Meek Mill Disses Drake In Charlotte
August 4, 2015 @ 10:19 PM EDT

Wedgie Alert
Following OVO Fest last night, ‘The Pinkprint Tour’ poured into the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, NC. During Meek’s set, he premiered what appears to be a new diss record for Drake. The saga continues.
Truly lame….
That next meek mill album aint selling shit!!!
Wale needs to sign to rocnation and stop playing himself
Wale was managed by RocNation from his 1st album up until right before he dropped Album About Nothing.
Yeah I know, he need to go all the way and just leave mmg behind ..
What is a meek mill?
meek L** Robert Williams a former hip hop superstar signed to mmg’s very own former c.o William Roberts..
I wanted Drake to chill after back to back, but now I want him to drop that eternal career ending diss and end this fuck boy’s career. Where the fuck was him when Wayne was bumping to back to back. S/O Ar-AB!
Cause we all know you had AR-AB in rotation before this shit started.
Stunna just did an interview sayin he is cool with Aubrey and Nicki… Dude stop talkin, drop a track if you have one let Drake end it with this 3peat… “Been saying fuck a chaser when we taking shots”
#3peat coming soon
Meek need to play dead.. Maybe the big bear will leave him alone
Lmaoo, Best comment so far!!
again… i say it’s impossible to get into a rap battle with someone that doesn’t write his own raps. meek was disappointed like the rest of us – i thought drake was nice. now i think he’s just nice at karaoke.
LOLLLLL youre so funny. So if someone writes a hook for you, but you write the whole rest of the song, you become irrelevant…??! Sit down you clown, thats the difference between an artist who has people behind him and work together to the top, and the difference with a simple rapper who buys rollies off his contract pay check.
NOTE1: if the whole song RICO comes from QM, and Drake just rapped to it (cause if you notice lyrics are QUITE DIFFERENT)… well im sorry but meek did the same shit. He didnt produce the track, he got the whole track given to him, and just added his lyrics… so basically he’s a fraud too since it was on his OWN album.
NOTE2: Who wrote Eazy-E’s Boyz N The Hood? Who wrote the Chronic and 2001 ??? AND You still bump that shit everyday so shut the fuck and fuck your disapointement. Drake is relevant, and proved it, your boy meek took the L’s. He’s just more than just your average rapper. He’s a business man, follows jay’s steps and will make history and history again. STOP THE HATE just cause he’s a conscious and sensitive rapper and your friends laugh at you cause it makes you soft.. Stick to tyga you buttercup boy.
NOTE3: Tupac once said: rap for the bi*ches, cause ni**as want what the bi*ches want. Drake studied this rap shit well, he will be a legend one day.
you niggas really in denial drake literally changed like one line in RICO stop dick eating fam he had a nigga create his verse GET REAL
LOLLLLL you heard a 10 seconds…and it was the chorus. So Game is a fraud, Eazy-E too, Dre too, Wayne too, and the list goes on and on….. OH WAIT now if a friend writes some lyrics for me and a melody to it, I cant put it out, even if the song is nice, because of its authenticity??? but do we agree that RICO was not produced by none of these wack MMG artists and that RICO song was done, and meek just added his verse without asking questions…. THATS FRAUD. If i make an album, i want it to be my concept, not someones elses song that I just drop a verse to it. Drake couldve kept it for his album since its a banger but he chose to help a brother sell records… and that same brother spit back to his face…. And before you say drake doesnt write his shit, you should check it, he even wrote for people like Alicia Keys… he surely writes his shit, but his team help him build a OVO sound. Stop hatin just cause drake is not talking about guns, and coming to your crib to rob you. America is fucked, and if we had more conscious people like drizzy, this would become a better world. You’ll understand when you get to 30’s and want your kids to grow in a safer place. Thats when you realize that artist like Cole, Ye and Drizzy are more important than a fuckboy Meek that cant reply to a diss properly but brags about his rollie in every song.
No you idiot I heard the entire verse spit by Quentin Miller and it was the same shit minus a few lines get your facts together then come back to me.
