Eminem & Paul Rosenberg Covers Billboard
January 25, 2018 @ 12:07 PM EST

Shady On The Board
Shady takes over Billboard for the print issue’s latest cover. As part of their Power 100 edition, the two discuss their history, business ventures, politics, Revival, Paul’s Def Jam CEO role while managing Em, blacklash, the future and much more. The full story can be read here.
These cats look sussss
Shady Records has signed two people who got shot in the face.” Let that be a lesson to rappers, if you aint no real street nigga lil 50 or conway don’t ink the deal, if you sign to Shady watch your back…or more likely watch your front..
…Both those guys lived. Maybe you should sign with them & see if you are just as lucky!!! Then again Shady Records isn’t trying to sign anyone whose only skill’s is giving Hand jobs & Head to Hillbillies & Hobo’s!!!
Aye mogul I’m tired of your BS maybe we should meet up and settle our score, you Don’t like me I don’t like you so why not shoot the fade.
They got eminem standing on a box or something? lol he definitely not bigger than rosenberg lol
they looking mad sus
yo, once you find the chair think about how it makes you look now:D
Whats up with ya’ll saying everyone looks “sus?” I think trying to identify who is “sus” is actually the MOST “sus.” Why the obsession?