Troy Ave Released From Hospital; No Bail

Bad News
Troy Ave was released from the hospital today after recovering from last week’s gun shot wound to the leg. He was wheeled into Manhattan criminal court where he plead not guilty and held without bail.
According to Assistant DA Christine Keenan, three guns were recovered from the van that drove Ave to the hospital. Ballistics confirm one of the weapons was used in the shooting.
While the investigation is on-going, his lawyer, Scott Leemon, says Troy was victim and not the assailant. His next court date is June 9.
“What really happened here is Mr. Collins here is the real victim. The person who was killed at this event, he died a hero. He (McPhatter) was his bodyguard. He wasn’t shot by Mr. Collins. He was a lifelong friend. This 11 seconds of video that the NYPD released, it doesn’t say what happened before, it doesn’t say what happened after. The scientific evidence will show he didn’t shoot himself. This was another rush to judgement. In this case he’s the victim and should be treated like the victim.
Dammit man, Mr. Ave looks worried as fuck.. Guess he’s realizing all that “weirdo” talk is about to railroad his entire case. New York made him, and New York will be bring him down…. That crab in a bucket mentality is not a good look nor beneficial to anyone NY… #Chinx, #Freaky Tah, #Big L, #Scott La Rock, #Jam Master Jay, #Stack Bundles, #Bsb and Troy Aves career, #Gs9 and Shmurdas career, #RIP to commonsense and kinship amongst blacks in New York. Holy shit black boys LOST.
Exactly. Like he’s actually popular online because people love to say how much they don’t fuck w/him. Now this. That whole night was unfortunate. I hate that a black man is gone over it & now another one is facing time. NY is home of the niggas w/the screw faces so you can’t alienate yourself because these young niggas ain’t subtle. They’ll take the props from being the one to take you out the game. This is just sad.
Sad stuff man…
bra niggaz get killed everywhere…. ny aint the only place…. bankroll fresh, doe b, lil snoop, keak the sneak, pimp c, … u jus said the dumbest shit so u can get some likes…
Keak the Sneak is not dead.. I think you meant The Jacka.
yup dats who i meant
i aint mean keak the sneak lol… i meant mac dre but rip to jacka too….
And Pimp C died from a over dose he didn’t get killed
FACTS! I didn’t even want to name other cities…but shit more rappers die in ATL and Chicago than anywhere else in the past 3-5 yrs!
Yes, I know that you illiterate buffoon. I’m addressing NY particularly because Troy Ave is an NY based artist. Secondly, all the names I provided died from gun violence, hence the common denominator.
Did I hurt your feelings by stating the obvious? P.S I live in Vancouver and nigguz die everyday… I’ve lost two of my closest homies to gun violence.
jus realize u said the dumbest shit ever… u net niggaz be thinkin yall really tmz and stating dumb ass comments…. was some dumb ass shit to say bout ny wen all rappers gettin killed in every state…. nd yea i live in cincinnati and rappers gettin knocked off in my city too so i guess we crabs in the bucket…. stfu
Responding to your noncomprehending ass was my mistake you fucking somnambuslitc imbecile.
WTF you talking about??? Do you even know how and why some of the people you mentioned lost their lives?…bc I doubt you do growing up in Kansas! FOH!
And I’m not a Troy fan…he’s a clown…i don’t wish jail on him though.
He fronted and now he gotta pay the piper!
NY is fine…it’s more unity here than a lot of other cities. There’s actually things to do here, so we don’t need to gang bang and do dumb shit.
Are there dumb people here? YES! But overall things I good.
Karma or.. nah? =/
Be safe tho
This doesn’t look good for Troy Unless there was legitimate self defense, it would seem the charges should also include assault with severe bodily injury and attempted murder..
Never snitched never will nigga.
Whatever nigga
I love fucking your mom, Vladimir.
Sonic aka multiple account holder.