It was only the first few bars in the RICO song that was the same man.
1. you just spent how ever long it took you to write that bullshit to make an argument for inauthenticity and basic fraudulence in hip hop culture and rap music (if you even wrote that shit).
2. we all know ghost writers exist – we just thought for some crazy reason drake wrote his own shit – my fault. 2a. not a fan of eazy (rip) but cube is my top ten – dre is a great producer but he’s not an emcee – but d.o.c is one of the goats
3. you’re right – the fake shit is for the bitches 3a. you’re calling your self a bitch and or admitting you want what bitches want. me personally, i don’t want what bitches want – but hey, i’m not here to judge your personal lifestyle.
i don’t hate drake because i don’t give a fuck enough – but he went from being in the class of kendrick, cole, and blu to being in a class with all those other niggas that don’t write.
you’re not even a little disappointed that drake doesn’t write his own shit? not even a little bit? really?
Yes I am disappointed a bit that those creative ideas (read here the flow and some lyrics) did not come from himself, but I think he has proven he can write (just like he did for Alicia Keys, just like he brought the hook and concept for the song In the morning for J. Cole, just like he wrote Weezy lyrics, etc…) He turns everything he touches into gold. Technically when you get to the point of selling millions, having no.1 for years, etc, you have a well constructed team behind you. That team might include Q.M. It sure does 40 and boi1da and many more… All this to say that I respect his ethics, he has never portrayed himself as a thug, and spits shit most people can relate to. Plus all his shit is catchy and playable in front of various audiences. So thats why the fact the he took QM insipiration and turned it to a hit, is amazing. He never descredited the man. I understand Meek because he had no idea the song came from QM, but to run your mouth on twitter, instead of handling this the classy way, and keep bad press away was stupid. In order to expose, you have to have a plan. You might not like the king on the throne, but in order to defeat him, you need strategy. Everything from Drake was well calculated and it just shows me how smart and well surrounded he is. I grew up on NWA days, the D.O.C, also, all that long beach stuff 213, the death row days, then pac, etc etc… so yes to me rappers are a joke nowadays. But Drake appeals to a lot of generations at the same time, and as I said before, Id rather listen to Drake all day, then French or any wack rapper. I respect artists, I respect rappers that go beyond the actual spitting, and Drake has proven to be a real business man, to actually put stuff in work, organize OVO fests with an impressive line up, and all that showing love to his city. The list goes on and on. SO to me the man can spit shit his homie wrote, I could care less… same way I listen to Dre. THING IS I know drake writes at least 95% of his shit. Do not forget that IYRTITL was supposed to be a mixtape presented by DJ Drama… but the label refused and they came with a new concept. So Drama doesnt get the money, gets mad and sells the reference tracks to Flex… man please. Thats a bitch move. QM got paid for that shit already, Second, I actually like Meeks album, and I like the dude musically but what he did was a bitch move.Drake is actually the reason a lot of people went to check his album. In other words, Drake helped a brother out, by appearing on his album, and get him a spot with that song on the billboard (more spins, more money) …. QM was happy. Drake was happy. Fans were happy. But Meek know he cant level up his game to Drake’s so he spills it out after showing him love and dick riding him for years and years. To conclude, when I spoke about 2Pac, I wasnt talking about what I listen to, I was speaking about the game. And the game is to be sold not to be told. Thats how you get to the top and make that paper. Drake understood that shit already: “They dont understand the concept of putting money first boy”…. Poor meek posting pics with money… like we dont see enough gold money around his neck. Im out… Straight Outta Compton tomorrow in theaters… Im on a different page now. Meek is dead. Next !!!!!!!!!!!
booo nigga ypu lame it over just stop it
This is the same Meek Mill who is a hood nigga from Philly. Meek has to be taking these L’s on purpose. I hate the industry sincerely. Corporations have taken over.
