New Music: MikeWillMadeIt x Rihanna “Nothing Is Promised”
June 2, 2016 @ 11:22 PM EDT

Pass The Limit
Looks like Ri Ri got her money. Over MikeWillMadeIt’s production, Ri Ri balls until she falls on their new collabo. Pick up the track on iTunes now. MikeWillMadeIt’s Ransom 2 is coming soon.
This shit good! Always like hearing rihanna sexy voice on hiphop beats!
They got this bitch doing the Migos shit now too?
leave RiRi alone lol
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It don’t matter rihanna voice is sexy as Fuck! & it sound good!
I currently get paid around $6.000-$8.000 on monthly basis with an online job. Anyone prepared to complete basic at home jobs for 2-5 hours /day from your couch at home and earn decent paycheck while doing it… Then this job is for you…
Rihanna sounds like Bruce Jenner. Dej Loaf looks better than this bitch.
what the fuck does that even mean you upvotin pussy
It means that she looks and sounds like a tranny, you dickriding pussy.
fuck you basin her looks off of? the 1/2 a face painting? shes bad as fuck. Guess you like your girls with pit hair and long dicks ya cock kissin fag
Stop projecting your inner homo onto others. She has no ass or tits.
you like your girls with dicks bruh. she’s fine and the day you stop upvoting your own shit is the day she’s not you punk hoe
Why do you keep talking about dicks? You have a lot of gay thoughts on your mind clearly. Come out of the closet. Lmao
lmao lmao you’re right i’m gay AF. you a fuckin 12 year old girl sayin lmao still? all about the haha’s these days papi
– lonely stalker
Sorry, I like girls.
sounds alright
only cause it’s Rihanna???
Yeah you right
You can’t think for yourself, type of nigga that need something packaged & marketed…