This doesn’t look good for Guzman’s attackers, unless he never picked them out of a line up. The charges also include Assault with severe bodily injury and attempted murder.!!!!! Fucking rat!!!! Snitch!!!!! Robbery victim!!!!!
suck my dick home boy
Troy fucked up!!! When keeping real goes wrong!!! Should’ve kept his ass at home!!! Don’t know why these dudes be getting caught up!!!!!
this nigga face look like he just came out of an episode of beyond scared straight LOL
Joey badass somewhere rubbin his hands like birdman
Do You People Know Who Scott Leemon Is? Troy Ave Can’t Even Afford Him Really Someone Like 50 Had To Get That Lawyer For Him. He’s Gonna Beat This Case I Guarentee It
Scott is a legal bully. He’s good at what he does
A very LARGE portion of Hip Hop is like the soundtrack to a homicidal mentality and its driving the street cannibalism thats destroying its own people.
maybe the label his sign to but claim not be sign to is paying for it
If he 50 lawyer Troy going to JAIL LOL!!!! I’m just bullshittin’.
Word on the skreet they all ready know who the other shooter is. But shit dont involve me.. so we’ll see.
50 hooked him up with a good lawyer
yo mama should of flushed you down the toilet faggot ass 50 stan
50 don’t have a GOOD lawyer!!! The JEW UNIT just LOST 50 30 MILLION DOLLARS!!
this his criminal lawyer, 50 aint ever spend a day in jail
Troy Ave new name is Troy StatePenn
Since when is shooting up a public place a good idea? Gotta make better decisions people.
So complicated. How does he defend himself without ‘snitching’. How does he make his story believable and sympathetic to judge and jury without perjuring himself. He knows who killed his bodyguard, what he has to hope is that someone else will ID the murderer so he can say they already knew.
Strong cosign. Great read of his legal posture. He will have to attack all the ballistics evidence against him and that might be possible for the gun in relationship to the person who was killed or the people who were injured. They can spin a lot of confusion around the weapons that fired those shots. But how do you build an effective self defense story without painting someone else as the guy threatening your life and possibly shooting at you and your team? How do you do that without naming names? Tricky situation. If they can negotiate away the murder or attempted murder charges he would do better copping out if he’s concerned about his street cred. But Manhattan DA probably not gonna offer much if more video footage and ballistics tests come back looking strong against him. Very tricky.
by simply realising that there are more things valuable than the street shit, Troy Ave fashioned himself as a street rapper and forced himself to live that way and he’s paying for it…sad really
I see what Choo did their. #snitch
If thats really u, u are what we call a stupid fuck. Mikey aint really say shit but do play on words of yall names. but there u go calling him snitch when u really just snitching on urself by calling him snitch. U better off off the internet
Just saw what Meek Mill put on IG.
The fuck is wrong with him?
Even though meek is paid, he is not too bright
Don’t know why there’s all the hate. Troy is consistent and will be around for awhile long as he keeps making the good hip hop he’s been making. He is a real nigga.
White men love “real niggas” cause their killing off their own people while also making them multi millionaires because they keeping loading up the prisons with a cheap labor force that makes products and goods for them that fill the pockets of white people all over the country. White men thank all the “real niggas” for doing for them what their afraid to do themselves. Openly gun down as many black people as possible.
You stay bitching about white people! On behalf of all us – Shut Up! White people did NOT tell him to shoot up a club. Find something else to bitch about for once. Your comments read like a bitter homeschooled know-it-all who blames everything that EVER happened to him on white people no matter the circumstances. Spreading your hate on rap blogs is Hustling Backwards 101. Congrats! #ClaytonBigsby
PS – Keep your response. Not interested!
Read the comment again bitch, I’m talking to “real niggas” in the comment not crackers. I don’t have to blame white people because thats like blaming a wolf for being a wolf or a devil for being a devil. I expect whitey to play his role as the architect of the matrix, my comment was directed at niggas that think they “Neo’s” for doing the work of Agents Smiths on their own people of Zion.
“America is the only civilized nation on earth that doesn’t hold any responsibility on the source of the influx of thousands of guns being pumped into their communities, legally and illegally.
