you’re nothing but a delusional racist idiot.
Thats exactly what people think when they see you commenting 99% of the time. Again, most of your comments are racist, its become an expected thing for you to say something racist everyday on Rap Radar, thats never been the case with me. The reverse psychology shit aint gonna work no matter how many times you call me a racist because your an actual racist LOL. You hate black people but stay on black culture’s dick, you call me the racist (as if your against racism) when almost everything you say is racist. Like you don’t even make comments about anything unless its racist. Gtfoh.
Lauryn Hill – “The concept of reverse racism is flawed, if not absolutely ridiculous”…
Who is Lauryn Hill? Lauryn Hill, a has been who never was and never will be , but a forgotten tax cheat. she also said she didn’t want white people buying her music. she is a very stupid lady. lovely voice though.
you need to fucking kill yourself you see no one responded cuz they cant even take your fuckin stupid ass serious lauryn hill has made more of an impact than beyonce, taylor swift and most definitely your bitch ass will ever do in a million years, nothin you say on here for now on will be taken serious, you’re a fucking clown, i could careless if you’re racist, i rather you wear that openly, what you really are is a fucking retarded baboon with free wi-fi access
That is some straight bull-shit getreal, cry me a river and
your Pay your fuckin taxes.
She could still line up shows right now and make more money in a few months then you probably will for the rest of your life. You’ll never make what it costs her in taxes but you calling her stupid? Foh
She could still line up shows right now and make more money in a few months then you….shame on you marty you don’t know me.. I get $3000/month for a $600k condo marty. Most condos at that price don’t rent for that much in Livingston new jersey.
So what I said still applies fool, it cost more then 3k to get Lauryn Hill to perform dumbass but you still missed the point.
Reverse racism is pure stupidity cause Racism is racism. But being honest there are more black people posting things like that online about white people than the other way around. Plus that kind of hate just mostly ends on the internet for you MARTY but extends into real life for the white people.
No there is not more black people posting racial shit online then white people and even suggesting such is another reason why clearly your a dumbass. There are a thousand websites just focused purely on racism toward black people from white racists groups, militia groups and your dumbass. You said I hate white people, I have never said such but its clear you hate black people but you stay on Rap Radar cause you addicted to black music and black culture. You confused.
Racism will never go away. The biggest problem right now is that getting your feelings hurt is considered raciSt..get over yourself, nobody cares if your feelings get hurt, stop whining. If you actually are a VICTIM of racism, you deserve all the benefits the law can provide you.
I didn’t imply racism would go away and my feelings aint hurt by racism either, I’m talking about YOU and your denial of your own issue. If you racist then just own it. Put on your klan outfit and just openly admit what you are. Its not a “benefit” to be a “victim” of racism. If there is anything the law provided for somebody who was a victim or racism, its only because the racism was used to victimize that person in the first place. You blame the victim but don’t hold the oppressor accountable for being a victimizer only because you identify, agree with and cheerlead for racism being used to victimize black people. You blame black people for racism when 99.9% of racism in america came from the people who actually established it in america to use against black people.
6 years ago too. Btw If you’re more into pop shit, why don’t you get the fuck off of here always being the first fucking commenter and stick to E News’ website.
Wake up Mr. West!!!
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