Drake “Back To Back” At OVO Fest
August 4, 2015 @ 8:41 AM EDT

Meme Show.
Drake closed out his 6th annual ‘OVO Fest last night at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre. For his opening number, he performed his Meek Mill-diss backed by memes. Throughout the night, he brought out special guests Skepta, Future, Kanye West, Travi$ Scott, and Pharrell.
this nigga has to use pictures cuz he has no bars
you are a fraud get some real balls
what were those rhyming words and pattern sounds coming out of his mouth?
his dick that’s in your mouth
do you know what free association is?
This Drake and Meek situation has led me to believe that the entire industry is the new real housewives. Everything is fake, all the disses were wack on both sides. The industry probably orchestrated this beef to change the perception on Drake, seeing how the reason why this beef started is completely and utter bullshit. Meek loses credibility as a battle rapper and Drake as an MC. Most Drake fans aren’t hip hop fans so they don’t care about the undeniable proof that Drizzy doesn’t write his rhymes so in my books he will never be one of the best rappers. I never considered him such anyway in the sense that Drake can’t and will never drop a straight rap album. A love pop music just as much as the next man, but that’s what it is. Pop music.
We all know Dr. Dre and Rick Ross don’t write their rhymes but they don’t pretend to, nor do they drop a mixtape themed on how they are the best in the game with no competition.
It upsets me that the culture of authenticity in hip hop is fading in this generation and I blame social media for this but it is what it is. Real hip hop lies in the fate of Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole who are doing everything they can to keep the culture alive and push the boundaries.
Kendrick,cole,sean … show sean some love not really a big difference between him n cole in my opinion..
Yeah Sean has been killing shit, Dark Sky Paradise was ?
yeah i feel like finding his own
Wow Rick Ross don’t write his own bars huh & he don’t even pretend to lol??
Yup him and Dre are in the same boat. Everyone knows they ghostwrite
Think about.. Do you really think all of this happened simply because Drake didn’t tweet his album. Even when it happened with Wale I called it publicity. This can’t be real
rumors have it that Ross was trying to sell his MMG artist contracts to other labels to help fund the series of legal cases against him. Meek’s contract was up for grabs, and drake heard about it and wanted to sign him to OVO, however, Jay also wanted to sign him. Every thing I read seems to point to the fact Jay put the battery in meek back to start this.
i think you are upset that this beef isn’t a traditional beef and it isn’t. Before beef was on a personal level. These days rap is a corporation made up of many brands. OVO & Dreamchasers being two of them.
The whole Meek tweet thing was essential Twitter fingers trying to tarnish drake’s OVO brand. The problem is that OVO is way too strong of a brand to be brought down.
Just look at this video of drake performing back to back. It is crazy scary on how much power Drake has. Twitter Finger’s brand and reputation is crushed. He will never bounce back from this.
It isn’t a tradional beef yes and I also heard about Jay Z possibly pushing him. However I still believe this was staged for Drake to come out shining. In reality we all know Meek would have put him in a coffin when it comes to battle rap.
But the truth is you have to be a little ignorant to think Meek won’t bounce back from this.
Everyone was on Meeks dick for this album and now people are calling it trash because of the Drke situation
Meek will need time to recover but if he drops heat in like a year or so I’m sure he’ll be fine
Weak Will is not Nas its a wrap. MMG is finished anyway! And if Weak was supposed to put Drake in coffin why didnt he and he had leverage.
Excuses are only good for those who make them!!!
I was rooting for meek but yeah MMG is finito. Lol between Ross legal woes and this battle, I don’t see how they gonna make out of this one. Gunplay couldn’t have picked a worst time to drop his album and Wale was smart to stay quiet as not to loose a few fans or industry connects by backing meek. No MMG or meek fan like that I was just riding on the basis of the principle he was fighting for. the usual MMG stans on this site have been pretty quiet these days lmaaoooo
Wale getting Seinfeld and TBS Checks, Plus that Usher song is a hit. He’s clearly the winner right now
True wouldn’t risk them checks lol seem like the only person who made the smart moves on MMG
Where did I make an excuse? I’m not defending Meek at all
You a ole chatty patty ass nigga huh? Smh
Sooo meek destroyed his career on purpose? You’re not too bright
You’re a dumbass if you believe that Meek career is over. Social media is just having a frenzy with this so it looks bad but he’ll bounce back.