Dude stop it, you sound Delusional, Meek mill has been known to shoot his gun without thinking before. He did it to Wale, he did it to Joe Budden, he did it Cassidy. The only difference this time is that he did it to a guy that has the power to end his career. This was gonna happen sooner or later
I thought you had a test to study for. But you’ll always come to defend your boyfriend Drake
Nothing anyone will tell me on this blog or Twitter will make me believe this beef is real. It’s completely fake and the media is behind Drake so even if he drops an Ether Drake can’t lose
The authenticity of Hiphop is dead.
You know the media is not even behind Drake, it is the people that are behind Drake. Drake has never been loved by the media, he has beef with hot97 and power 105.1. Dude just sent 6 bottles to Charlamagne saying let’s be friends. HiphopDX obviously doesn’t care about him, Kendrick’s nuts are deep inside their mouth, TMZ always says he is soft, the only media outlet I can say that is pro-Drake is Complex. That guy has taken the most slander out of any rapper ever. How many Don’t drake and drive memes have been made, how many drake be like memes have been made. That is why it is hard to say something crazy that will sting Drake, everything has been said already. The only way Meek can recover is if he gets real grimy and street with his rhymes.
Everything you said was relevant before this beef but now? Even whataburger and other corporations on Twitter are clowning meek
And let’s be realistic there is nothing Meek can say to win this. Even if he says nothing but the truth people will hate him for it. This is a lose lose for Meek
The fact you think whataburger clowned Meek is about “the corporations being again Meek” proves you’ve got a limited mindset. These companies try to latch on everything for retweets, follows and likes to build their own brand – not to diminish others. It’s called social CRM.
You don’t get it! Everyone is behind this! From Kanye and will smith! To the mayor of Toronto! To everyone on Instagram and Twitter!
Even his mom came out and said that Meek isn’t shit. Really? Your own mother would come at you when the whole world hates you right now? This is fucking fake bro
You don’t get it do you! The fact that Meek Mill’s own mother calls him out for being a bad son doesn’t look fishy to you! How would your own mother attack when the whole world is throwing you L’s
There is too much money invested in Drake to lose such as Apple Music, The Raptors, Verizon Wireless, Sprite and the whole city of Canada! There is no way they are going to let Meek fuck their money up. If Drake got Ethered that’s bad for business.
Hiphop fans need to stop being sentimental and be honest sometimes. It gains you more respect
try the biggest one full of ignant white girls, tmz
whit girls and homo thugs support drake because he is made to appear as number one by TMZ, and Twitter
Quit replying to yourself. Shits annoying.
white girls and homo thugs are an issue and you are hopping on their bandwagon
everyone has onced liked Drake a little at least be honest (he was rather trendy) but he has no bars anymore and acts like he is invincible/the best, he created a culture bias and bad wave of repetition in hip hop
People can’t take the truth and call you a hater but none are actually working to make their statements valid
Everyone on here just calls me gay or a loser but nobody actually told me why I am those things. I’m telling you that Drake worse than any other rap ‘king’ in history shouldn’t there be a bar? His pop songs mean absolutely nothing besides “spoil the woman” so don’t give me that pop star jazz. I understand who the stans are and it’s you guys making someone who is not an artist “polarizing” hence tons of free press. Little does he know that everyone will tire because nobody actually cares about someone with just songs for women.
Drake says he’s the best and he’s not, remember this. If he said I used to be nice it’d be more acceptable
Private call him a hater for speaking the truth! Everyone attack him for being honest! I fucking hate this full of homosexuals. These are the same niggas who consider Fetty Wap a rapper!
Thanks for being honest
Fam, just because something doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it can’t work for others. You sound so self-centred. To say Drake doesn’t have bars means you probably don’t listen to his songs anymore, I wont even argue about that with you. Everyone has their period where they are top, and this is Drake’s time. And Drake never tries to make pop music, it just happens that all his songs sell very well because he has the largest and most faithful fan base for now. Making Pop music is “bad blood” – T.Swift ft Kendrick , “I” – Kendrick, “That’s me right there” – Jasmine V ft Kendrick, “four five seconds” – Kanye..
Dude Kanye said it best in the Zane Lowe interview
“I am a product guy and right now Drake has the best product”
It is that OVO sound man, If you don’t like it too bad. Just to get back on your stupid bars argument “Draft day” “0-100”, “You and the 6”, “6pm in New York”, “Back to back”, Even “Charged up” people sleep on that song there was like a bar every two lines.
