The Game ‘1992’ Cover

Once Upon A Time …
Inspired by the cover for Doggystyle, the artist behind the drawing, Daryl “Joe Cool” Daniel illustrates the artwork for The Game’s forthcoming album. Says Game:
#1992 cover art [FOR GAME FANS ONLY] by @jo2cool_the_artist is inspired by what was going on in my life, my city & the world when I was 12 years old coming into my teenage years: The Los Angeles Riots, Michael Jordan & the #DreamTeam featured above on my shirt won Olympic Gold… Crips & bloods were both pulling me in both directions & joining one of the gangs was almost a normality for a young African American male growing up in Compton & the surrounding areas of Los Angeles County….. Rodney King getting abused by the cops was an unforgettable incident & caused mass hysteria worldwide & the famous OJ Simpson car chase/trial was a huge worldwide televised situation that racially divided a country…. So these are some of the many topics based around my childhood touched on in this album Thst I wanted to include in the artwork….. I thank @jo2cool_the_artist (most known for doing @SnoopDogg’s 1st album cover #DoggyStyle) for pulling off my ideas & putting them into a dream sequence for me…….. I know my REAL FANS have been asking for album artwork & I know you’ll all appreciate this as I finish up album & prepare to tour the world & see all of your faces !!!!!! I love & appreciate y’all & im happy to bring this cover to you guys today !!!! #1992 #NOFEATURES #TheBlackWallStreetRecords #eOne #5thAmmendment #BloodMoneyENT
This guy doesn’t have shit else to say lol… We know you from Compton, we kno you were in a gang.. smh hang it up old man!
Stfu troll!!! You definitely never heard a game album to be saying that dumb shit!!
My opinion is a troll now?. Got it ! Eat plenty dicks!!!!
It is a trolling statement because it’s far from truth and its OBVIOUS you have never heard a game album in its entirety to say that bullshit you just stated!!!
Game is one of the biggest cornballs in the rap game
Says the keyboard warrior knowing he still is going to buy the album!!!
You are a bigger idiot than you portray yourself to be
Nigga yo name is cornholio. Fuck outta here.
Another grade A idiot over here
Another cracker who whacks off to anime.
Idiot confirmed.
Will he have a 50 cent ft tho hmmm
No features
Game been dropping dope albums the past year and this no exception!!! The cover itself says its going to be dope!
I don’t even think Game has a bad album, maybe just the Red Album but everything else is fire. It’s going to be time to consider him in the top 10 of all times at some point! He went against the whole G-unit, Jay, Joe Budden all at the same time and is still standing today!
you’re high, all Game shit been wack since “LAX”
Lies bro! Lies!
this nigga drops wack album, after wack album, after wack album
Game is a lame ass rapper, he makes a living of dissing rappers… After the success from his first album he thought he was too BIG… That why 50 cent fired him.
50 made his living dissing rappers to where nobody important in the industry fucks with him but you a hypocritical spic to not to acknowledge that! Meanwhile Lloyd Bankrupt waiting on a release date for a mixtape and Buck finna be some inmates cigarette bitch!
Are you in banks pocket, how the fuck you he broke?
He’s a broke half a spic just like you!
Fuck you
And your mom makes a living sucking cocks in alleys just to get your wallet back!!!! Punk!!!!
I fucked your sister in a alley on the first date.
I’m hoping he and fif can get on a track.
he name dropping again
OJ was 1994 but I feel you…
so desperate for attention and to try and sell albums he out here lying about sexing up the kardashians
cover dope AF excited to hear this