New Video: Z-Ro “OG”
January 20, 2017 @ 8:19 AM EST

Z-Ro’s status speaks for itself and he recognizes it and his fellow peers in his new video. Batter up, his Drankin’ & Drivin’ is available here.
good shit
GOOGLE is advising users to learn “Work at home” practice, that Loads of people have been doing for over twelve months now. This season alone, I made approximately $36k by far with nothing but my desktop as well as some extra time, even though i have a regular 9 to 5 job. Even most people not used to this, can make $50/per h easily and the gains can go even higher as time passes… This is how i started>>
z ro is slept on.
This is the way you can also make a very good income every 4 weeks… You can Try it on your own! After been without work for half a year, I started freelancing over this online site and these days i couldn’t be more happy. After six months time on my new project my monthly pay is around 12k a month…>>