Fuck white people but my comment was directed at niggas.”
Q: “America” – Who are you referring to? You’re American. Are you not? If you aren’t, don’t worry about our country. And if you are, what are you doing to better the system? Kicking bullshit knowledge? Just because you think that you know everything isn’t doing shit for anybody. Knowledge without application is worthless knowledge. Apply yourself or shut up.
Q: If you hate white people so much (which it’s blatantly obvious, then I’ve got news for you buddy, we’re not going anywhere. So why waste your time on every rap blog complaining about us? I’m not complaining about you! What are you doing to better the situation? *Jeopardy theme music*
Q: How is your blatant hatred for white people working out for you? You’ve been resorting to rap blogs with your pro-black propaganda for well over year because you’re the only CLAYTON BIGSBY of the internet, “Marty McFly” (Lmfao that name never gets old, what an idiot)
Q: Why do you think that copy and pasting shit that you heard on Fox News equates to you having this “all knowing” knowledge of how the US works?
This is OUR country not YOUR country. Get used to it or there’s the door. Go find other haters of white people and start your own colonization under your hated filled ideals. I’ve seen other black people call you out on multiple occasions for you trying to fight hate with even more hatred. Double edged sword, idiot. Doesn’t work that way. If you want segregation then separate yourself, not everybody else. If they feel the same they’ll figure it out themselves. You’re hate filled parasite.
Bye, Felicia aka Clayton Bigsby.
America, who I’m I referring to? The country of AMERICA you dumb mothafucka.
This is not about me knowing everything. What I say, you can go look up and check yourself.
I don’t hate white people. I said FUCK WHITE PEOPLE.
I didn’t ask white people to go anywhere so if they don’t that doesn’t concern me. What I’m I doing to better the situation? I don’t have to do nothing to make white people’s situation any better. I have done things to help my people but again FUCK YOU CRACKERS.
Again, I don’t “hate” white people because to “hate” them, I have to really “feel” a strong emotion toward them. I said FUCK THEM, this implies I have no feeling about them at all, other then fuck em.
I never copy and pasted anything FOX News has said. Fox News is a white supremacy network, clearly thats not the perspective I comment from.
Any black person calling me out is a coon, crab or uncle Tom. The last black person that you saw call me out? Thought that if black people didn’t live under white supremacy that they wouldn’t know how to feed themselves and put food on the table… Thats the kinda black person you saw trying to call me out. A nigga that literally thinks black people can’t survive without white people delivering food to them smh.
I didn’t say this country is mine but I have just as much a right to it as you do so if you want me to leave? Then you first bitch.
“I don’t hate white people. I said FUCK WHITE PEOPLE.”
Dear Clayton,
Can you please explain the difference? It appears that when backed into a corner your intelligence level seems to diminish by the millisecond. I didn’t ask what you can do for white people. Trust me, you can’t help anything with hatred.
“Any black person calling me out is a coon, crab or uncle Tom.”
Ah, the ‘ol fuck anybody who doesn’t agree with my nonsensical hate-filled rants. You’re basically the Kanye West of rap blogs (with a shitload of hatred sprinkled in) constantly bitching and complaining “But, but the white devil and fuck you crackers”) lmfao you’re originality is at an all-time high right now! Whew! you’re on fire! Damn, Daniel! Lmfao.
“I didn’t say this country is mine but I have just as much a right to it as you do so if you want me to leave?”
Ugh! Clayton, Clayton. Never said to leave and you know it. Read my comment again, Slingblade.
And last but DEFINITELY not least, your encore:
“Black people should separate themselves from you devils. For the last two thousand and a half years 99% of whites interaction with blacks have been with wicked intent to kill, destroy and oppress black people. So again, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK YOU TOO. Fuck your mothers, fuck your fathers, your brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts down to your wet dog smelling children.”
Bravo, Clayton! Bravo.
I can tell you the difference. When we talking about “HATE” along racial lines between black and white? White people would like to say its the same level of “hate” between the two? There’s not. I can’t honestly say I can bring myself to the level of “hate” white people have reached towards black people. Thats an impossibility for my heart to do but I can say fuck them.
