New Video: T.I. Ft. Meek Mill x Quavo “Black Man”
September 23, 2016 @ 4:33 PM EDT

Black Like Me
Coinciding with the release of the Us or Else EP, T.I. takes it to the streets in with Meek Mill and Quavo. What side you on. The full version is available to watch for TIDAL subscribers here.
You seriously recruited Migos who promote nothing but the usual Trapstar lifestyle for a BLM music video? Lmfao! Okay?
You’re an ignorant bitch… If they want to rap about seeing drugs in the community they can… It’s really happening… And the problem existed before hip hop so don’t jack me off with the “they promote it though excuse” get out of the comfy confines of your sub urb and look at what’s going on around you… I hope you’re not black.
Eat a dick, shithead. No longer your name any longer.
“Seeing drugs in they community”? “They community”?
Learn proper grammar, idiot. They AIN”T rapping about what “they” seeing, fuckhead. They’re GLORIFYING it! Always making excuses for your actions. Never accepting responsibility.
“get out of the comfy confines of your sub urb and look at what’s going on around you.”
LMFAO?! Another shithead assumption by Captain Know-It-All! 1) I grew up in the projects and got out on my OWN. 2) Got a college degree ON MY OWN. 3) Got a great job ON MY OWN. No fucking suburbs, genius. Eat another dick. Just because I’m white doesn’t mean that I haven’t been to the hood. I WAS BORN IN IT. How dare you assume that all black people come from the hood and all white people were somehow born with a fucking silver spoon in our mouths? SMMFH?! Fuck you, Marty. This is MY username now.
Any cracker born poor comes from degenerate ancestors. They had the same opportunities for free labor like everyone else. Your people were too busy drinking moonshine and fuckin their cousins.
Lovely assumption, Kris with a “K”. Now you understand WHY your silly protests fall on deaf ears. Fuck you, Sling Blade.
You’re a moderate racist honky who listens to hip hop. The worst of the worst.
It’s coo. You crackers buy music. Keep giving the black man your money with your clicks, engagement and purchases. We appreciate it.
Do you even read the nonsense before posting? You literally have the intelligence of a 3rd grader with a response this ignorant. I’ll flip it for you, ignoramus.
“Any n****r born poor comes from degenerate ancestors. They had the same opportunities for free labor like everyone else. Your people were too busy drinking moonshine and fuckin their cousins.”
How’s that? Not very nice, is it? COmes across SUPER racist, doesn’t it. The term “cracker” is just as bad nowadays. Eat a dick, Kris with a feminine “K”.
It will fall on deaf ears. Song was done with the wrong people for the wrong reason. No one on this song cares anything about the Blk man. Btw the mix is horrible!
DOPE. If white people don’t understand it then cool, they not supposed to. T.i my be the worst person to some people, that don’t mine he can’t wake and have a different perspective. T.i always new what was going on and since the first song on his first album (Still Aint Forgave Myself) to a song like What Happened on his first album which he’s discussing the same shit he’s talking about on this EP, T.i has shown an ability to speak on broader subject maters. Yeah he comes from the streets, yeah he hustled, shot it out with niggas and been to prison… So the fuck what? That don’t mean a nigga can’t voice his opinion about the larger society. None of you people talking down are in any moral position to cast the first stone, even if you feel you are. Just cause a nigga may come from a street background don’t mean the nigga can’t get wiser with age.
” T.i my be the worst person to some people, that don’t mine he can’t wake and have a different perspective.”
So the same goes for mass murderers, rapists and child molesters etc.? What does your ignorant comment say about these type of people, shithead? You’re a walking, talking, contra-fucking-diction! You underdeveloped racist. Fuck you, Marty! This is MY username now.
Analogy is horrible. Go fuck your self cracker.
Eat a dick, Kris with a “K”. Can’t profit (literaly filthy rich) from a street lifestyle promoting all of that BS you’re whole career and then decide to be an activist! Who profits from this dumb ass EP? Until I see an itemized receipt as to where the funds are going BESIDES his bank account, he can go fuck himself!
No, My comment was about T.i. No where in that my comment extends so far as to my opinion on these songs from T.i that I’m extending consideration to rapists and child molesters with my comments. Fuck No. And fuck you too for even thinking like that.
