Drake & Friends At MSG; Taunts Hot 97

Madison Square Drake
Drake and Future’s four-day residency at Madison Square came to an end last night. Saving the best for the last, Drizzy brought out Cam’Ron, Juelz Santana, Remy Ma, Fat Joe, and J.Cole. During Future’s set, T.I. blessed the stage. At the close of the concert, Drake said “This is the real Summer Jam, what have they done for New York recently? I don’t know”.
Hey Ma #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/JO1NUTiBZD
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
Oh Boy #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/lXAuQb7Mh5
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
Dipset Anthem #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/eAXuhA36b1
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
Fat Joe & REMY Ma – All The Way Up #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/jeXOldU5CI
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
Remy Ma killed it!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/PguFt95b1o
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
J Cole – No Role Modelz #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/9gKw1iWB0m
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
J Cole – Planez #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/8dJAZ7Pokq
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
T.I. – What You Know #SummerSixteenTour pic.twitter.com/nxO9FrCJ2e
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2016
Drake – "This is the real Summer Jam, what have they done for New York recently? I don't know…" pic.twitter.com/qL892jcMD9
— Dody (@vietbrah) August 9, 2016
Pretending he’s down for culture look at this poser .. fraud ass culture vulture ………..
How is he a culture vulture when he got Black in him!
OMG man don’t you fuckin get it .. drake is a fraud bruh big time .. why you think he so angry/worried and attackin flex an them niggas … they kno hes a fake ….
He got Black in him he mixed!
he can be green for my part … hes a fraud . rap cred null and void will never give him a pass in rap now that he been exposed …….
Exposed by who?? He got over a million sold on views even tho it was a garbage album other people still liked it and it was number 1 for Over 8 weeks he is not going away any time soon
hes a fraud he claims to be best rapper but needs ghost writing help .. fuck sales nigga … he’ll never be top 5 he does not write his own shit …. meek mill ended the rap legacy he was aiming for ….
Meek mill ended him LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂 that nigga Drake back to back him! But Eazy E did not write his raps but people say he great??????????????????? WTF & people still clown meek mill to this day he clearly lost
Eazy never claimed to be a rap God and the best rapper alive! And we all knew he didn’t write them. He never claimed he did.
Kendrick Lamar is the best rapper out now
how the fuck he supposed to act when random cats keep coming for his head when he aint did nothing to them.
stop takin drakes sperm to the eyes for once … nigga then you will see why he’s the biggest fraud in the history of rap ….
I knew time the Funk Flex vs Drake beef started Drake would team up with Charlamagne. Charlamagne turning into a bird these days.
Who is Drake?
The person you listen to all the time
Does anyone respect Drake as a rapper? He’s a pop star. He puts on a fake voice and uses ghostwriters. He should just ignore this and enjoy his tween/female popularity, he has nothing to gain and everything to lose..
This can’t be a real person. Fucking robot take a break from posting.
This is not a robot
Co-fucking-sign! Kid is an obsessed weirdo.
Robot 😭😭
He not a pop star ! He a R&B singer that sometimes rap I only like his rap songs like Energy or Back to back or songs that he got that are just rap! No R&B singing songs
He’s not a rapper
He do some rapping! he not a full time rapper
Neither is Taylor Swift. But she raps on some of her songs too. Drake a pop star. Take the Drake hair brush out of your ass and maybe you can stop clenching your eyes and see Drake and his tweeen girl fans for what they are.
Nigga Taylor swift never rapped 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what tha Fuck was that excuse??????? But I hate when that nigga Drake sing tha shit is garbage! But when he rap it’s good
50 has his own career unlike most of these bums. He ain’t sitting around getting high waiting for the phone to ring like Juelz.
Drake already brought 50 and G-Unit out at an Ovo fest and bowed down to him while praising him and calling him a legend.
You should have said officer Ricky and meek mill hold these Ls
Dickriding at its finest
Why do you feel that everything is an L for 50 Cent? What about Nas, Jay-Z or Puffy. They weren’t there either just like countless other NY legends… Your need to get 50s dick out ya mouth! That man has accomplished more success than most of these people you staning for.