I can’t “hate” somebody cause the skin is another color but I can say fuck white people based upon historical and present day reasons that give black people the ammunition they need to say fuck em. See you’ll just suggest this must be some kinda blind hate towards white people because they must have never done anything to make black people feel some kinda way? Gtfoh
*Street Fighter voice* YOU LOSE! PERFECT!
Thanks for playing, Clayton! #ClaytonBigsby
Ether!!!! Lol
There are multiple points in my comments that can’t be “ethered” because there historical facts. So simply saying some shit like your stupid or your a hateful person when I put information on the table that has been confirmed as a fact isn’t enough to ether anything.
the ether isn’t so much about the “facts” you may have stated, but more so about your character, as you even took the time to reply to a comment that wasn’t even addressed to you.
Thats some weak ass ether then and that says more about your character then mine. Especially if its “isn’t so much about “facts” I “may” have stated…
Thanks for the bravo, you should clap for my comments cracker.
It is YOU, that should clap for my comments, Clayton. Such a hate-filled dummy.
Again, I didn’t say I hate them, I said fuck them. You think its the same thing? Its not.
“You are the eternal ENEMY of black people and I wish you the same death and destruction your kind has brought upon every nation of black people since you came out the caves a couple millenniums ago.”
You were saying?
Thats right, 100%. The fact that most black people don’t hate white people is amazing to crackers. Even white people in their heart feel they deserve to be hated by black people and they know it. Yes whites are the eternal ENEMY of black people. How many more centuries of racism must black people undergo before they realize that? I should hate you crackers. I wish I had enough”hate” to hate white people but “hate” in its true form is something only a cracker can really have. Black people are too connected to “spirituality” (not “religion”) to ever really truly hate because we don’t have that kinda spirit in us to do that. Thats something white people know alot about, not black people. I really should hate crackers though cause they do deserve it for sure. I’ll work on it.
“Even white people in their heart feel they deserve to be hated by black people and they know it.”
A: Nope. I don’t feel that way at all. But again, thanks for the assumption.
“Yes whites are the eternal ENEMY of black people.”
A: Nope again. That’s how you feel. Speak for yourself. This is your argument. We learn this is speech and debate. Smh.
“Black people are too connected to “spirituality” (not “religion”) to ever really truly hate because we don’t have that kinda spirit in us to do that.”
A: *SUPER DEEP SIGH* Again with the assumptions, Clayton? This is YOUR opinion, you don’t speak for an entire race (and so glad you don’t) just like I can’t speak for the entire white population. See what I did there? You make it extremely hard to digest any thing that you type because all of your arguments involve assumptions and dragging entire races through the mud as if you speak for each and every one of them. Definitely not the case. You cannot and I repeat CANNOT speak for an entire race as if you’re the all knowing. You’re a kid, I can tell. Probably born in the mid 90’s. Only an adolescent is this angry all of the time. Until next time, Clayton Bigsby!
I’ve heard it said and implied several times by white people that black people do indeed have more then enough reason to feel a way toward white people. I’ve heard white people say if the roles were reverse? They would go to WAR over it.
As far as whites being the eternal enemy of black people just being how I feel? No, I have over two thousand years of information leading up to today that clearly shows white people have been attacking black people for 99% of that time period and EVERYTHING black people have gained has come from YEARS of fighting for it and dying for it.
As far as black people being too “spiritual” to “hate” to the same degree as white people? To this day black people have not dished out the same level of hate back towards whites as whites have done to black people and the “spirituality” factor plays a huge role in why black people have not and I can also back that up with information going back centuries.
Again, I am speaking for me, you keep implying that I am attempting to speak for the whole black race? No, I’m speaking for me BUT if I have to prove what I’m saying about black people with historical and present day FACTS? I can do that in order to show without a shadow of a doubt that if anybody black decides to say fuck white people? They have every right to do so.
