New Music: Ab-Soul “Threatening Nature”
December 5, 2016 @ 12:55 PM EST

Nature Calls
It’s been a long time coming, but Ab-Soul’s new album #DWTW is set to drop this Friday. But in the meantime, he challenges theology and American history over PakkMusicGroup’s militant production.
Dusty Sonic Taylor – I Eat Ass • a few seconds ago
Got FRESH beats on deck! My son, Lil Dusty Taylor Vert should be posting the link momentarily under one of these troll names: “SMH” “Lmfao!” “FKA Lmfao!” or “Troll Patrol” HIT US WITH THOSE LINKS, DONKEY BOY!!! LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO!
Damn, Dustin! In high school you was a trans, Dustin!
#DonkeyInterrupted #DustySonicTayTay #HeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaw
u wish, old faggot
Going to need that link to your NYC studio so people can book sessions, Lil Dusty Vert! LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO!!! Copy this username, you trolling fuckface!!!!
Damn, Dustin. In high school you was a trans, Dustin!
#DonkeyBoyTaylor #DustinDeezNuts #LilDustyVert #SonicTaylor
U stll responding to trolls, faggot
I’m responding to YOU. It’s obvious, Dustin. You trolled the wrong one. Copy this username, fuck boy. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!
Damn, Dustin. In high school you was a trans, Dustin!
#DonkeyBoyDustinTaylor #LilDustyVert
Top Dawg was delaying his album for a reason.
The longer this nigga raps the Cornier he sounds.
you should probably do some drugs too. maybe you wouldnt be such a cornball loser
Really???? Dude is gonna go Christian after all the psychedelic shit?? The last album was some bullshit and this is the worst I’ve ever heard from him. Just another dude who has insane bars who could never figure out how to make a song.
“Its 66 books in the bible and they aint let a lady say 1 word”…
Several lines in this song are not a cosigning of the bible, its a critique of it. You can cosign “Christ” and not believe in “Jesus” at the same time once you recognize the story was an allegorical metaphor meant to express spiritual virtues with the story of a righteous character in an unrighteous land. First one has to challenge the bible in order to keep the fish and spit out the bones.
Hefty garbage bag……..
Lyrics on point.
OMG… it’s going down!
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Ab-Soul was the smartest kid in his high school cafeteria.
Intriguing. Might give it a spin.