Drake doesn’t try to make pop songs? Half of Take Care was RnB. Hold on we’re going home isn’t pop? Jungle isn’t pop? Cellphone isn’t pop? Dude Drake is an RnB/ pop artist who occasionally raps
He wouldn’t have a career if he just rapped so stop calling him the best rapper. I’m a fan but an honest one.
Drakes a faggot thats why media loves him the less a man or real you are the popular you are I think cuz there’s so many Fuck boys like that they make him they mascot
I agree he has to juxtaposition his struggles against Drakes Silver spoon in a way the hood can relate no talk about rollies and Nicki titties…
I’m wondering does being Jewish play a role in his success…I know it plays a role who am I
Ask Shyne if being Jewish plays a role of Success in his life, conspiracy clown.
Shyne recently converted, he did not grow up in a traditional Jewish environment
So how long do you have to study and practice Judaism before the “Jew Privileged” starts taking effect?
I don’t think it’s much to do with the practice but rather who you know Within the Jewish community that’s all.
Shoot his gums you mean right?
shoot his thumbs*
by gun you mean his keyboard lol
Cassidy bodied weak skillz, and cassidy also said that he helped him right rhymes and gave him his style. Lets also not forget Louie V wrote tracks for meeks first album, so fuck weak skillz and fuck drake if someone writes his shit….
I am never a conspiracy theorist but after I heard that I thought, is someone paying him to throw this fight?
A wedgie? This is too much yo, there are external forces at hand pulling the strings for this entire beef
Jim jones use to say wedgie all the time
But only Jim Jones can pull that off.
Not when taking L’s at this point in his career. I can’t believe you bro
It sound even worse when meek says it. Free Max B. Fk Jenny jones
No Meek just not that good of a rapper thats all, its not that hard to get lol its not that deep y’all making it to be
Only way I’ll agree with this is if meek comes back and drops some crazy verses on a diss track back. But as it stands right now his career might be over just because of this shit, he’s turned into the biggest joke in hip-hop, I don’t think a guy would do that on purpose, what does he have to gain from it?
In the corporate world they don’t care. Meek is the little guy who’s career gets crushed to the big guy Drake with so many companies behind him.
I can’t believe I’m arguing with people who believe Meek said he’s going to give Drake a wedgie
……..I can’t believe I tried reasoning with an obvious crazy person. What would meek gain throwing his career in the garbage?
You just made my point! That’s why I’m calling it fake. Meek isn’t being reasonable and his own mother called him out. This is as fake as it gets
……I really hope your just trollin really hard. Meek tried with that diss, thought he was being slick by using the reference track and letting dudes know Drake got pissed on….and ten years ago it probably would’ve worked. But kids don’t give a fuck about that anymore, most rap “fans” are just lookin for a quotable.
And clearly you had a good life with your parents always there and supporting you….
Are you fucking serious! The whole world is attacking you and your mother makes a public statement making you look worse. Get the fuck outta here.
Drake fans made the debate the drake writes his raps then switched up and said oh no wait it doesn’t matter Dr.Dre does it.
My only concern has been the authenticity of hip hop and for people to say they don’t care about ghostwriting because Drake had some is a slap in the face to the culture bro. If this was Kendrick I would stop being a Hiphop head
Not everyone has a caring mother. Shit Eminems mom was horrible, she made public statements and sued him.
I get the whole drake ghostwriting thing….I’ll never hear his music without thinking about that.
Well then just hope that meek comes back with a good track. Or move the fuck on and just listen to good artists. You don’t like drake? You don’t have to listen to him. And the mainstream might be downhill from an “authentic hip hop” perspective, but you’ll always be able to find raw shit if you look hard enough for underground artists.
