Dr. Dre, Ice Cube & Big Sean Join Drake In L.A.
September 30, 2016 @ 10:10 AM EDT

Drake’s ‘Summer Sixteen’ tour made its way at The Forum in Inglewood last night. During the show, he brought out The Doc, Ice Cube and Big Sean for a surprise rundown of oldies but goodies. Welcome to L.A.
Meesha gon bring out Nicki, Kevin hart, and his L buddy ja rule at his DC4 release party if it ever comes out
DC4 is not coming out anytime soon… Meek know he will not be able to sell a whole bunch of records this time around. Drake’s fans are loyal…
What did drake write for Dre?
some wack song which was shelved with Detox.
Should’ve known it was Detox scrap metal.
Why dre and cube what happened to Kendrick
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