New Video: Fat Trel “What Would You Do”
November 28, 2016 @ 5:17 PM EST

Handle Your Biz.
In the backyard of the Nation’s Capital, Fat Trel’s asking the questions in the latest visual off his SDMG 2. Think about it.
Rozay’s muscle.
nah he unclogs Ricky’s toilets when it needs to be done
Well I guess he’s a plumber wannabe rapper.
One yr have passed since I finally quit my previous work and I never felt so good in my life… I started doing a job over internet, for a company I discovered on-line, for several hrs daily, and I profit now much more than i did on my office work… My check for last month was for Nine thousand bucks… Awesome thing about this work is the more time i got with my kids…
the irony in this and this sloppy dirty mf’er
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This fat sloppy drugged up nigga wack
It’s been 1 year since I quit my previous job and I am so happy now… I started to work on-line, over a website I found on-line, for several hrs every day, and I make much more than i did on my previous work… My check for last month was for 9 thousand dollars… Amazing thing about this is the more time i got with my kids…
One yr have passed since I quit my previous job and i couldn’t be happier now… I started freelancing over internet, over a website I stumbled upon over internet, few hours daily, and I profit now much more than i did on my old job… Last payment i got was for Nine thousand bucks… Awesome thing about it is that now i have more free time for my kids…
1 yr ago I abandoned my office work and it changed my life… I started to work from comfort of my house, for a company I discovered on-line, several hrs each day, and I earn much more than i did on my old work… My paycheck for last month was for 9000 bucks… Great thing about this job is that now i have more time with my kids…