I fks with T.I. he use to come to NY in the summer to see his pops. He gotta chance to see, experience and was exposed to the original rap scene. His lyrics are concrete when he raps. He took the best of both worlds NY and down south. No other rapper raps with a vision like his in the south as he does. Red carpet.
aint you from new york> why wasnt you there? why werent they bumping some micahel markidis beats? did none of your 7 facebook friends want to go with you?
Who is Drake?
Ask your local DJ
the nigga who pissed in your mouth …
the hell is ya dumb ass talking bout fag
line up bruh your turn to choke on drakes dick is comin up …….. they also found out 6pm in new York was a reference track also ……
You cant win a war of words with Drake fans. Too many of em out here jack. Sit down and enjoy history. Its gunna get to a point where you gunna wish this kinda shit happened because the way hip hop is going, you wont see this anymore.
too bad he ended his own career in the process, LOL
na he just lost the battle he can come back stronger .like Hov did …
Dont compare zeek to hov
sorry dude its just a reference ….
Word. Never seen so many haters. These haters today expect you to actually be a stupid gangster to be competitive in rap. All these ‘gangster rappers do is polute the airwaves, walk around intimidating others like the slave master that gave them permission to, on the plantation. Give it a rest. Gansta rappers have a short vocabulary. ‘I kill, I do your girl, I do your daughter, I got money, you dont.’ Ok you ran out ammunition now what? Cause you saying the same thing.
I don’t want to be the gangsta rap defender here but you clearly didn’t listen to YG’s album Still Brazy did you?
Historically, gangsta rap has probably done somewhat of a disservice to the black community and I can’t deny that. It is however a window into understanding a lifestyle that exists, one way or another and it’s an artists’ right to express themselves. If they choose to express themselves through Hip Hop and tell their stories, who are we to look down on it?
There is a thin line between glorifying a gangsta lifestyle and expressing your experience. I believe, you see the WWE type rappers who are just glorifying it and the real gangsta rappers, giving you the reality of it aswell, the good and the bad.
Do yourself a favor though, listen to YG’s Still Brazy album and hear for yourself, a man who is/was a gang member, give you a truly conscious and socially aware gangsta rap album.
Respect due to SchoolBoy Q and Nipsey who give you both sides of the story very well also.
Did you read what I said about gangster rap? Have any of these guys said in their rap what I wrote about gangster rappers saying? If not then they are not ganster. I judge gangster rappers because they are glorified. Ganster rap is not somewhat of a disservice. It is a plague to the black community. You know how many ganster rappers were killed in Chicago alone ? Did you know Rick Ross can’t go certain places because of his mouth? Did you know 2pac tried to play gangster? Do you know how many rappers have gotten shot and or killed in the last ten years over beef and nonsense? Maybe you haven’t googled rappers killed in the the last five years. Why is it trouble always follows rappers like YG even tho he’s not a gangter. If it was me I’d start changing my lyrics for the better. Change my environment. You speak into existence what you say. He raps women are hos and bitches. Then get away from them. Why you on they nuts. You dang straight I judge and you should be judging to. Oh what, now black entertainers and black people want to come together now because we getting shot by white cops? What about the black on black crime that everybody just turns their head that’s been going on since forever. If we can complain about cops in our environment then we can complain about ganster menaces to society who are in our own hood. Who are we to judge?
Bro don’t get gassed by black on black crime. Proportionately, white ppl kill each other almost as much as black ppl kill each other. When I say that, I’m saying statistically about 90% of murders of a black person are committed by another black person but 82% of white persons murdered are done by another white person. So what you realize is that race on race crime is more about proximity. The levels are the similar in other areas where the same race is grouped together.
But on to the gangsta rap shit. Rick Ross isn’t a gangsta rapper. YG is a gangsta rapper. There is a difference. One glorifies street culture and one is a former gang member.
When I speak on gangsta rap, I only refer to real gang affiliated ppl who rap, not the guys pretending and glorifying a life they don’t or have never lived.
I don’t respect ppl who just want to glorify the negative. If you are going to spit about violence or gang culture, then tell the whole story and that’s why I respect YG, SchoolBoy Q and Nipsey Hustle.