” T.i my be the worst person to some people, that don’t mine he can’t wake and have a different perspective.”
Literally ANYBODY can have a different perspective, fuckface! Murderers, rapists, child molestors, terrorists, you name it! Do they get a pass as well?! Fucking retard! This is MY username now.
I’m not accusing T.i or being a murderer, rapist, child molester or terrorist or even speaking on such in any capacity whatsoever but that ridiculous jump to extremes in the most evil of contexts is what people like you love to do because your argument is weak.
“Between white people and black people, its been an ongoing battle for three thousand years now… Give up on this notion of this overall unification between the two races. Its not gonna happen. What you see is overall a willingness to be civil because nobody got time to be fighting charges and going back and forth to prison all the time for fighting it out onsite but under the surface of society and these laws which serve as a barrier between the two races? We don’t fucking like each other. It is what it is.”
. . And HERE you are on 2DBZ promoting the same racist BS and people are on there calling you out as well, asshole. FUCK YOU! Racist POS. This is MY username now.
If you wanna make me the source of racism or the promoter of racism? Then you can do that but like I said to you earlier, either what I’, saying is a FACT? Or its not. If I can PROVE by using nothing other then historical fact that there has been overwhelming conflict on all levels between white people and black people for generations, centuries and yes millenniums… Then I aint “promoting” shit. I’m telling you what can be confirmed as FACTS. That don’t make me a racist and that too is a weak game that people like to play once the very very very long history between the two races is brought up. The messenger must be racist for speaking on racism in his message? No bitch, No.
YOU GO FROM RAP SITE TO RAP SITE BEING RACIST, AD-FUCKING-MIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is MY username now!
Oh no, its not racism. Its the truth that white people don’t wanna face or admit to.
…. That ALL white people are racist blah blah blah. NOT FUCKING REMOTELY TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT. You said that you caught a case against a cop. Like I said before, why not file a class action lawsuit if you were so innocent??!??!?! That’s because you WEREN’T INNOCENT. You’re probably STILL on probation and can’t even vote!! That would make me angry as well. Knowing that this is all you have is a laptop and racist fingers!!! My username now!
Actually I was innocent. The reason why I aint file a lawsuit against the cop is because one I was a 21 year old kid just trying to live my life? I didn’t know or think I could win any further action because they was threatening me with a decade in prison so I was already afraid to challenge the system and I was young, black and felt my life was being threatened against the cop and the court system. So when I was charged for assault for what I felt like I had to do to defend my life, no I didn’t take it further because I didn’t know better. In all reality, yes I was innocent. The cop pulled me over for no good reason and attacked me before even saying I was under arrest and he pulled his gun and tried to kill me. I felt I had to save my own life so thats what I did. I was a full time college student at the time with a full time government job and I was not in the wrong but of course me being black makes me guilty of criminality regardless to mothafuckas like you.
I don’t think ONE black person selling crack can destroy a whole neighborhood. I would say though the metric tons being flown in to black neighborhoods over generations of a chemical product that attaches to black people biology on a stronger level then whites and then laws being manipulated to bring in a war o drugs in which crack would be treated far worse then the coke being sniffed in the suburbs is a much much larger conspiracy then just one nigga in the hood….
You say I’m “generalizing” white people? You tell me, how many white people would it take to qualify my comments that can again be backed up by historical FACTS? a thousand whites? a million whites? ten million whites? How many whites does it take to show proof of what I’m saying as it regards to what we do know is already based in factual american history?
People like you will never have a “clean” conscience about this situation because once the topic of racism gets to “dark” for you? You can’t take it and you damn sure aint real enough to accept the full reality of just how evil its been and what race is responsible for its evil more so then the other in terms of whites and blacks in america. You don’t have enough to suggest black people should NOT feel some kinda way. I have OVERWHELMING evidence that goes on and on that clearly shows black people have every right to feel how I feel about it.
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I agree with ya…specially when u brought up his Im serious album! That intro track was dope!
The guy that cops killed in Charlotte His wife claimed he was brain damaged. If so, why was he in possession of a firearm.
Why is your ignorant ass in possesion of a smartphone?