Chris Brown; Ray J Manager On Kanye “Famous” Video
June 27, 2016 @ 1:31 PM EDT

Naked Truth
Kanye’s “Famous” video is becoming more infamous than he intended. When Ray J asked about the video, his manger Wack 100, told TMZ that, “If they didn’t show Ray J with his dik in Kim Kardashian’s mouth then tell Kanye to go back and reshoot that shit.” Yikes!
Chris Brown on the other hand, was more level headed and asked on his Instagram handle, “Why I gotta have the plumbers butt/ crack showing WAX figure?😂😂😂😂. This nigga KANYE CRAZY, talented, but crazy 😭😭😭”
I mean? He has a point. Just saying what everybody else is thinking. Hilarious nonetheless!
Ray j adopted parents… Floyd and 50 cent are not liking the video either lol lol
But he put out I hit it first while they were together. N!gga emotional for no reason. Ray started it. Ye finished it
Ray J help make the brand, and now it seems Kanye is using the brand to keep himself in the media.
kanye is pulling some 48 laws of power type moves using what makes him look bad to keep him afloat lol
Damn right
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And whiteboys such as yourself using the racist term “NIGGAS” these days?! Amirite? You should know better, Donkey Boy Dusty! You’re Italian, which is white. Stop being a racist fuckface! #DonkeyBoy #HeeeHaaaw #RacistWhiteboy
You’ve had mac DIESEL’s dick in your mouth since day one you carbon copied piece of shit! Find your own identity, Dusty Tay Tay! #DonkeyBoyDusty #HeeeeeHaaaaaw
You already what it is, Dusty! You ain’t black, fuckboy! Stop with the “niggas” comments! #HeeeeeHaaaaaw #DonkeyBoyTayTay #DustinTheseNutsYouRacist
The bul Wack 100 is making his rounds in this west coast industry hahaha. first he laid out Stitches, then told Buck to catch this fade when he see em, and now put Kanye on notice…
buck was supposed to catch dat fade like 4 months ago and nothing happened
He was emotional too, must be his period…blood
I never understand the mind of the ignorant cat.
He mentions Kim K giving Ray J neck like Ray J didn’t have his dentures ALL in her box & ass in that clip!…that’s like looking at a homegrown porn clip and the nigga who posted it is labeling the chick as a hoe/thot, etc…YET he’s fucking the chick RAW DOG!!!
Cats really be talking and acting bullet proof!
It’s funny watching the RR staff arguing with each other in the comments under disguised names to bring some relevancy to each post that goes up. I pay attention to a lot of sites comments section and RR’s are just too damn scripted for me. Lmfao. Continue on though…..