See you keep saying I’m making assumptions? No what I’m discussing can be confirmed as facts. You say I’m dragging an entire race through the mud? You can’t show where I did that but I can show you where white people have been dragging black people through the mud for generations… THATS the difference.
“If a so called Jew says fuck Germans? People know why….”
____________* DEEP SIGH, CLAYTON *____________
But they don’t, Clayton. Do you know why? I know that you know why. Maybe it’s time that you do the same.
Yeah they know why? and I do, do the same. I say fuck white people for the same reasons the so called jew says fuck Germans. Only their holocaust only lasted for about a decade. Black people’s holocaust went on for over a thousand years…
*EVEN DEEPER SIGH* That’s not what the Jews are doing or saying right now, Clayton! Once again, you’re assuming. You conduct a survey amongst the remaining Jewish population on regards to their personal feelings towards Germans of today? Didn’t think so. It’s about time that you start speaking for yourself. On YOUR behalf and not others. A good argument involves self reflection, not scrambling for ways to drag others into your nonsensical hate-filled rants. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence is well aware of both the Holocaust and Slavery. How can we not with angry people like you (who was never enslaved to begin with) blaming everything on “crackers” and crusading for the death of all us (on a rap blog of all places which is even more comical in itself) You’re just a talking head. A dog who chases its own tail. You live in the past with no sign of the future. Are you this shitty of a person in public? I can’t see anybody wanting to spend more than 5 minutes with you without wanting to off them self. You’re going to give yourself an aneurism wth how angry and hate-filled you are. #ClaytonBigsby
Jews today still feel like fuck Germans, just like Native Americans today still feel like fuck white people. Don’t get it twisted. I was speaking for myself but you don’t know how to read and follow the context of what’s being said. When I say black people have a right to feel some kinda way towards whites? That statement (and several others like it) implies there are differences in how black people feel. Again you have niggas out here that honestly believe they need white people to even survive smh so I’m aware black people don’t all think as I do. You think my argument is nonsensical? Ok, everything I say about white people? Can be googled and confirmed as fact so its not nonsensical. Now you say I’m “blaming” crackers? But if the shoe fits they gotta wear it. Now people say black people today were never “slaves”? This comes from those that don’t see the the injustice system and the industrial prison system as a form of slavery. Black people being hit with decades over non violent offenses as slavery… So you think the racism I’m describing is just a past thing, its only history and isn’t active today on a mass scale? I don’t think so. Now I didn’t say I’m crusading for the death of all white people but if you wanna tell that lie then go ahead. Again, you call it “hate”? I say I can back up EVERYTHING I’m saying about white people with information confirming that its true. Thats not “hate”.
And FUCK WHITE JESES TOO, his bitch ass never existed.
Not sure who “WHITE JESES” is but I don’t believe in religion either way so you’re wasting your breath on that one, shithead. You’re a hate-filled talking head, Clayton. Nothing more. Nothing less. You have the intelligence of a short bus student. Buh bye, Felicia aka Clayton Bigsby!
WHITE JESUS is the spiritual entity cracker believe in so they forced in into the minds of other races and gave them death if they didn’t accept. You confuse this with “hate”? Thats like telling a Native America he don’t have a reason to feel some kinda way about the slaughter of his people… Its not “hate”, its the return to sender of the same “hate” crackers have been dishing out for generations.
You white? How do you know? Don’t assume. Exactly how you wouldn’t appreciate if white people assume your religious beliefs. Come on, Clayton. You can do better than this! Really rooting for you here.
No I aint white but as far as white people and religion goes? You can go back through history and see how white people feel about other races religions and whether or not they respect their right to their own spiritual systems or not. They don’t. You say I’m assuming shit? I could go through generation after generation and show as FACTS that what I say white people do aint an assumption.
Damn, Clayton! Back at it again with idiotic assumptions! Were you there? No?Exactly! You read something, you run and paste it on a rap blog.