The whole beef was staged like everything else in this fake rap industry
Ohh yeaa cause somebody wrote bmf mchammer . Ross was a ghostwriter you idiot lol
Ross was a ghostwriter but he isn’t a real MC. How can Rick Ross drop projects like Rich Forever when he never lived that life.
I don’t expect much from Ross so I just listen to his music, but I’ll never put him in an all time list
How can Heath Ledger play Joker when he never lived that life?
Its entertainment, you either enjoy it or don’t
Great, but I won’t let someone say Ross is a legend when he can’t be. He isn’t authentic
I second that notion.This was staged and meek is the pawn for drake and nicki.The masses have no clue as to what is going on.
And the worst part is, when you say the truth people label you a hater for pointing out the obvious
And also drake is a novelty artist who have fooled the whole culture of hip hop.He just don’t move me when I hear his music.There is no soul behind it.IM JUST BEING HONEST.
I beg to differ my friend.
For false artists and false rappers will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.(The ELECT are TRUTHSEEKERS, the people who eyes are open to the bullshit and lies)
Lmaooo!!!!!, I like that..
Dude why are you quoting bible verses for? Lmao its just music man, not some grand conspircy
You really have no idea as to what is going on.
is there a holy war between the evil and good?
its a fun rap beef, chill out
Im having fun commenting and I’m having a blast laughing at you idiots writing full on paragraphs. I’m thrilled I have hit a nerve.
It’s just pop music so I enjoy it like the next man but comparing him to Real MC’s is disrespectful
I will continue to say that world does not care about mcs.
I’ve said the same thing, but for true hip hop heads like me I do. The average music consumer doesn’t respect the culture and that’s okay
There’s a place for everything man. I just like dope songs is all. Its good we have K Dot and Cole to balance things out.
Lmao yeah an artist with 10,000,000 records sold is a novelty artist.
Didn’t move you but managed to move 10,000,000 people lmao. Don’t let the hate consume you kid
I can name countless (novelty) artists that have sold millions of albums and singles. I overstand you literally have no clue as to what is happening.
name them
novelty artists simply don’t sell millions upon millions of albums. there are countless non novelty artists that fail to sell 500k. lmao
And again his music have no SOUL. The truth can really be hurtful and hateful,but it is what it is.
funny how you try to make your opinion come off as fact.
10,000,000 people bought his album. 10,000,000 must be feeling something in his music.
hate him or not, Drake is a legendary artist. no hate you spew can change that. I think Jay’s music has no soul either, yet I acknowledge he is also a legendary artist.
Stop hating
Why would I hate somebody I don’t even know. I’m simply stating that his music has no soul and it don’t move me. ARE YOU DRAKE OR SOMEBODY ON HIS TEAM?
It’s not staged he just picked on the wrong guy at the wrong time. right before the ovo fest? Right after apple just gave drake $20 MILLION for ovo sound radio. right after sprite just put Drake’s verses on pop cans with Biggie and Nas. Right after Verizon just gave Drake a big CHECK. Drake got the whole Canada behind him. He signed to Michael Jordan/Jumpman. He got J.Prince and Rap-A-Lot record behind. Young Money and Cash Money. Baby and Wayne! Meek fucking with a CORPORATION!!! They got TOO MUCH MONEY INVESTED into DRAKE for Drake to LOSE!! If Drake LOSE all those COMPANIES I just name LOSE TOO!!! And that’s not happening!!! That’s who CONTROLLING the MEDIA and making it look so ONE SIDED!!! It’s not STAGED homie. That’s how CORPORATE AMERICA work homie! They DESTROY the LITTLE GUY!!! And Meek’s the LITTLE GUY!!!
