1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    quavo stepped it up a little.

    1. Lorettaasmith4 says:

      <<o. ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!fn354m:….,….

    2. iLLbeYo5to9 says:

      I think quavo is the best out the poop*

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:


        1. iLLbeYo5to9 says:

          Basic Pee*

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            That track was aight though.

          2. iLLbeYo5to9 says:

            Rat pack buzz light hoe*

    3. RTH says:

      i think quavo is the breast out the group*

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Lol breast

        1. RTH says:

          love tits tho for real

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Me too

  2. Guest says:

    Everybody sounds like a robot nowadays. Auto-Tune has ruined music!

    1. Sonic #TrumpSupporter says:

      Auto-Tune made music better.

      1. Troll Patrol says:

        Troll harder, Sonic.

        1. Sonic #TrumpSupporter says:

          1. Learn to detect sarcasm.
          2. Get an education.
          3. Vote for Trump.

          1. Troll Patrol says:

            Troll harder, Sonic.

          2. Sonic #TrumpSupporter says:

            1. Learn to detect sarcasm.
            2. Get an education.
            3. Vote for Trump.

      2. Lillyasmith4 says:

        <<o. ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!fn364m:….,……

  3. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    Great music!!

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