New Video: Ludacris x Ty Dolla $ign “Vitamin D”
April 10, 2017 @ 10:30 AM EDT

Lets Take A Look
Checking in the physician’s office, Luda drifts off and plays doc in his new video featuring Ty Dolla and a whole lot of ass. Get your daily dosage of that vitamin D and view the clip with caution above. Directed by Eif Rivera.
Dope Song! luda da man!
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Luda is done, fast and furious is keeping him relevant.
this song is Sisqo – thong song rip off.
HATERS on deck
cgi on you shest luda my nr hater HAHAHA rappers this day green screeen muskles HAHAHA
hope i ant sill PRETENDING ,… i doont like fat asses
dubbel snitches — bitch will never get close to my ritches ..
just see you claoming t be me with Ruddriders stuff — DUDE … you geting a devosrion FROM all you fucking cash man
snap cat HE AINT ME that for shuree MR cocian pedler
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