It’s just sad for the culture that’s all
The meek mill mum stuff was fake fam, I saw that bullshit too. Dude You should know how to tell fake sources from real sources. Don’t be daft
You’re a daft Drake fan who I suspect is lowkey homosexual. Tell Quentin Miller to drop the VFT6 already
And when did his mom say anything about this??? Show the page you read that shit on
Why do you feel so butthurt by Meek losing this? He made A VERY BAD REPLY to Drake’s second song, and again here he failed to bring any heat. The reason he lost and keeps taking Ls is because he’s unable to make a good diss.. could it be because he isn’t really any good? Nothing more, nothing less and no reason to be as butthurt as you seem to be with all these comment trying to blame everyone else for Meek’s bad songs except for Meek – the man who makes them.
iamstillmusic’s response: Rap industry is fake blah blah blah, media purposes blah blah blah, conspiracys blah blah blah.
Listen I know there is no convincing you because your mind is made up. But hear me out when I say that Meek Mill in his right mind would never say this. A wedgie? Even the wackest of rappers would try to come back
And we know Meek isn’t a wangsta, he lived this life. I’m guessing Meek is going to drop another diss soon but Drake fans are the one butthurt not me. I know Drake is your hero but this beef was constructed to make Drake and Nicki look better. There is too much money invested in Drake to lose
Yea that makes sense bro, meek is risking his career and entire reputation so drake can look good. That makes more sense than meek just being an emotional child who freaks out on Twitter when his peers don’t tweet about his album. Great theory.
First of all the only songs I ever willingly listened to were these two disses and after this beef I will continue to ignore his music as I have so far.
Secondly Drake wouldn’t lose anything even if Meek won the battle on the mic, Drake’s fanbase isn’t that hip hop to care about one lost beef and he’d continue selling as ever. Meek simply wrote a bad diss because he obviously isn’t good enough to write something better (while Drake’s ability to write his can and should also be questioned, his song is clearly better regardless of who wrote it).
Third – this in no way makes Nicky look better, if anything she’s on the losing team Meek.
No need for conspiracies, blame it on the Meek as it’s his song and his career that is at stake.
I’ve never defended Meek, it’s butthurt Drake fans who are coming for me. Like i said there is nothing you can tell me to believe this is real. This is the fakest Hiphop beef ever and I’m not going to sit here and pretend like this is authentic
Meek wrote a bad diss that exposed the truth about Drizzy. Ghostwriting, getting peed on and Diddy bitch slapped him. But of course Drake fans shifted the debate from Drake writes his own stuff to we don’t care if he does or doesn’t
It’s whatever bro
It’s not just about saying certain things, it about saying them in a certain way, putting those ideas into memorable lines and then dropping that text with good delivery on a nice beat. I’ve seen many praise Meek’s beat, or at least the second part (I don’t like it at all), but nobody has praised his lines and delivery, and that’s what results in a bad, forgettable song. Same reason nobody talks about Drake’s first diss, because it was really nothing special.
Believe what you want, I’m just telling you what parts Meek did wrong and why his diss sucks.
Dude you can try to blow this whole ghost-writer thing out of proportion but it won’t work. Drake can write his rhymes and everyone knows that. Fine him getting a little help was not 100. But it is not big enough to discredit him as a credible writer.
I’m not trying to, my problem are the people who don’t care about Hiphop artists writing their own verses.
Fam, let me explain why Meek said he will give Drake a wedgie. What do you do to nerds? – You give them wedgies.. What did meek call Drake in his beef? – a nerd
Bitch you guessed it!!
Meek just said that because saying he will shoot Drake up is stupid, I as a Drake fan even found it funny when he said that.
The game is not as violent as before man, go take a seat.
Private there is no convincing you. Drake fans shifted the argument from he doesn’t have ghostwriters to we don’t care if he does. I simply stated my opinion and everyone is coming for me. If this beef is real to you then so be it, I can’t change your mind
You’re the one shifting the argument. People are responding to you because you tried saying it was the corporations puppeteering all of this, like its some illuminati shit or something. And now you wanna try to switch the convo to the ghostwriting
This is my argument. The beef is fake and real Hiphop isn’t appreciated
He left Philly and the ninjas he claimed to help ar-ab and others
a lot of rap dudes aren’t who they portray they don’t help the people who get them to the top once they get there
Do meek realize he is just a pawn to be sacrificed?
