New Music: B.o.B. Ft. Wurld x London Jae “Netflix & Chill”
August 26, 2015 @ 8:36 AM EDT

Got Plans?
Who needs a night out on the town. Along with his No Genre mates, Bobby Ray pops in a flick and relaxes for this evening’s soundtrack. Oh yeah, congrats in advance.
Nah nah.
they turned a meme into a song, wtf
I was going to comment prior to listening to the song however that’s the shit most of you sucka ass hating niggas do so I listened to it. The song is good for the most part however, I’m so tired of these rappers using social media based content for their songs, think outside the box. This is the second song from BOB that he has done this, first it was FLEEK now this. SMH. It’s just cheesy and kinda corny to be quiet honest. This nigga and Fab competing for who can use the most IG memes and hashtags for their songs. LOL
i wish people would put this stupid ass phrase behind fuck netflix and fuck chillin if yall gone smash just do it
Quentin Miller and Instagram top muses in the game
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