Its staged,corporations are in the staging business as well as the government.Now I can agree with that notion that meek is the little guy.Meek is the pawn/sacrifice for drake and nicki.
Look, This is the dumbest shit ever… How the fuck will the industry stage this. You are the biggest Drake hater I have ever met in my life, it is just sad. The only point you have is the lyrics shit and that can be checked because the whole industry knows Drake can write – “Nigga you already wrote for us, Damn what’s one more quote for us” – 0-100.
Drake is very busy, he is doing Sprite, apple, raptors, ovo merch, record label business. Cole and Kendrick aren’t doing half that much. Quentin miller helped in 6 songs this year. This is not the first time in rap that that is happening, Even Cassidy just said show me a rapper that doesn’t have any help and he will be highly surprised, check the interview on Vlad. Just because Quentin helped Drake to come up with a few verses doesn’t make him a ghost-writer. You’re just a hater, and now you just sound delusional. Meek put himself in this predicament and he came for Drake’s credibility, that is why Drake had to clap back really hard.
And of course Drakes emotional army comes for me. I’m not a hater I just speak the truth. This entire beef was staged for Drizzy.
You really think all of this happened because of a tweet? Even with Wale I called a publicity stunt
The sad truth is this. Drake isn’t a real MC and will never be one. He wouldn’t have a rap career if he couldn’t sing so he can’t be in the GOAT discussion. Drake can’t drop a rap album so there’s no way he can be called the best
I’m a Drake fan and I’ll accept that he’ll always drop good music that just isn’t hip hop. People like you probably call Fetty Wap a rapper too.
Nothing but truth here bro
So Weak Will staged a beef to end his own career is what your saying! I could care less about both but Weak should have kept his mouth shut (especially when Louie V Gutta was writing his shit). No matter what you try to sugarcoat you hate Drake and seeing the fact that Meek started the whole ordeal!
Nah bruh I just keep it G. The entire media as we know it is a joke. They need stories for headlines. Have you ever wondered why you can’t count the number of celebrity couples that date and then break up for stupid reason? They have to keep the masses entertained/ distracted
Also I’ve stated before that I hate this website and Twitter because whenever someone drops facts you call them a hater. Prove me wrong in anything I said about Drake. He’s one of my favorite artists but he isn’t a real MC.
Meek Mills career isn’t over, everyone is doing too much like Drake actually Ethered him. Both disses were weak but Drake wins off of popularity.
Lol, I am done with you bro. It must suck to see a guy you despise rack up so many Ws
Look at the credits to Take Care. There’s this guy name Hush aka Yung Tony on every damn song on that album. They saying that’s drakes real ghost writer
People care about the end product nothing else.
I don’t give a fuck if my food was made by 5 chefs as long as it tastes good I’m set.
This is all common knowledge that Drake has other writers. Still doesn’t take anything away from his legacy.
I knew you wouldn’t be able to argue back, face reality bro. People like you call me haters cuz we speak the truth. I’m a Drake fan but I keep it real. Now crawl back into your little hole
Lol, the reason I am refusing to argue with you is unlike you I have a life. I don’t spend every minute of my life posting at rap blogs. Nigga I gatts a final to study for… Don’t know if you know but there are way more important things in life than rapradar… Alrighty then I will crawl back into your mum’s vagina like you said. I like it there, spacious enough to study but you can still have fun in it.
But you had enough time to reply this. Listen I know Drake is your favorite and that’s cool he makes great music. But this beef was as fake as it gets there’s no denying that
I have no clue why twitter fingers would commit career suicide like this.
Its not staged. Mr. Girl’s Tour came out of pocket and caught Drake at a bad time.
You simply don’t tweet dumb shit about a dude with $75 mill and a strong international fan base with a plan.
When Mr. Bodied By A Singing Nigga came at Drake like that I thought he was gonna do some damage at least. Wow was I wrong.
Sucks, I saw Mr. Week Mill come up when i was in middle school and his flamers mixtapes were buzzing like crazy. To get this far just to throw it away is a shame imo
You didn’t make s legit argument and you yourself contradicted yourself. Why would Meek go at him without a plan?