These are all charades bro
So Minaj and Dracula (Drake) is playing on the same team.
So meek is purposefully wrecking his career and credibility? You sound idiotic
You’re a dumbass if u think this is real
Once again, why would someone purposefully hurt their career and ruin their credibility? Please answer the question. He may be done after this. This has gone way too far in a negative direction for him for it to be a joke. You gotta be smarter than that
There are 5 major corporations backing Drizzy so this makes him look better which in turn makes more money for them. Meek is the pawn, he loses.
We know Meek is a street nigga and he’s making statements like I’ll give Drake a wedgie. Let’s be real bro, that’s just suspect. I’m a Drakw fan but I keep it real
Huh? Many rappers with major endorsements have taken Ls in beefs. The people decide who wins. Why would Meek agree to lose his credibility and career for Drake? It hurts his and Nickis career, who also has many endorsements, like Drake. Also, the only endorsements I know of for Drake are Sprite and Jordan.
Add the raptors, Apple music and all of Canada. They are swaying public opinion. And let’s be real, Meek can’t win no matter what type of diss he drops. This was a popularity contest
He isn’t endorsing the Raptors, he’s an employee. Meek is on Tidal, so? The people on social media are just like you and me, regular people who can make up their own minds. If Meek did anything worthwhile, people would say it. Ja was more popular than 50 before their beef…50 still won. Jay was more popular than Nas and had hella endorsements, he still lost. 50 was more popular than Ross but couldn’t end him. Stop coming up with crazy ass conspiracies and use common sense. Meek is taking Ls cuz he didn’t step up…not because he wants to
It’s not conspiracy you idiot I could give a fuck about Meek Mill. Truth is the beef is 100% fake cuz like you said why would Meek be doing this to himself. All of this over a tweet? This was planned
If this is planned, then by definition, all of this is a conspiracy lol. Lets not act like it was a simple tweet either. Meek tried to end Drake’s career by throwing out one of the worst accusations you can give someone, but he didn’t plan for Drake’s response or to have his own dope diss on deck. Its that simple. Now he is finished. You still haven’t given me any reason as to why Meek would purposefully hurt his career and ruin his credibility, something his emotional ass cares about very much.
Drake will forever be the most emotional rapper ever. It’s written in stone. And I’m saying that Meek is a pawn, a sacfrice to Drizzy. He just has to take this L. Personally I think this happened because Drake is about to drop his album and he’s stated this album will be unlike anything we’ve heard. And now no one can even question his ghostwriting because of this incident because no one will care
His album doesn’t drop until November or Dec. dude.
I have a feeling that @therealmacdiesel is Drake, dude has not commented in any of the Meek or Drake posts… I really want to hear what he thinks about this shit, he is funny as hell.
This nigga reaching more than MJ in Space Jam! Lol Lamest street nigga I ever seen
he dont want the 3peat
what a loser.
Yo This reminds me of the kid who got his ass whooped and talks shit when the bully walks away. Meek Mill did it to himself tho
This one situation where he literally has NO OTHER OPTION but to fight…
Meek mill corn ??
They might as well shoot the fade.
People love to jump nowadays because the internet gave yall ADD but 2 records doesn’t mean anything to me, especially with the level they were at, and showing Meme’s at a show also does nothing for me just like Jay and that Prodigy pic was the weakest part of that shit. Meek has responded once with a mediocre song and now is clearly getting his shit together to release a better track. I’m not saying Meek is gonna win, I’m saying he’s not out of this and i think everyone is putting the cart before the horse for now saying Drake killed him. Clearly you people have never heard No Vaseline, Takeover, Ether, Girls, Who’s Fucking Who, Piggy Bank or so many more..
Well it’s 2015 so you should know that this is a group think following society.Its so sad but true.
I don’t understand why haha, Twitter for instance is one of the stupidest things ever. It’s basically a way for people to create fake relationships with “fans” over small thoughts they put out and advertise straight to your phone. People are so stupid.
