T.I.P. ‘United We Stand’ At Triumph Awards
October 3, 2015 @ 4:09 PM EDT

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Activism is more than just a hashtag. During last weekend’s 2015 Triumph Awards, T.I.P. recited a spoken word targeting the Black Lives Movement within social media. The ceremony airs on TV One tonight.
what about the bullets popping and the trap? is that part of the problem patna?
He lived the life, only right he’s able to report it back. Take issues w/ that cats that don’t and solely use it to profit from
He’s not living that life no more. yeah he lived it but that shit was long ago. He’s doing tv shows and taking care of his kids. He probably hasn’t even been back in his hood so why rap about it. It doesn’t make sense.
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I don’t fuck with this name change. I don’t see the justification but the main thing is it fucks with organization. Like in my itunes I would have to have 2 sections for one guy’s work. Same thing when Jay-Z took out the dash in his name. I put it back in because it didn’t make sense to not have all his albums grouped together. If you’re gonna change your rap moniker, do it big and bold like 2 Chainz or don’t change it at all. These slight variations are pointless.
it the black culture that perpetuates the proclivity of unwed procreation…in other words, within the black culture the vast majority nearly 80 percent of children are born to single mothers. Add to the equation that most of these single mothers are teenagers who do not have an education, because of the black culture, forced into poverty by their own actions and decisions. It is not white people, white culture or white community who ingrain this behaviour into the black culture but rather the black culture that ingrains the behaviour into the black community. Racism is a lie.
Take the white mans dick out your mouth. Everything you just said was a lie. Crackers make the stats and aint did shit but drive by and look out the windows of they car as the research for their bullshit. No 80% of children are not born to single moms, no most of them are not teens and no it was not black culture that “forced” black people into poverty. There is centuries of history that shows exactly why so many black people live in poverty by multiple designs from crackers with political power for generations. Shit is still happening today with several white people in government trying to make sure black people lose voting power, any significant economic development and get hit with the most aggressive police practices and the harshest sentences. You talk about behaving? Gang culture in america started with white people, all that shoot em up bang bang shit is a white culture that was established all over america since cowboys were having shootouts everyday and the KKK and lynch mobs were riding around killing every non white they could chase down. The murders committed by black people to other black people is nothing compared to the numbers of whites that have been killed by other whites in america. Only reason they not as crazy with the shit now is because after years of racism they can kick back off generations of slave money and structural advantages as part of white culture. Black gang culture been an issue for a few generations. White folks been mass murdering people since they was calling themselves pilgrims. They aint gonna say how many white folks have went on shooting rampages in the last few years cause the shit happens every week. Again get off the white mans dick bitch.
Seventy-five percent of Black children are born into single family homes. That is the single biggest cause for Black poverty. You might add a disdain for academic achievement, any kind of authority, and worship of thug culture.
No 80% or not born into single family homes. its not 80% or 70% but the trick is just labeling something without being specific to push an agenda. They count babies that are born to two parents but if they don’t own a home or if the live in two separate apartments instead, then they call that a single parent household. They are counting a large portion of children that have both parents as single parent households. Many couples have the child and then move in together later. Yeah the criminal justice system takes away many fathers and thats probably thee most honest thing you’ve said ever on Rap Radar but the poverty level of black people and the incarceration level is by design. The disdain for academic achievement is by design as well but as of now more black people are achieving in that arena. Black women being one of the most educated groups in america. Hater
You have the same fears as devils do which is part of the foundation of their hatred toward black people. You afraid niggas is gonna fuck your bitches and have your little Peter Pan look babies coming out looking like a baby Obama.
Aye Marty check this out Poverty level for single person is $11,670 and for a family of 3 is $19,790.. Ok this gets tricky! For a single person, 40hours a week TIMES $7.25(Minimum wage) TIMES 52 weeks for a year = $15,580 OUT OF POVERTY!! For a Family of 3 it’s $19,790! 2 workers at $15,580 is $30,160!!! OUT OF POVERTY!!! great!!! Isn’t this good news? The key of getting out of poverty is WORKING!!! GO take those illegal mexican fast food jobs and WORK!!!
Again, take crackers dicks and there stats out your mouth. There are MILLIONS of black people that have been working their entire life and barely every even knew what its like to not work. Again, the poverty level is by design. Job developments, the placement of those economic centers and the pay and average wages vs cost of living in america is not a design black people created. Crackers did. There are black people that have worked for decades more then 40 hrs a week and are still only a few paychecks away from being back at the poverty line. That struggle is by design and intentional set with limitations through the systematic roadblocks in the banking system, housing market and job development decisions made in D.C.
hey parkinson’s how you name your self after a cracka but callin cracka’s cracka, I don’t get it, unless you are a cracka then never mind!!!
