New Music: Eric Bellinger x The Game “Blazin Wit The Bros”
April 14, 2017 @ 12:44 PM EDT

Heads High
It’s 4:20 somewhere. But with 4/20 next week, Eric Bellinger’s prepping his Cannabliss project and shares his supply on this offering featuring The Game. Wait, yah nah blow? More for dem.
Dancehall old school song can someone remind me…
Heads High – Mr. Vegas
Music got hints of Genius of Love – Tom Tom Club
Weed is so overrated
Dude, this was a dope comment, gave me a great idea for a song concept! Big ups, and I agree! lol
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lol. Okay. Yeah lets do some coke and H. No wait better yet. Lets drink a bunch! Surely there will be no ill effects from that, ever!
Be sober or shut up. Fag.
I dont drink nor do drugs so shut your yapping for nothing faggot ass up. I bet I knock ur ass out real fast too, pussy.
yo this kid needs to smoke a joint and chill out b.
U aint no warrior, only in your dreams. Foh
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