Again its not an assumption, when I described how white people feel about white Jesus? Thats very real, it aint no assumption. You wanna challenge me on the subject? Cool lets go back to Serapis Christus which was made up a few centuries before Jesus and for those that believed in him were called Christians… How the fuck you have Christians before Christ? Now why is this important? Because I start there just to start to unearth and unpack just how evil white people are and have been and just how deep their hatred runs…
Back at it again with the all to familiar “Let me quote something that I read in Bible study” comment. Save it, Clayton. Copy and paste FICTION, Clayton. All religion is FICTION, Clayton! Have you ever seen anybody walk on water? Turn water into wine? Part the sea? Nor have I! That’s something that we both have in common. What you think you know is nothing more than a fairy tale that you picked up in a classroom. Save it, dummy.
Here’s your all-too familiar strategy:
“Fuck you, cracker! (super edgy and original btw! noticed how I haven’t once let your hatred infect me? I’m not here to call you racial slurs. That’s pure hatred, Clayton.) See, I leave that up to the unintelligent, feeble minded shitheads like yourself! When you get backed into corner, you begin copying and pasting ridiculousness that you’ve read or overheard at bible study or philosophy class in an attempt to either misdirect the real question at hand or to discredit us in any way shape or form to make it appear that you know what you’re ranting about. Ultimately it just leads to how hateful you are. You’re an easy debate. Smoke and mirrors, Clayton. Game. Set. Match!
PS – You have to stop doing this to yourself! You look ridiculous
Oh you must think I’m cosigning “religion” or white Jesus? You aint read and comprehend my comment correctly nor do you understand the implication of why it was said cause if you did you would see it aint no fiction. The comment’s not about whether or not the stories in the bible or true? Its about what I said about white people using that as a weapon against black people… I didn’t quote the Bible either. Now you say its nonsense? Clearly you don’t understand the implications behind a religion that white people take very seriously. You say I’m copying and pasting what I’m saying? Aint too many places to copy this information from. Most people still have no idea what I said in my comment because its not written any place where somebody black would get it.
Again, this is not hatred. This is me returning back to crackers what they have dished out on black people. You can’t back me in no kinda corner cause you aint saying nothing. If anything you completely missed what was even being said in the first place and the reason for why it was said. Again, I aint quote nothing from the Bible and the fact you think I am only further demonstrates your stupidity.
You say I’m missing the question? No, the difference between what you call “hatred” in regards to me vs white people? And the difference between the two? I don’t hate over skin color? I have not done to white people what they have done to black people. Black people have GOOD REASON to say fuck white people. THATS what you don’t comprehend. Its not a fuck you with nothing behind it. White people “hate” with nothing behind it but pure hatred. I say FUCK WHITE PEOPLE because black people have a reasons to say fuck white people. THATS the difference. Its not a fuck you cause your skin is white? Its a fuck you for your ACTIONS against black people for over a millennium. If somebody Native American says fuck white people? People know why… If a so called Jew says fuck Germans? People know why…. Somehow when it comes to somebody black saying fuck white people? People like you are clueless as to why a black person would say such a thing? You can play stupid with yourself but not with me cracker. Fuck white people.
The comment wasn’t about how you feel about white Jesus? Its about how the masses of white people in america feel about white Jesus? And that plays a huge part in the justification for how they mistreat other races in america and abroad. That is the tip of the iceberg to how sick white people are. THAT you can NOT even comprehend cause I can tell by your responses you can’t. Now you’ll come back just with some basic reply about me being wrong but you’ll have NOTHING to correct anything I said with and neither can white people because they know ALL the reasons I say black people have a right to say fuck em? Is a documented fact in terms of crackers.
Religion is just one chamber of the kinda “hate” white people have subjected other races to but its goes beyond just “religion” as well… Nobody white really wants to have this discussion cause if everything is brought out? They’ll say black people have more then enough reason to say fuck them too.
So much for not being interested in his response. You idiots been arguing for 11 hours and for something so stupid. You guys both take Ls hahaha
he will be in jail for awhile you mean
From rap bars, to jail bars and bars of soap.
the good old american defense, just create an alternate story and try to bend reality