New Video: Trinidad Jame$ “Doin Me”

Hey Hey Hey
For TJ’s introspective track, a young boy walks through the wilderness and encounters a caveman in his new video. Says him:
I wanted to take this time to tell my fans my interpretation of this video because I do realize that people from around the world can look at this video in so many different ways.
That is my overall answer if I had to sum up this video in one word. I see two different roads leading to wisdom. One road being safe and sound. Then I see a road where one may have obstacles and bad influences. Even tho both started together they went down different parts. Thats why we choose the youth to be in the video. Youth will have so many obstacles in there lives. But they still ended up coming back together and now more ENlightened. Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy.
This song is dope.
As looney tunes as this guy is, I prefer his music 1000 times more than Wiz Khalifa.
Someone give this nigga a deal… again.
This clown needs to stop asap
Trinidad Jame$ reminds me of mac DIESEL’s girlfriend.
Wack Measel doesn’t have a girlfriend. Well, unless you count his right hand.
i miss the ignant one
the message was kinda good but theres also some illuminati symbols to this shit
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this nigga went from all gold everything to when everything was all gold….
And next time you wanna put a Cave man in your video have him look the part…I know you can budget for an make up artist or just have him roll around in dirt those clothes still had the tags on them hahaha