New EP: T.I. ‘Us Or Else’
September 23, 2016 @ 9:09 AM EDT

Black Lives Matter
T.I.P.’s been pretty vocal with the injustice and police brutality across America. Inspired by the recent tragic events, T.I. sounds off on this six track extended play. Guests include Killer Mike, Big K.R.I.T. and more. Stream it exclusively on Tidal.
Ti is among one of the most lyrical artists of our time i wish he could’ve collaborated with Shawty Lo
Shut up TI.
What about that needs explaining?
Because he’s rapping about social issues important to our community. I’m curious why you want that silenced
Sometimes the messenger overshadows the message. Some people are simply not built to get involved in certain conversations. It automatically delegitimizes the point of view they claim to be representing. The most effective thing T.I can do is to stop being a stereotype, get off the fake tough guy shit and be publicly unashamed about being a decent human being.
The message always takes precedent. You are engaging in an ad hominem fallacy, which is an obstacle to rational thinking.
lolololol You don’t know what you don’t know and this is the problem. When something lies outside your awareness of what value is it really to debate it with you. If you don’t think the person (and more importantly their credibility) delivering a message and the way they deliver a message affects how the message is received then I have nothing else for you. You must’ve been sleepwalking through life or your deliberately being disingenuous for the sake of this conversation.
I used to think like you…then I grew up. You can take value from almost anyone. I think you need to look up the definition of a fallacy
Who says you can’t take value from anyone? I think you need to scrutinize your thoughts a bit more closely before you type them. You’ve clearly not understood what I’m saying. The folks with whom T.I has any credibility aren’t the folks who need talking to about these things.
He would be better suited for the let’s stop killing each other message . That is where he would be most useful. Not on the “stop oppressing us” message board. I’m done – thanks.
If what T.i is saying is the TRUTH? Then it is what it is. You know how some people wanna hear real shit from a nigga that really came from that life? Ok well here you go…
People like T.I are part of the problem. He’s merely deflecting. His like are a cancer to the community.
I highly doubt any community sees T.i like a cancer. Millions of people around the country aint out protesting against T.i.
And tell Justin Beiber to speak up on stop killing yourself too since white lead in those statistics and rape crimes
No it doesn’t overshadow the message, he has a platform and a voice that’s louder than any of our voices. Maybe he is in his transition phase, anyone who speaks up at this point deserves our respect. Why would you say he not suppose to speak up? Cause of his criminal past, did u say the same thing about Malcolm? You sound confused or white. If you are white no need for a response I know your stance.
Malcolm had a criminal past. He didn’t have a criminal image or a storage room full of content promoting criminality and self-destruction. Put more thought into your rebuttals and your convictions and also make sure you understand what you’re replying to.
He had a criminal past but didn’t have a criminal image? What does that even mean, you defiantly didn’t think about that. I don’t even know where you going with that. Malcolm X served damn near 10 years in prison for breaking in people houses, with criminal history before that. So again why cant T.I speak for this generation, if a person like Malcolm X did for his generation. Your thinking is all fucked up. I never understood how Black folks will speak down on a person fighting for his and YOUR rights for equality, how can you say something bad for someone who is doing way more than you?
T.I can do whatever he wants as he’s obviously doing. What sort of retarded questions are these?
Further, on what stage, lecture or music video did you ever hear Malcolm bragging about, or even trying to prove his criminality? Are you being sincere with me? Are you for real? Does my perspective actually need explaining to you?
What fight for my rights is T.I leading? You’re deluded.
Was Arnold Schwarzenegger told stick to playing the terminator when he went to run for governor? Why my people got to stay in one lane? Oah I get it T.I suppose to stay on the stage, football players suppose to stick to playing football? That’s how you think. See where that one dimensional way of thinking gets you in life. Since T.I not up to your standards on speaking on human rights who Clean cut enough to put Infront of your prized white master to get his approval since he doesn’t fit your standards fucking slave.
I missed I rubber band man, this version of t.i. Is kinda ass.
Where’s the podcast at?????
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Nah this ain’t u t.i. Your a millionaire living in the hills u can’t help us anymore plus ur 49 talking bout helping blacks now go make dime trap about killing niggas that run up on u lollll fucking hypocrite
Fake af fabricated bs EP
Thank you for this brother. We need more rap like this in these dangerous times.
much needed regardless of what these degenerates comment about.