Brooklyn Nets Honor The Notorious B.I.G.
March 13, 2017 @ 2:04 PM EDT

We Miss You B.I.G.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Christopher Wallace’s death, the Brooklyn Nets honored the late B.I.G. during yeterday’s Knicks vs Nets game at the Barclays Center. With the Wallace family by their side, Voletta Wallace and Diddy spoke to the crowd and unveiled Biggie’s banner. Brooklyn, we did it!
IT’S UNBELIEVABLE!!!!……..The people who own the Barclays Center (outside of Jay’s percentage of ownership) didn’t have to honor him at all & the fact that they did is MAJOR!!!
Well deserved!
No disrespect to big but the Brooklyn nets should worry about their 15-53 losing streak.
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