Simple dumbass, I don’t have to be white to comment with a character name from a movie that never actually existed in the first place. Again, you keep talking about parkinson’s as if I’m actual Michael J Fox? No stupidass. The name is just a name but I aint naming myself after a cracker. I don’t comment under Michael J Fox, Marty Mcfly is a fictional character idiot. Just like the singer Neo is just a play off the Matrix movie but he aint trying to be Keanu Reeves. Its time to get off my dick at this point cause you faggot ass trolling only further exposes how stupid you really are. There are plenty of other reasons why I can use the word cracker. Most black people in america are actually born with a crackers last name anyway… So calling them crackers is even more so justified based upon the history of where most black people’s name actually comes from.
I get it, you hate crackas but you want to be one!!! makes sense now!!! oh well, good luck wit that michael gay cocks!!!
No fool, actually I have never made a comment saying I hate crackers. Other people say I do but I have never said that or implied that. Now if there are crackers that hate black people, I’d say returning that hatred only makes sense. If a white person shows respect then returning that respect only makes sense. People take that opinion as me hating crackers but I definitely don’t wanna be a cracker. How you got that idea only further highlights just how stupid you are. You been on my dick now (pause) for more then a week leaving comment after comment all because I clowned you a few days ago. When I called you an emotional bitch among other things… Since then you’ve only proved me right with your faggot ass trolling all week. Emo bitch
you’re a pretentious little acolyte/ you’re confused/ marty you don’t honestly know/ if you’re black or white!!!
Your feelings have been hurt for over a week. LOL
your asshole has been hurt since middle school!!!
Its like you can’t make a comment without mention gay shit smh. Foh homo, God hates you
it’s like you can’t not catch aids!!! your immune system hates you!!! yuck!!!
No but they way you keep talking about aids, parkingson’s and all type a sickness and shit. Your death a surely be a long painful process and its gonna serve you right for being a bitch.
ya asshole is so loose taking a shit for you must be a easy process!!!
You absolutely right he’s a cracker wannabe.
he really wishes he was that kid from back to the future so he could fuck his own mom!!!
Lol lol aye bra you just made my day better.
Go make sure your daughter aint out sucking niggas dicks cause you know she’s planning to.
you mad!!!
Mad? Bitch you’ve been trolling me for more then a week crying like a emo bitch. I stopped talking to you five days ago and you keep making comments smh. Your mad as fuck. LOL
you a house nigga/ close ya mouth nigga/ you sucked ya masters dick/ yuck/ what’s that about nigga!!!
Even your weak ass raps is gay. Stfu with your abcish retarded ass rhymes bitch, the shits further let us know you dumb as shit.
marty is mad cuz he fag but don’t wanna admit it/ but we already know and no one will forget it!!!
Yeah you mad too bad you can’t beat me.
Beat you? Pussy you got robbed twice at gunpoint in your own city. Youz a fucking victim, you’ve already been beat enough. Talking about beat you, them niggas shoulda pulled the trigger on you.
You got robbed in your house pussy.
I never been robbed, especially at gun point. I don’t have a sucker look on my face and the word victim written on my forehead. Did you get them niggas back that robbed you? No, you was mad you couldn’t identify them to police according to your own statements and then you wanted to sue the arena because you don’t feel safe? You are a BITCH
you let a man rob you of your virginity faget!!!
Bitch your gay foh. Bye
you can’t run away from what’s in your head faget!!!
Can’t run from you the fucking homo troll of comments LOL. You’ve thought about more gay shit making your gay ass comments then anybody straight ever has. Clearly you have some homo issues going on. Thats your problem bitch.
marty you fuck guys/ but you can’t except/ that you’re a fuckin faget/ show some damn respect/ for ya self nigga/ for ya health nigga/ before it’s too late/ I really hope you plan to get/ a aids test/ so you can weigh your options/ so you can have a kid/ you should try gay adoption!!!
Your dumbass mother shoulda put you up for gay adoption.
you just told me!!!
Somebody needs to rob you of your life.
you still gone die so……………!!!
I dare you to come to N.Y..
You already getting victimized enough LOL.
you’re a faget!!!
marty’s a bitch!!!
Lol he’s a bloody pussy boi.
I’m a pussy but you the one thats been repeatedly violated in your own city. I never was the victim type, thats you pussy.
you have aids!!!
No but outta the last 20 comments you’ve made, that was the only one that didn’t involve homosexuality. Fag
marty in his feelings!!!
Bitch you been emo for the last 6 days… Your still in your feelings.
you still gone die so………….!!!
Most people read my comments and say I must hate crackers LOL. Only a fucking idiot would think me of all people would wanna be one. Fuck no
Racist piece shit go Fuck yourself.