This is the fakest beef ever, it’s so lame. I know Drake is your hero but still learn to be honest
Meeks career isn’t over and Drake won this beef cause of social media. Both disses were weak
Weak has displayed this over emotional twitter behavior before.
I know it looks staged but why is it hard to believe Weak let his emotions get the best of him and Drake just exploited it to his advantage?
I wish it was staged and Weak’s career wasn’t over becauss I was actually feeling the dude’s last album.
Your lame for calling him Weak. He did the same thing for publicity the last time he dropped an album with Wale. The industry is fake bro, it’s so sad.
Again if you truly believe Meeks career is over you’re delusional. The hype will be dead in 6 months
I understand what your saying to an extent, but you have to wake-up and step into 2015. The climate of hip-hop is different. The amount of sub-genres under the umbrella term of hip-hop is staggering. Yes, their are a group of rappers that make highly lyrical music and I’m sure they write each bar. But that culture isn’t the “wave” now. It’s all about your ability to compose a song that’s catchy and ear grabbing, whether it came from your pen or not is irrelevant. In Drakes case, he is a pop artist who can rap. But to call him a rapper is asinine and only leads to these hip-hop purist throwing unneeded shade his way. He may not be Rakim or Biggie but he carved a lane and quite frankly is running that lane until further notice bro.
Everything you just said in this article made sense for one reason. You were honest. I’ve been saying the same exact thing
Drake is pop artist who can rap. And then everyone comes at me talking shit like its ridiculous.
lmao..are u real?
Think about it bro, you know it’s the truth
You and that clown “ImKing” need to realize they’re several pockets of hip hop. Theres no such thing as “real hip hop”. Just cause you can’t identify with what Drake doesn’t mean its garbage, and I don’t even like Drake that much but you can’t deny the man has been having a hell of a week. Theres a lane for Tech Nine, a lane for Kendrick, a lane for Danny Brown, A lane for Jeezy, and a lane for Drake.
Either listen to it or don’t listen to it but to say it ain’t real is idiocy. Btw Kendrick dropped “i” and J. Cole dropped “Apparently”. Both aren’t traditional rap songs in your eyes. Clowns.
No you don’t get what I’m saying. I’m a Drake fan first of all but I’m honest as well
Drake releases straight RnB records that can’t be classified as rap in any way or form. It’s good music but it’s not Hiphop. I call him fake because of his persona and this orchestrated beef. But for you to think he’s a straight MC is just ridiculous, he isn’t. Great artist though
RIP Meek Mill – not since bill cosby have we seen a public shaming like this.
Con: Drake pays too much attention to the Internet and is a bitch.
Pro: “Shout out to all my boss bitches wifing niggas!” is prob the best crowd reaction I’ve seen in 2015. Well executed.
You can’t recover. Bow down gracefully.
It’s 2015….everybody pays attention to the internet dumb ass.
Yea, everybody you sit in the cafeteria with. Now hurry up and put your phone away before the teacher sees it.
Is that supposed to be a shot at my age? Jesus Christ you’re pathetic.
Big word. AP classes?
Says the guy who receives his news via internet and who also frequents this site every day which again is a product of the internet who is also talking shit about somebody making moves on the internet?! Shall I continue or should we just call it a day?!
yet you always on the internet lol dummy.
Yet you stay keeping tabs on my whereabouts! Stalking ass fag! Get off my dick!
He got you there my nigga, you are always on the internet
Dont be the next contestant on that OVO screen.
Hah thought the same shit
Drake drops a warning shot with Charged Up = People hate.
Drake drops a death blow with Back to Back = People hate.
Drake goes the Jay-Z route and uses the big screen = People hate.
Hip-Hop fans are the absolute worst fans across all genre’s, you niggas don’t even buy music yet you have the most to complain about LOL.
I don’t think nobody is really hatin on drake. Meek is gettin crushed rite now and nobody can deny that
Most ppl who say hip hop fans are the worst..usually don’t listen to other genres ..get out of your bubble fam ..ppl in general are the worst lol
I stand by my point about hip-hop fans not buying music though, that’s an indisputable fact.