Now back to the cops killing us vs us killing us…… There is no shortage of black ppl going to jail for dumb shit they have done. When a black person kills another black person, it doesn’t usually go without somebody paying for that crime. Police arrest most of these ppl. What black ppl are upset about when a police kills them, esp when unarmed, is that nobody is usually held accountable for that death. It’s the injustice that ppl are protesting. These officers should be held accountable, even if it was an accident because the average citizen would be and police officers are hired to protect and serve citizens, paid with tax payers dollars, they should be held to a higher standard.
Why wouldn’t I get gassed?Black on black crime is real. Blacks don’t grow up to hide behind shields and guns to kill white ppl. We know Rick Ross is not a ganster. He raps gangster ish which has made him a target for some gangs. There are unsolved crimes in Chicago for rappers who have been killed. Rappers who are gangster always has someone who targets them. Anyone who raps gangster I guarantee you someone somewhere is gunning for their head because they consider it a challenge whether they are talking to them or not. Males are challenging by nature. I don’t consider YG ganster but he talks about the environment. I see hes been shot 3 times, and in a fight with another gang on stage. Need I say more. I mean if he keeps around that environment hell be rapping some even realer ish. Like I said rappers who say theyll kill you 100 ways in 5 rap songs destroy the mentality of a community. Facts
I just gave you an example that should explain to you why black on black crime is NOT actually a thing. Every ethnic community, is more likely to be killed by someone of the same ethnic/racial background, especially if they live in the same general proximity. Understand that what I’m saying is, yes black ppl kill other black ppl and at a slightly higher rate than the lvl of other ethnic communities but we aren’t out here trying to dissect white on white crime or even discussing it in the slightest. What about Indian on Indian, Asian on Asian crime?
I also tried to explain that race on race crime is irrelevant in the discussion of police brutality.
And on the issue of gangsta rap and it’s effects on the community, I already stated it has likely done a disservice to the community. There’s not much more to be said there.
I really only responded to your comment to share some gangsta rap music that is not poisonous to the community and is actually good for the community. That’s YG’s Still Brazy, again, you should listen to it before just ranting about gangsta rap being completely negative.
If every rapper that rapped about “gangsta ish” content was a target for gangs, so many more rappers would be being actively pursued right now and many many more of them would be gunned down.
I do understand that if you speak about a certain lifestyle you are going to attract more of those kinds of ppl who live that lifestyle and their attention.
But don’t take a few isolated situations and apply it to all.
Rick Ross was a target because he pissed off one gang, the GD’s. Something specific and we know who the issue is with and why they had an issue.
If you don’t consider YG to be gangsta then who do you consider to be a gangsta rapper?
You keep bringing up these no name rappers from Chicago who have been killed. These guys are kids and young men, who grew up in a fucked up community that may happen to rap and we need to be actively working to fix that community but blaming gangsta rap isn’t the place to start. All some of these kids have is rap as an outlet but rapping gangsta isn’t what’s getting them killed. I’d argue that it’s the environment that they’re in on a daily that’s the issue.
My dude. I don’t know how much more best to explain this to you. These rappers in Chicago do rap about other gangs members naming foes in their rap and making the news of someone retaliating on them. I give these what you call no name rappers, a name. That’s disrespectful. Anyone who wants to cause harm and distress to someone for profit or for fun is gangster. Gangter rap is a scourge. Your saying my exact sentiments about Rick Ross. And I do take a few isolated incidents and apply it to all because this will not be the last time we here of violence in the rap game. You attract the kinds of people on what you speak of good or bad. Every race has an issue but we’re conscious enough as black ppl to know what the problem is amd correct it. If we came together like other races know we don’t, we’d be a dangerous force to reckon with , like some other races are
Youre right about one thing. We didnt know. Please explain where the rest of the world was at when this happened? Maybe reading an article about Drake going double platinum or something idk….
I just wanna feel liberated
6pm in new York is a reference track also ….. check the news on datpiff …
The whole Drake vs Hot 97 thing just seems like he pushing this beef to just do another thing Jay has done. “Got beef with radio if I don’t play they show, they don’t play my hits… well I don’t give a shit sooo!”
He be wanting to live in Jay’s moves a little bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if he flip that line in a song at some point.
Like “Got beef with Hot 9 7 cause I don’t play they show, they still play my hits.. and I don’t give a shit.. nooo!”
And Drake’s fans will either act like he is great for doing that (like he did it first) or act like he did it better than Hov in some weird stan twisted logic.