New Music: David Banner x Trinidad James “Amy”
May 13, 2016 @ 2:58 PM EDT

While we wait—and wait for David Banner’s The God Box, he questions the use of the N-word on this track featuring Trinidad James.
in retrospect to all gold everything….not bad, i like the concept
get this wack shit outta here.
David banner use to rap like Cadillac on 22’s & like a pimp & get like me this nigga all of a sudden try & preach shit & try motivation talking why this nigga doing this NOW! SMH
David banner should stop rapping and focus more on producing.
He raps for a reason… Ed
Oh well he should stop cause he’s corny
Outkast came out rapping about pimps and cadillacs and then talked about other things only a couple years later. David Banner been rapping like 15 years now, he aint just gonna talk about two or three different subjects for more then a decade. He’s older so his thinking matured. Also most people talk from two different perspectives. They may talk to their friends about some pimps, hoes, cars, guns and sex and then go talk to their children about motivation and positivity.
Because he gained knowledge… and he it’s called will power… When you know you’ll know
Shut your Ed ass up moron…
Whatever cornball
TJ lost his deal and experienced what the industry was about… I’m sure DB blessed him with some personal knowledge..
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Not feeling the raps but that beat is tough as fuck.
This is dope! Beat is real nice, bangin’… Banner still got flows too and he actually saying something!