I am a drake fan and I strongly agree with you, but some conspiracy theorists over here are talking some shit. If this is fake, then what was the wayne and Jay-z beef during Carter 4.
I don’t think its a conspiracy but I’m glad some people can still stand in the middle and actually wait till the dust settles before saying who’s career is done haha. Neither of these dudes are MC Hammer by any means.
the problem is your comparing an old style with beefing to a new one.
back then it was on a personal level. If I see you in the street its a green light type of beef. I think we can agree we lost great people over this.
now beef is on a business level. You can’t tell me Twitter Fingers brand is highly tarnished after this. Aiming at someone’s pockets is more destroying than anything else. Word is Ross was trying to sell his Mill’s contract for $5 Mill. Do you think its worth 5 Mill now after this?
You say Weak’s career isn’t done, but what does he do after his girl’s tour is finished this month? Does he gain support in little clubs and bars performing his fading album? To say his career isn’t done to some degree is delusional.
There is too much money invested in Drake. He has too much power and pull. Just looking at how he had an entire stadium saying “Fuck Meek Mill” and reciting Back to Back is scary.
You act like one or two hot songs wont bring almost every person singing “Fuck Meek Mill” back to being fans of his music even if they don’t love him and still stan over Drake. All these people you are refering to are the easily swayable masses, so no I don’t think his career is over by any extent unless Meek lets it be his finish and stops grinding and trying to make good music. You can tell what team your on just reading your post while I am in a more neutral area so overall this is a mute argument. The old way of beef is judging by the tracks and that’s all unless the artists see each other and things happen. That’s how i’m judging this, Drake is in the lead but it’s clear that Meek isn’t done yet hence the battle isn’t over. Unless you only listen to Rap Radar comments and the radio hahaha. If you do you’re not that into Hip-Hop then.
Kind of hard to not side with Drake when weak can’t defend himself at all.
Using your opening set on your girl’s tour acting like its your platform looks ridiculous and corny (see video above).
The sad thing is when Meek tweeted that entire rant, I thought he had a calculated plan and was going to bring Drake down. It was clear he got emotional and took it to twitter without thinking. Oh well.
He also has a somewhat decent 2nd album that was going to make him a household name. Then he throws it away with this. Dude only has $3 mill. That don’t last forever.
See how involved you are and how you hop on the bandwagon by calling him weak instead of Meek, that’s the unbiased shit i’m talking about. That line about is it a world tour or your girls tour is so weak, It’s called the Pink Print tour, it’s clearly his girls tour… And when he’s on stage he shouldn’t say anything? Just do song after song and leave even if he has fans there? You are so blind to the big picture just like most people paying attention to this shit. Before the internet diss tracks actually took time. Do you think No Vaseline was created in a day? A one day diss track is what you get with Back to back and Charged up, both are overall not that great, maybe 6/10 for back to back, its the hype that has you all caught up, not the music which is sad. Otherwise you’d see it’s a L for Hip-Hop and both these guys, not just Meek.
dude brought up No Vaseline lmfao
Stop comparing the new game to old rules. this is 2015. only so called ‘hip hop’ fans are complaining while everyone is enjoying it.
Let’s start a petition for a new KRS and MC Hammer album! We could keep you guys entertained also in the process
This is 2015 so it’s okay for Hip Hop to be full of pussys? If that’s cool with you then you’re not someone I want to continue talking to by any means haha. Your a clown clearly, keep exaggerating and riding the dick of these shitty rappers while playing it off like it’s just how it goes. You clearly don’t love this culture and music like many do so don’t reply because I don’t care. Keep bumping Back to Back and Charged up dog.
Piggy bank sucked
Meh that’d debatable but I can understand why some wouldn’t like it, how about Back Down then? Or I Smell Pussy? Is that better for you? You knew what my point was..
I prefer I Smell Pussy, although I think 50 is one of the most overrated rappers ever. No outstanding lyrical ability. Only one truly great album. Meh.
