Childish Gambino Covers Tamia “So Into You”
October 2, 2015 @ 11:54 AM EDT

Into It.
We can’t really explain it, but Childish Gambino can sing—really well. During a recent pit-stop at Triple J radio in Australia, Gambino performed a cover of Tamia’s 1998 classic.
That nigga sweet.
super fire but i still dont get why he didnt change boy to girl like everyone else does when they do a cover by a girl. or a when a girl does it they charge girl to guy. i cant bump hearing a dude sing about about another nigga.
Because he is bisexual.
No such thing as bisexual once you get your anal cavities invaded as a male.
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i don’t get why this guy gets any attention
Because he’s an Emmy Award winning writer, actor and musician? Duh!
Them post his ass on a pop blog
The kid’s got bars.
Everybody got bars! Shyt load of rappers that are iller on datpiff and less fruitball
Then stay on datpiff you corn
yo dude with the hat really just tapped on the pad. thats all he did? lmao
Would You Have Rather Him Have An Entire Drum Set Up and Bang On That The Whole Time?
Niggas don’t know what a Roland spd-x is man niggas be super stupid bro lololololololol
Come on. I mean he stands there and taps the pad once every minute. Shit is hilarious
Niggas don’t know what a Roland spd-x is bro. Niggas be super stupid bro lololololololol
That shit sound very specific 😂
It’s like having an entire drumset in a small box man smh
oh yeah sure. everyone is supposed to know what the fuck a roland xtruihjh4 whatever the fuck its called is. bruh lol
He murdered this. Didn’t know Gambino had vocals like that.
I felt like I was watching Empire
the rappers want to be singers and the singers want to be rappers, fucked up shit
Not only did he kill it but he looks like Marvin Gaye hittin the high notes, lol
Wicked cover!!!