You of all people can’t go nobody racist with them comments you leave. Even the klan would say damn bitch, get off our dicks at this point.
first you bleached ya brain/ then you bleached ya skin/ then you started letting penises reach up in/ ya asshole and you loved every minute of it/ that’s why ya mouth always open so men will fuck it!!!
Come to N.Y. I’ll expose you on Facebook and worldstar marty.
Sounds good but you think them niggas that robbed you was bad? I’d take more then your money from you bitch.
He’s right Marty don’t argue.
he’s delusional!!!
Lol he’s a racist piece of shit.
No bitch, thats you, you just too much of a coward to admit it.
Homo almost are you comments is some gay shit about assholes, or dicks or aids or some shit. You been talking like a faggot for more then a week. Kill yourself.
you killed ya self when you caught aids!!! there’s no cure you know!!!
There’s no cure for your level of ignorance nor your infatuation for homo shit.
you still gone die so………!!!
Your mama
Your daughter
No he’s just as stupid as your dumbass.
Shut up You’re a wannabe.
You idiots say I hate white people but then later say I wanna be one? Foh, I’m not white and I’m cool with that and proud not to be. You on the other hand act like you sad you not a cracker are accepted by them.
…And I’m sure the disproportionate prosecution and incarceration of young black men, for petty crimes committed in higher volume & frequency by their white counterparts has nothing to do with it. Nor does the lack of disposable income which affords so many young white girls/women access to alternative contraception like $50 plan B pills and $300 abortions. I’m sure these things don’t skew these “statistics” at all. Not to mention, the most current measurement of this topic is nearly a decade old, and likely doesn’t represent the contemporary population.
To claim racism is a lie requires you bury your head extremely deep in the sand, and members of EVERY single ethnic demographic will agree. Setting aside any internal issues the black community may have to overcome, still leaves a very large elephant in the room that you seem to have chosen to make a part of your interior decoration. That ignorance kicks your credibility square in the nuts.
Black poverty is not only an American thing . Worldwide , darker skinned people are more likely to live in poverty than their lighter skinned counterparts . India where the lighter skinned are better off than the darker skinned people . In South Africa, despite 20 years of majority rule and laws which enforce blacks to be employed over whites , the majority of the black people still live in poverty. 20 years on , one can no longer blame the apartheid government when the president spends 240 million on enriching himself with a lavish home . The notion that the lighter skinned people are responsible for the predicament of the darker skinned races poverty needs to be re examined and to see why the darker skinned people generally are more prone to live in poverty .
Actually, an examination of history does just fine. In India, their society has some of the oldest documented institutionalized racism, via the Hindu religion and the Brahmas. A theology that proposes social levels are innate to skin-tone, with the lightest being the head of Brahma, down to the darkest being his feet. They still have “untouchables” there today, who’s cast-shadows are deemed unclean, are only allowed to eat from broken dishes, and who can only wear the clothing of the dead and must carry cups around their necks to catch their spit. This theology, as well as the swastika symbolism and Aryan distinction was adopted/corrupted by Nazi occultists.
20 years of forced human rights by a minority population that held the majority in utter destitution and continues to close avenues of upward mobility for that same majority population; while also being supported militarily as an occupying force in that land. A land that also underwent nearly 500 years of Trans-Atlantic slavery, and over 1200 years of slavery and oppression under the hand of Islam. A land that is also resource rich and critical to the future development of European, American, and Asian interests, who exploit the land and people, corrupt the government, and disenfranchise the indigenous populations. When you mention those of darker skin all around the planet suffering from the same low level of existence, you also ignore the centuries long perpetuation of black degradation advertised worldwide by the most popular and power media force on the planet- immigrating from a country who just “kinda” started treating those people of color with fairness a generation ago… So recent that my father suffered under it.
These issues don’t fix themselves over night, and certainly not in any expeditious manner, while slavery is still allowed to legally function in the US via the prison industrial complex and privately owned prisons needing occupancy. Nor, while the aforementioned occupying entities are still exploiting and disenfranchising lands to which they don’t belong. You also can’t pretend to be astute on Geo-politics and not account for economic hitmen who install, empower, or embolden leaders who are complicit with their agendas, or simply arm and position rebel factions to remove progressive leaders that would threaten the foothold of foreign interests. Corrupt leaders are representative of the greater population- it’s often those who are corrupt who seek to seize powerful positions, in the first place. We can go much, much, much deeper into this topic and the surrounding factors, but unless you’re able to look at both ends comparatively, it’ll frankly be a waste of time. Why waste so much time on speculation and conjecture rather than just being real about it or better yet – silent about it? …Because u have an agenda of trolling and race bating.
Can’t take anyone serious who starts every sentence, “Say hey, what’s happenin potna”
That was a good way 2 show these haters you got intellect