Yeah I know what you mean, I like a decent amount of his work, even if his albums as a whole haven’t been great mostly. I think at this point nobody thinks of him as one of the best rappers or lyricists, just a good gangsta rapper who turned out to be a good business man. I don’t pretend to know his financial situation right now, but there’s no denying he’s smart.
Meek!!! What are the fuck you doing??? You cannot come back now!!! Drake got too much leverage. If Drake drop one my diss, Nicki might have to intervene and start a peace gathering between you guys. Meek, stop fucking around with the 6 God because he’s a superstar.
OVO cock gobbler.
cock gobbler or not, he’s right, its getting embarrassing for Meek Mill now.
This is all publicity for him. He figures if he throws other rappers names out, they’ll talk about him too.
Despite the old saying though, some press is bad press
He prolly right
Meek Mill will be fine and elevate past the Drake bs by September ,mark my words ..
Suffering from lack of bars. Recommended phillycheestakes , Phillies w/chocolate Thai ( not that brite green sht ) and sessions with reed dollaz, Beans, Freeway, gillie the kid, murder mook , Joey jihad and AR-AB. Then go see drake again in a week.
Kwame Brown > Meek Mill
Just corny. Smh.
Cast of Love & Hip-Hop > Meek Mill
Burnt Toast > Meek Mill
Did this man just say he was gonna give Drake a wedgie??? ooooh hell nooo I’m convinced this is for publicity now. Meek doing whatever it possible takes to get clowned
North America don’t fuck with you, meek mill.
Meek need be quiet, we all know he didn’t mean to diss drake, and if this is the angle he’s taking I fear for him
Roc nation management needs to step in and save meek from himself
“B-B-But you didn’t say anything to Pusha T”…
Meek sounds like a real sucka right now. His stock is dropping fast.
This feud is gonna wear Meek out. He’s already dead to Drake fans and that’s a huge demo.
how u gon threaten niggas with a wedgie smfh its crazy how Meek is acting like what people perceived drake to be like
Hilarious, most ridiculous beef ever
A wedgie though… ??????
The headline should read “Meek embarrasses self in Ric Flair’s hometown” SMH!!! Someone should’ve put a figure 4 on this nigga & not let him go on stage… #TheStruggleIsReal
First time ever first page of comments all agree. Meek looks super corny.
Meek is absolutely terrible at this strategy shit his moves aren’t calculated he’s constantly reacting hate to say it but if Drake has that Club Banger Diss in the chamber Meek better start saving some of that money he enjoys flashing…Damn I hate it had to be you my G..BUT…..
I still don’t understand why no real street Nigga ain’t bang this nigga. Can somebody please test this nigga gangsta cause he think he’s a real G
Ar Ab, + Dark Lo… YouTube it
i see u stop responding to me sucka! you kno i was tellin the truth
about to wedgie up your ass
Meek take the L.
Its Over Meek just leave it alone homie…..SMH get in the Lab and try to make some good music…your pen game can’t fuck wit Drakes..See if you can switch it up pull a Buster and try not to scream on everything..This just makes you look worse.
Embarrassed for Meek Mill just like I was embarrassed for Young Buck.
Dear Meek, I got love for you but you got bodied #etherstyle .. Take the L gracefully and go back to the music that got u here.
Meek should just fall back until Made in America, finish up that tour, holla at Jay for some pointers, at least there you can get your home team back. As much as I was rooting for ya, you just looking bad brah, let Drake n em enjoy their victory for now, depending on how good the strategy is, you definitely took the L in this battle, still doesn’t mean you lost the war.
Tyga don’t fuck with you? Tyga don’t fuck with Nikki either or am I wrong?
this beef showed a lot to me, one drake is borderline fraudulent and people dick ride too much to admit it, and that meek fanbase was never loyal lol, the irony of meek coming at drake is hilarious too cuz if you paid attention to meek you would see he was his biggest fan, meek should’ve strategized this better he could’ve legit took out a rap heavy weight if he planned better, he let his emotions get to him and he acted irrational with the tweets and shit, as for drake above everything else you may applaud him for the man is extremely intelligent, he knew what was up with meek earlier in the year hence the mixtape title and the song energy, he knew he was gonna have to take someones head off