Desiigner Gun & Drug Charge Dropped
September 10, 2016 @ 10:15 AM EDT

Desiigner doesn’t have to wish for a burner anymore. According to TMZ, weapon charges have been dropped against him after no gun was found following a road rage incident.The DA also dismissed the intent to sell charge. He’s not in the clear yet. He still has to answer to possession of a control substance and menacing charges. As of this morning, he’s still being arraigned.
What happened to the gun they supposedly waved at the driver?!?!? Almost every other day we get these BS stories. It’s almost like people just have to blow every story out of proportion just to get views or break a story.
Where’s your evidence that the initial story wasn’t true?
lmao at the nigga tryna cover his face
Great now we can get more of his awesome music 😂😂😂😂 by the way this ios10 upgrade is beast fuck android
Fabricated stories yeah right, sound like somebody dropped a dime…
Just like you did after you got punched in the face and robbed at summer jam!!!!
That’s unfortunate. They need to lock this nigga under the jail
No gun was found? So how the fuck did he get a gun charge to begin with?
Fuck these racist crackers and their bullshit system. Sue they ass for wrongful arrest.
Hey, smart guy. It wasn’t “crackers” who reported that. Fucking donkey. It was these Hip Hip sites that did. Stop blaming white people for everything and worry your internet gossiping habit.
Stupid crackers released the initial report and basically just arrested another black man for no reason.
Shut yo white ass up.
Sources? Where are they, Kris with a “K”? Where are these “crackers” responsible for breaking this falsified story? Fucking donkey. Uses racial slurs rather than intellect to prove his point, yet his point went unproven. Typical uneducated, finger-pointing bigot. When all else fails, blame white people. These so called “rappers” nowadays deserve everything that comes their way. They bring this type of attention upon themselves. Their music brags about this lifestyle. What do they expect? Smmfh. Prove me wrong on that, Sling Blade.
Stop bitching. Salty ass cracker lmao
Obviously, intelligence isn’t your strong point. When presented with an opportunity to explain your BS accusations, this is how you respond. Typical undedicated bigot. Black lives matter, but this is how you treat us? Seems reasonable. Not once did I mention anything even remotely racist. Eat a dick, Kris with a “K”.
You think you are so intelligent but you are nothing but a little bitch who argues with strangers online. SMH at your bitch ass life!!!
You’re just as racist as an old white man from Georgia (search the definition of racism). Let me key you in on something, genius. Just because you’re black, doesn’t exclude you from being a racist POS. It’s goes both ways. Sonning you idiots is easier than Sunday morning. Have a nice day, Kris with a “K”.
You’re right! I hate stupid crackers!
Eat shit honky!
Racism doesn’t exist for white people.
a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.”
Where in this definition does it state that? Sit down.
He never said white people were inferior. He stated that designer is getting picked on like black men usually are by the system. I repeat white people cannot be affected by a system created to keep you at an advantage. YOU sit hoe.
*DEEP FUCKING SIGH* Re-read his comments and then come back to me, genius. You obviously have a learning disability.
I agree with you, but rather than Georgia; Alabama, Arkansas or Mississippi could be more applicable nowadays
WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES?! Post the link to these specific “crackers” that released the initial report and basically got another black man arrested for no reason. Post it! Racist assumptions, nothing more. You’re shitting on the race, but demanding respect? What a fucking donkey! You’re a complete douche bag, Kris with a “K”.
P.S. – Kompute that, Kris with a “K”. Lmfao! Trans-gendered ass name. Lmfao!
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No gun was found FOR THE RECORD. That’s all we can say, at this point.
How can you wish being locked up on anyone y’all some fags by the way this ios10 update is a beast
U call people fags then turn right around and try stunting on a phone update. The irony.
What exactly is the relationship between the two things mentioned to make it ironic? Y’all be reaching so much, I’m surprised you didn’t tear a ligament or dislocate vertebrae in the process.
Once again white people picking with black success. The same thing they did to Bobby only he wasn’t as lucky.
man the nigga kanye money is so good he didn’t get the charges dropped he made the whole gun disappear !! GOTTDAMN !! in YE we trust
Lolololol And then he made the kid sign a new 720 deal.
Mummmble Rap
publicity stunt