New Video: Wale “Folarin Like”
December 7, 2016 @ 4:38 PM EST

Drunk By Myself
A day after releasing the audio, Wale takes a walk down a gloomy street with Nas’ instrumental and drink in hand. That Captain Planet line is worth the prices of omission.
This nigga Bdot got jokes! So, he not rapping in this joint Bdot?? Not a big Wale fan, but he rapping in this joint. Some thinking quoteables and of course some of the Big Sean corny bars.
I made wale bend over for his contract with MMG. Whoopie good it real good!
#Winning #LetsMakeADEAL
Wale has just got it…. the beat is classic and recognizable, cant go wrong.
This shit was fire……
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Let the truth be told, wale is the most Lyrical rapper in MMG.
He’s arguably one of the best lyrically.
Not just MMG. He’s one the best of his generation.
That you of all people thinks Wale is the best lyrical in MMG is already a good thing.
Outside of MMG wale is a short bus rapper.
Fuck wale
Wale got bars for days. One of the best of his generation.
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Wale is more sensitive than Johnson & Johnson. He ruined a classic beat. Had to listen to the original to cleanse my pallet.
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Wale went in on this one! Classic beat
Overrated…Leave this classic Nas shitalone with these wack bars.
price of admission…..B.DOT
Wale blacked out on the beat.
he fucking SNAPPED!