I’m a hip hop fan I bought all my music on my phone! Speak for yourself nigga
Because obviously one person is enough to make the whole statement invalid….
What he’s saying is the fact that ONLY J.Cole and Taylor went platinum shows that record sales are down across all genres, not just him. In hip-hop people only buy Kendrick,Drake, Cole etc. essentially the big names. In pop it’s the same thing. The bigger the name, the more you sale. Just the way it is. Has nothing to do with genre.
Hip hop fans aren’t buying music yet Cole is the only person to go platinum this year besides Taylor Swift.
Fam, what are you talking about, everyone is saying Drake is killing shit
savage . but still i think cassidy went in on meek more its jus drake has a wider bigger impact so the whole world pretty much went in on meek lol
Omg the fans just shit on meek hahahha
I’ve been pullin for meek but this just nails the coffin..unless this nigga meek got drake chillin wit Caitlyn Jenner pics he’s got no moves. Hopefully dramchasers takes off or he’s got other business ventures. I’m embarrassed to even play his album in public smh
Meek is through…smh… He will never be able to come back. He better hope Drake don’t buy his Masters because that would send the fans over
. He should’ve stayed in his lane. Drake is a rap superstar.
Really? Memes? I mean it doesn’t get more nickelodeon than that.
I wonder why Cassidy hasn’t tried to capitalize off of any of this?
he did a video wit Vlad about the situation. he doesn’t want to be involved. he said he killed meek wit RAID anyway lol
That’s funny, Cassidy would say he already killed Meek with a beef few even knew about or remember.
no my nigga
this nigga was ready for meek mill for sure
to be hoenst he said it on angie interview
I remember that. Listen back to all the lines in his music too – he’s been telling people all along.
Lool, Tyga and Chris Brown, probably looking far away like Damn!!, God bless this nigga, he took it easy on us.
This is embarrassing considering Meek started it too. But hey, he is still rich with a bad chick he will get over it!
Drake is still wack for not writing his own shit but I just watched the clip of will smith. Meek is officially done smh. Damn “I hate it had to be him..”.
Ok, i’m from 1973, grew up on real Hip Hop, and I wonder…………..Drake is just as he is saying a singing n$gga, he’s just being honest. But Meek Mill, as I read here is supose to be from the streets, and is a battle n$gga, so can someone update me with a actual battle he was in, or some street cred he has??? I’m getting too old for this, sometimes I here a new rapper where i’m excited about, like Joey Bada$$, King Los etc. …………..real Hip Hop!!! But most times I just can’t get it, took time to listen to some Meek Mill stuff, but that ain’t Hip Hop, he is just mumbling , I can’t understand what he tries to say, at least Drake (also not hip hop) has good delivery, you don’t have to read the lyrics to get what he is saying, but even with the lyrics of Meek displayed, I don’t get what he is saying……..and he got no flow!!!
So please, i’m not gonna listen to all what Meek released, just give me one song, and/or one battle that he was in, where you say: Now that is real Hip Hop, or that are some real Bars, or where he lyrically murdered another rapper………….Thanks in advance!!! School me!!!
Try Meek Mill-Burn or The Ride or Hiphop or Real or ReadyorNot
Ok, thanks for that, still not impressed but better then that diss track. But hey, i’m from the KRS-One, Freddy Foxxx & Gangstarr era………………for me real Hip Hop is about good raps(lyrical & Flow) and some Boombap beats with some scratches in it……………..this is just trying to rap over some overproduced music………….and even the rappin is not that great!!!
Drake was ,is, and will always be a fake ass bitch. If you decided to believe in it is your own decision (like believing in santa)
Ok, so give me one Meek Mill track, or battle that can inform me about his rhyming ability, or battle ability…………….
My bad, meek mill is ass (i didnt specify)
This might be the fakest beef in history involving a fake ass drama/pop rapper and a shity ass monotone rapper
Ok, that being said, i’m from Amsterdam, born in ’73 , grew up on real Hip Hop, but this ain’t real Hip Hop.
