New Music: Maino x Uncle Murda “Shooters Everywhere”
May 13, 2016 @ 8:42 PM EDT

Drive Bye
Over Madeintyo’s “Uber Everywhere”, Maino and Uncle Murda pull up and pop out on their new remix. Duck down and hail a cab.
I fuck with it
I’m always out there esco don’t get me confused my nigga.
not feeling it
same thing they always talk about and their last song was about
no growth.
It takes hood leaders to lead the youth.. We should all just come together end violence and envy against each other… And take a look at whats really going on with the world… And that’s the system… If the system doesn’t change soon we are all fucked and the world will be like a robotic world full of nightmares… I’d rather not live during that time anyway… But I’ll help change what I can while I’m here… Everyone els should do it too…. WAKE THE FLYING FUCK THE FUCK UP… STOP BEING lazy and cool People.. WAKE THE FUCK UP…
Nigga tha shit violent crime is not going to end! Wake up yo self tha system don’t give a Damn about stopping crime! & this song Go HARD!
hmmm you sound unintelligent…. no time to waste here…
Nigga you sound unintelligent! tha system won’t fix shit tha white man don’t give a Damn about crime in hoods wake yo Dumbass up!
Calm down brother and reread what Radio Raheem wrote. He’s not talking about the system stopping crime. He’s not talking about ‘tha white man’ stopping crime. The brother said “WE SHOULD ALL COME TOGETHER”. Then he followed it up with, “I’ll help change what I can while I’m here”. He was just stating his opinion. It’s cool if you disagree. As a grown man you should be able to get your point across in a calm manner without all the disrespect.
We can start to end the violence by learning to be civil to one another.
As-salamu alaykum
Thanks for the follow up and the knowledge K/O ! I won’t waste time too much with minds that obviously need growing… Can’t really learn unless you unlearn 1st…. can’t unlearn unless you use the power of will which is the magic behind this universe… Einstein struggled… But he found his way….. I wonder how… Oh I wonder how…
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