All i’m reading meek is from the streets and is a battle rapper, but doing a google search, and i can’t find one battle he won or was actualy in …………………..so is there one???
Meek mill is definitely not a battle rapper, the fucked up thing in this case is drake has absolutely no street backround, the story of the fake versus the dumb (wakest beef in history)
I Think no-one ever did see Drake as a rapper, more a singer/music artist who can rap. And he raps better then Meek, not talking about writing verses, more talking about delivery!!! And street cred don’t make you Hip Hop, but hen again, real Hip Hop these days is so hard to find!!!
Everybody sees him like the best rapper cause they think the artist selling more is the best.
And on the real rappers we still have gucci mane, young dolph, trae, and just a few more
Hes never proclaimed something he was not. The ghostwriter issue is water under the bridge!
However Weak Will is signed to the fakest nigga in the world!
The whole time he has being talking shit, little by little building up this fake charade that a lot of suckas believe is truth.
I agree meek mill and officer ricky, but also drake comes from birdmans gay parade
Drake making Meek look silly. Only response from this is firing the Llama.
Unless meek pipes drakes mother there is no winning for him. Sad to say let a lot of ppl down
You have to think why would drake do something like this it is bigger than rap its jay z he put the battery in meek and drake stole his move to put meek on the screen meek was sold that drake is an easy target but nope he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. No going to tidal as jay planned but it back fired on meek drake making iTunes money with each single that dropped he took a page out of jay 50 and naz book using his girl against him ovo jam and a catchy ether it’s not compared lyrics or grittiness but he got it done jay watching rubbing his hands thinking Of a new plan to get drake back but drake is illuminati nothing will stop him now all the cooperation that slapped meek on Twitter are in alliance with drake no one will mess with there money or power drake buying out philly meek can’t even go back home so sad for meek meek to hood to mess with the illuminati so they have to take him down if he mess with one of theirs
When you fucking with Drake you fucking with BIG MONEY!!! Drake is backed by APPLE/BEATS Jimmy and Dre, Sprite. Michael Jordan. The WHOLE Canada. The Raptors. Rap-A-Lot. J.Prince. Young Money. Cash Money. Baby. Wayne. Verizon. and I can keep going! Meek is just a RAPPER. Drake is an CORPORATION!!!
People sprinted away from the real issue once Drake got exposed for not writing his own material. Drake overall attack point on Meek is the fact that the girl in which he has for years gained notoriety and fan fare off of by publicly wanting to eat her ass(Niki Minaj) is dating a guy with less money and popularity as him and her. Drake Has done nothing but prove how salty is his. I feel bad for Meek but he did it to himself. You’re just not gonna win against this machine. I’m sure those two weak ass diss tracks from Drake didn’t move Meek but the way the fans interpreted his actions on trying to exposed fake niggas making money off of true and young talented artists. Meek got the baddest and hardest bitch riding and sucking his dick at night AND PUTTING MONEY IN HIS POCKET AND HE’S THE LOSER??? Bitches constantly clowning Drake for being a cornball and a slime ball overall. Drake never gets the bitch no matter how many albums and how much money he makes. ANY TRUE HIP HOP FAN OLD/NEW SHOULD NEVER ACCEPT THE FACT THAT SUCH A BIG ARTISTS DOESNT WRITE HIS OWN MATERIAL. This is such a sad time for such a genre who’s always been such a revolutionary and pure art form of music especially vocal wise.
you lost me at “riding and sucking his dick at night”
people r saying this is a staged beef do you believe that? why would meek do something like this for publicity hes taking a huge beating? i think its real .
Male groupies <<<
mann that Know Yourself knocks live
Drake… Wow bruh. This nigga ain’t showin NO MERCY!
these people already know the lyrics .. damn son.
ima still listen to drake but all his music is questionable now and ima think somebody either helped or wrote the shit for him
idk why drake decided that meek was the person he was gonna bark back at but it might have been the best decision he’s ever made, this is a legendary L he’s giving meek